Everything is Sound and Light (2.0)
Cube of Space (10^94gm/cm^3)
Used with permission of Wingmakers
“The human instrument consists of three principal components: The biological (physical body), the emotional, and the mental. These three distinct tools of perception, in aggregate, represent the vehicle of the individuated spirit as it interacts with the physical dimension of time, space, energy, and matter.” https://www.wingmakers.com/content/philosophy/
[i2] http://tinyurl.com/humanwater
[ii] Source Intelligence is the energy-consciousness of First Source that is cast into all worlds, all dimensions, all realities, all life forms, all times and places. Source Intelligence is the First Source projected into all that is. Source Intelligence, in effect, is the “eyes and ears” of First Source, and its role is principally involved in expressing, upholding, and sustaining the will of First Source. On a more personal level, it is a liberating force of energy-intelligence that serves to accelerate the expansion of consciousness and assist those who desire to unlimit themselves” https://www.wingmakers.com/content/philosophy/
[iii] J. A. Wheeler and C. Misner, Geometrodynamics, Academic Press, New York, 1962.
[iv] Wheeler, John Archibald. Misner, Charles M. Gravitation. Macmillan, Sep 15, 1973
[v] J. A. Wheeler and C. Misner, Geometrodynamics, Academic Press, New York, 1962. http://www.cheniere.org/images/geometrodynamicsP129a.jpg
[vi] As cited and described in the film Black Whole
[viii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI50HN0Kshg
[ix] Haramein, Nassim. Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract.php?iid=224&id=4&aid=1298#.UkhxJxB0mwc
[xi] https://www.simonsfoundation.org/quanta/20130917-a-jewel-at-the-heart-of-quantum-physics/
[xii] ibid
[xiii]Bush, John WM. Fluid Dynamics Mimic Quantum Mechanics. MIT http://phys.org/news/2013-07-fluid-dynamics-mimic-quantum-mechanics.html#nRlv
[xiv] Couder, Yves. http://phys.org/news/2013-11-oil-mysteries-quantum-world.html
[xv] Brown, William. Resonance Project Foundation http://resonance.is/news/quantum-weirdness-replaced-by-classical-fluid-dynamics/
[xvi] http://lyricus.org/ Music Introduction
[xvii] Mahu, James. Coherence of the Evolutionary Consciousness https://web.archive.org/web/20121017075151/http://wingmakers.com/music-hakomi4-6.html
[xviii] Mahu, James. Coherence of the Evolutionary Consciousness https://web.archive.org/web/20121017075151/http://wingmakers.com/music-hakomi4-6.html
[xix] Nagel, Christopher. “Light-the Architect of Matter”https://techtv.mit.edu/videos/26167-chris-nagel-light-the-architect-of-matter
[xx] Case, Paul Foster. Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages. Pg. 205
[xxi] DMT found in the pineal of live rats http://www.cottonwoodresearch.org/dmt-pineal-2013/
[xxii] Plato, Timeaues and Critias, D. Lee, trans. Penguin, New York, 1965
[xxiii] Rosen, Steven M. Quantum Gravity and Phenomenological Philosophy. CUNY
[xxiv] http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140116085105.htm
[xxv] Ringo, David L. Flagellar motion and fine structure of flagellar apparatus in CHLAMYDOMONAS
[xxvi] Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose. Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory. Physics of Life Reviews, 2013 DOI: 10.1016/j.plrev.2013.08.002
[xxvii] http://dipoleneurology.blogspot.com/2012/07/markrams-human-brain-project-will-fail.html
[xxviii] Rosen, Steven M. Quantum Gravity and Phenomenological Philosophy. CUNY
[xxix] Libet, Benjamin. Mind Time: The Temporal Factor in Consciousness. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 2004
[xxx] http://www.heartmath.org/index.php?tmpl=component&option=com_content&id=20
[xxxi] Childre, Doc Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.1, Mike Atkinson1, and Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D.2 Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 2. A System-Wide process? Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004; 10(1): 133–143.
[xxxii] Heartmath Research Center
[xxxiii] Childre, Doc and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.i, Boulder Creek, California Psychophysiological Correlates of Spiritual Experience
[xxxiv] Childre, Doc Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.1, Mike Atkinson1, and Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D.2 Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1. The Surprising Role of the Heart Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004; 10(1): 133–143.
[xxxv] Ibid.
