Free Energy Update - New Earth Nation Releases Free Energy Generator Called QT-PI
Source Link - New Earth Nation Facebook Page
New Earth Nation has made a historical announcement regarding a FREE ENERGY Generator called QT-PI.
It consists of 2 copper coils and a high frequency generator, which creates a magnetic vortex. It Plugs into your standard electricity output, which gets amplified over 300-400%. That’s enough power to run your average house appliances such as, lights, air conditioners, water heaters and cooking appliances. All the materials are completely off the shelf, using copper and a 3D Printer. The wheels are being set into motion to 3D Print larger quantities and create bigger power objectives. Market entry with governments are already in process of negotiations, and are helping to get it out to the people.
This technology has the potential to end war, disease and poverty.
Watch the Ancient Futures New Earth Festival Closing Ceremony where they present it to the people. or watch marketing video of the QT-PI at this link here
The free energy device demonstration begins at 54 minutes into the video Posted by enerch
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