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1Benjamin Fulford - 4/10/2017 Empty Benjamin Fulford - 4/10/2017 Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:13 am



Benjamin Fulford - 4/10/2017 Ben_Fulford_Update__115834

Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave

Posted by benjamin
April 10, 2017
The Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia made a fatal miscalculation last week when they blackmailed US president Trump into becoming their slave zombie, Pentagon and other sources agree.
The Satanists posted videos of opium poisoned babies being murdered by doctors and used that as an excuse for Trump to order an illegal missile attack against Syria.
However, the real reason Trump ordered this illegal attack is because he is being blackmailed by the Satanists with a video they have of him murdering a 12 year old girl named Mary, Pentagon and CIA sources say.
Pentagon sources say the “Syria strike was done with advance notice to the Russian military for minimal damage while creating backlash and mass protests nationwide to fire Trump [Satanist] Khazarian handler Jared Kushner and purge the neocons.”
In case you find it hard to believe Kushner is a Satanist, you might ask yourself why he bought the building 666 Fifth Avenue that housed a company called Lucent Technology that was developing micro-chips to be implanted into humans, ie the mark of the beast.
Kushner is now an official target and is not expected to remain long on this planet, CIA and agency sources say.
In any case, another major reason the desperate Khazarian “cabal routed and launched the Syria strike was because Russia won the energy war when the EU dropped its opposition to the Nord stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany,” the Pentagon sources say.
The other thing to note about the attack on Syria is that it was timed to help the Khazarian Satanic Daesh mercenary army try to retake the temple of Baal (Molech, Set, Satan) in Palmyra. This attempt failed.
Now that Trump has been turned into a Satanist zombie the Satanist general David Petraeus has taken over the US National Security Council, the Pentagon sources say. His flunky, H. R. McMaster, is now the National Security Adviser for Trump and is planning to send 150,000 US ground troops to invade Syria, the sources say. “This won’t fly with the Joint Chiefs of Staff so were will be more shake ups,” the sources continue. Needless to say, sending 150,000 US troops to Syria would start World War 3 and lead to the death of 90% of humanity and the destruction of the Northern Hemisphere, so it ain’t going to happen folks.
The Israelis are also somehow deluding themselves that the US air-force will build a giant airbase in Syria now that that the Satanists heroin smuggling operations at Turkey’s Incirlink airbase have been shut down.
What we are witnessing is a desperate, battle of the bulge type offensive by the Satanists occupying the government of Israel.
“Hezbollah, Syria and Iran may be heavily rearmed by Russia to seize the Golan Heights since red lines have been crossed with tomahawks and Coptic church bombings on palm Sunday,” the Pentagon sources say. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon are joining with Russia and the US military to force the Israelis, the Saudis and their mercenary armies to stop their illegal never-ending war-mongering, multiple sources agree.
Despite the fireworks in the Middle East, however, the decisive action is taking place now in Japan and North Korea, CIA, FSB, Japanese military intelligence and other sources agree.
Satanic slave Donald Trump’s decision to order a carrier group to North Korea is connected to his orders for a nuclear attack on North Korea to take place on...

Thanks to: http://benjaminfulford.net

2Benjamin Fulford - 4/10/2017 Empty Re: Benjamin Fulford - 4/10/2017 Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:22 am



Benjamin Fulford, April 10, 2017 – Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave
by Gary Lite · April 11, 2017


The Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia made a fatal miscalculation last week when they blackmailed US president Trump into becoming their slave zombie, Pentagon and other sources agree.
The Satanists posted videos of opium poisoned babies being murdered by doctors and used that as an excuse for Trump to order an illegal missile attack against Syria.
However, the real reason Trump ordered this illegal attack is because he is being blackmailed by the Satanists with a video they have of him murdering a 12 year old girl named Mary, Pentagon and CIA sources say.
Pentagon sources say the “Syria strike was done with advance notice to the Russian military for minimal damage while creating backlash and mass protests nationwide to fire Trump [Satanist] Khazarian handler Jared Kushner and purge the neocons.”
In case you find it hard to believe Kushner is a Satanist, you might ask yourself why he bought the building 666 Fifth Avenue that housed a company called Lucent Technology that was developing micro-chips to be implanted into humans, ie the mark of the beast.


Kushner is now an official target and is not expected to remain long on this planet, CIA and agency sources say.

