Loud Booms, Rumblings And Shaking Felt State Wide as M3.4 quake Hits Mankato, Kansas
A M3.4 earthquake rattled Mankato, Kansas just before 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 4, 2017.
People reported loud booms and and strong shaking across the State.
Here some reports of residents:
I’m all the way in Russell and I knew there was no thunder but my some was downstairs and came running saying the loud noise and shaking scared him. I wonder if anyone else felt it here.
My house shook and a loud boom. Lasted only a few seconds here in Mankato.
Yep, like a bomb went off……..less than a mile from us
The number of earthquake per month in Kansas (January to March 2017) via kgs.ku.edu
Yes loud boom and windows rattled
We heard it. Sounded like an explosion
Just to let you know, they are getting ready to frack in the Flint Hills of Kansas and maybe push the Keystone pipeline threw Kansas. So it it is most probably linked to FRACKING, like in Oklahoma.
Thanks to: http://bendedreality.com