“Why a GCR and Why Now?” by Hope Ranger – 4.2.17
Posted on April 3, 2017 by David RobinsonAmong the planets in the Universe, Gaia or Earth is unique and the most beautiful of all. Earth is considered by all the other planets of the Universe to be the most beautiful planet of all and the one most desired to be visited because of Her beauty. This is why Earth has so much attention all the time from the galactic neighborhood. The thing that makes it hard for them is that we have not evolved to the point that we are ready to be part of the Universe, yet, so they cannot reveal their selves to us yet.
Earth is a young beautiful vibrant planet that sings out Her beauty to the universe in vibration calling to all who are able to sense the vibrations like a siren. We are about to change our status within the galactic neighborhood and be upgraded to be able to receive visitors from our neighbors who are not of this planet. That restriction is about to be removed.
You folks realize, don’t you, that when disclosure happens our global financial structure will have to change immediately to work within the universal financial system? So all this talk of disclosure goes hand in hand with the global currency reset because our old world financial system will not work within the universal financial system.
Or do you not think all those folks from other worlds will NOT want to trade with this beautiful rare planet that they have admired for who knows how long and now finally they can visit and trade with us? Oh you can bet your bottom dollar that they are just waiting for the opportunity to begin exporting certain off world things and I am sure that part of what has been going on with this GCR is establishing treaties and trade agreements with certain off world civilizations to begin trading as soon as disclosure happens and the GCR does so that our finances will work with theirs.
Anyway, I was just meditating looking for something positive because it has been such a long dry spell without any good information regarding what is going on with our currencies. I had this I guess you could say vision quest where I was led to see our planet and how absolutely beautiful it is and how it is viewed by the rest of the universe. I was led to understand that what we are waiting for is so insignificant to the big picture of what is really going on but it is so very necessary because we will kick start this planet into the next level of existence with our money and we are who will get this planet ready to enter the universe!
Maybe the vast amounts of wealth they are talking about may or may not exist on this planet but that does not matter because once we start trading with the universe we will be bringing assets in from other planets and the wealth will just grow from there. So folks, we are not just talking about what is here on Earth and the amount of wealth or currency or assets or whatever you want to call it that will soon be available to us as we begin to trade with the universe is literally unlimited.
Just my two cents worth.
Hope Ranger
Thanks to: https://mainerepublicemailalert.com