In any case, another major reason the desperate Khazarian “cabal routed and launched the Syria strike was because Russia won the energy war when the EU dropped its opposition to the Nord stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany,” the Pentagon sources say.
The other thing to note about the attack on Syria is that it was timed to help the Khazarian Satanic Daesh mercenary army try to retake the temple of Baal (Molech, Set, Satan) in Palmyra. This attempt failed.
Now that Trump has been turned into a Satanist zombie the Satanist general David Petraeus has taken over the US National Security Council, the Pentagon sources say. His flunky, H. R. McMaster, is now the National Security Adviser for Trump and is planning to send 150,000 US ground troops to invade Syria, the sources say. “This won’t fly with the Joint Chiefs of Staff so were will be more shake ups,” the sources continue. Needless to say, sending 150,000 US troops to Syria would start World War 3 and lead to the death of 90% of humanity and the destruction of the Northern Hemisphere, so it ain’t going to happen folks.
The Israelis are also somehow deluding themselves that the US air-force will build a giant airbase in Syria now that that the Satanists heroin smuggling operations at Turkey’s Incirlink airbase have been shut down.
What we are witnessing is a desperate, battle of the bulge type offensive by the Satanists occupying the government of Israel.
“Hezbollah, Syria and Iran may be heavily rearmed by Russia to seize the Golan Heights since red lines have been crossed with tomahawks and Coptic church bombings on palm Sunday,” the Pentagon sources say. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon are joining with Russia and the US military to force the Israelis, the Saudis and their mercenary armies to stop their illegal never-ending war-mongering, multiple sources agree.
Despite the fireworks in the Middle East, however, the decisive action is taking place now in Japan and North Korea, CIA, FSB, Japanese military intelligence and other sources agree.
Satanic slave Donald Trump’s decision to order a carrier group to North Korea is connected to his orders for a nuclear attack on North Korea to take place on
April 27th, according to Japanese military intelligence.
When Xi Jinping visited the US last week, Trump asked him why China did not crack down on North Korea. Xi explained to him that North Korea and Northern China were under control of a military group that he had no ability to influence, Japanese military intelligence sources say.
Pentagon sources, for their part say “Xi avoided the White House and the trappings of a state visit because Trump may not last long with his being blackmailed to serve Israel.”
That is why Trump had a hissy fit and ordered the aircraft carrier to North Korea to send a message to China and North Korea. No matter what though, “Trump will not be allowed to wage war,” Pentagon sources promise.
The real reason for Trump’s wish to attack North Korea has to do with the fact the Khazarians are about to lose control of Japan, their main cash cow (earning them over $2 trillion a year), now that drug and energy income is drying up, White Dragon Society sources and other say.
The reason is that the death of David Rockefeller has created a massive power vacuum at the very top of the Japanese power structure. The WDS and its allies have identified Japan as the key to permanently ending Khazarian mafia power worldwide. While there are an estimated 1 million Khazarian Satanists in the US, in Japan there are less than 1,000 of them. If the CSIS Japan headquarters near Tokyo Tower, the Bank of Japan and the Prudential building in Akasaka, Tokyo were occupied, that would end Khazarian control of Japan. This would bankrupt them and in turn would cause their entire planetary control grid to crash and burn.
In any case, we can confirm that Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa has now given up his claim that he is the new boss and that he has permission from Henry Kissinger to unify North and South Korea plus Japan and Malaysia to form a new country run by him.
Now there is another would be controller of Japan by the name of Takao Nashimoto running around telling everybody he is in charge. In fact he gets his orders from the Japan Foundation run by Ryohei Sasagawa. Sasagawa, for his part, gets his orders from the CSIS and the P2 Freemason lodge, P2 sources confirm.
The WDS attempted to contact new Freemason Grandmaster and CSIS boss Ralp Cosa last week but have received no answer so we may have to go knock directly on his door. Cosa knows that, if it comes down to a fight, he and his goons are outnumbered by about 1000 to one so, hopefully, he will yield peacefully.
If necessary, the gnostic illuminati, for their part, say they are willing to destroy Rome if that is what it takes to free humanity from Satanic Khazarian mafia control.
In a related development, Kissinger protégé K.T. McFarland was fired last week from the US NSC and sent as US Ambassador to Singapore. Singapore is regional CIA headquarters for Asia and so McFarland may be trying to carry out an Asian gold grab for her master Kissinger.
Meanwhile, back in the US, “the assault on the FRB continues as Richmond Fed president Jeff Lacker was forced out, while computers and codes to create fiat currencies were be seized to launch a global currency reset,” Pentagon sources say.

Japanese military intelligence are saying that physically occupying the US Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan and the EU central bank would be meaningless unless Henry Kissinger is captured and forced to hand over the master codes for creating dollars, Euros and Yen. That is why an all-points bulletin has been put out for the capture of Kissinger. If he can be captured and forced to hand over the codes, then quadrillions of dollars can be made available to finance a new age.
Japanese royal family members say that while a royal family committee has traditionally put its seal on requests to create new money, they always did so under orders from Kissinger, Rockefeller and the Khazarian mob. They are still too afraid to take independent action until they can confirm that Kissinger has been captured, the royal family sources say. That is because Kissinger has ordered the murder of many post-war Japanese prime ministers and politicians, they say.
Kissinger was last reported to be hiding in an Antarctic base and special forces are on their way to get him as of this writing.
On a final note, let us explain what will happen once the WDS and their allies win the battle for the planet earth. Our group plans to:
Announce a jubilee or a one-time write off of all debts, public and private.
Redistribute to the people all assets illegally obtained by the Khazarian mafia through privately owned central bank fiat fraud
Amnesty all non-violent prisoners jailed on drug charges
Nationalize privately owned central banks and put them under control of the people
Announce world peace and rebuild the international architecture to accurately reflect world demographic and economic reality
Set up a future planning agency so that the quadrillions of funds released to the people are used in a responsible, non-inflationary way to turn this planet into a paradise
Release the forbidden technology and start a major, heavily funded project to end death and disease thus making us immortal if we wish it
Have a truth and reconciliation committee set up so that people can learn their true history and that everybody is given a chance to make a fresh, clean start
Colonize other planets in the galaxy and expand into the universe
Benjamin Fulford - 4/10/2017 Donald-Trump-Syria-airstrike-789110
Source: benjaminfulford.net

Thanks to Gary at: http://369news.net

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