[xxxvi] Zimmer, Carl. National Geographic http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2014/02/brain/zimmer-text Secrets of the Brain
[xxxvii] Nagel, Christopher. “Light-the Architect of Matter” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpNHw221trE
[xxxviii] Ibid
[xxxix] http://www.webelements.com/platinum/crystal_structure.html
Thanks to: http://themindunleashed.com
- Apr 18, 2017
Study reveals substantial evidence of holographic universe https://phys.org/news/2017-01-reveals-substantial-evidence-holographic-universe.html
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Can fluid dynamics offer insights into quantum mechanics? | MIT Newshttp://mitne.ws/1wgBmKS
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Calcite microcrystals in the pineal gland of the human brain: first physical and chemical studies. — PubMed — NCBI http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12224052
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In first, scientists use sound waves to control brain cells https://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-09-scientists-brain-cells.html
Water — which comprises 98% of the Human Instrument at a molecular level[i2] — behaves in a similar way to space, the medium for the slowest and densest forms of Light and Sound (energy and vibration). Space functions as an ocean-like medium for subtle particles and frequencies in a similar manner to Source Intelligence[ii], the field that interfaces between the Prime Source and individualized consciousness.
This text explores the similarities between these three media and elements through the lenses of science and esoteric traditions. Underlying correspondences are explored which may offer ways to reconcile fundamental discord in current understandings of science and consciousness. These three media play roles in transducing and modulating prime Sound and Light towards manifestation, and divest primeval Sound and Light of quantum and material densities towards reunion with their Origin.
Transformational practices such as meditation and various yogic disciplines have, at a practical level, the core intent of transmuting the Human Instrument into a clearer and more coherent vehicle for the reception and expression of Source Intelligence. Various traditions describe the expansion of consciousness as Kundalini rising through the chakras, lower metals transmuted into higher ones, opening the Seven Seals, seven stages of spiritual unfoldment through keys 15–21 of the Major Arcana, elevating the life force through the seven endocrine glands, and many others. These systems and modalities are mythic, archetypal journeys and practical tools for awakening, in growing resonance with emerging scientific understanding and theory.
As we will see, emerging physics are revealing a unified field created and sustained through dynamic geometric forms. This understanding is central to many of the world’s mystical traditions; these multidimensional geometries are the transformers through which formless Light and Sound is radiated into the infinite creative diversity of the worlds of Form.
Cube of Space (10^94gm/cm^3)
The predominant text of relativistic physics, Gravitation, notes “present-day quantum field theory “gets rid by a renormalization process” of an energy density in the vacuum that would formally be infinite, if not removed by this renormalization.”[iv] Each literal cube of space is 10^94gm/cm^3 “of field fluctuation energy in the vacuum”[v]; one centimeter of space exceeds the mass of the entire observable universe[vi]. The stars and galaxies are moved by unseen forces through invisible 4th-dimensional molasses.
Expanding and shifting this cube of space to its multidimensional and higher iteration is the Cube of Metatron. Twenty-two lines/paths in the Cube expand to seventy eight lines in Metatron’s cube, each line begetting an archetypal form unveiled in the Major, and Major and Minor Arcana, respectively.
In the western mystery tradition the Tree of Life is the dynamic structure through which consciousness transforms itself into the four elements within the dimensions of energy, matter, time and space. The eleven objective Sephiroth or dimensions are connected through twenty-two subjective pathways, corresponding to the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the archetypal keys of the Major Arcana. Similar in intent to eastern mandalas and yantras, the twenty-two Major Arcana are an archetypal journey into a 5th dimensional state and integration with the Source network. The Soul’s journey around the Cube of Space into reunion with the central point was first articulated in the Qabalistic Book of Formation, and developed further by Builders of the Adytum founder Paul Foster Case in the early 1900s. This journey elevates and expands individual consciousness from a water-based neurochemical soup, to a consciousness tuned into the subtle frequencies permeating space, towards the ultimate state of integration with the sub-quantum Source Intelligence network. The primeval geometric instruments used in the orchestration of creation find expression in nearly every wisdom tradition.
Eight symbols give rise to the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching; the first binary system, ultimately leading to 64bit computing. There are 64 classical arts listed in many Indian scriptures. The perfected Qabalistic structure is a 64 star tetrahedron, the Merkabah. The outside of a 64 tetrahedron has 144 faces, a significant number in the Juedo-Christian tradition. Its structure is a cubeoctahedron or vector equilibrium described by Buckminster Fuller, with eight star tetrahedrons placed into the negative space of the central, perfectly equilibrated form.
Both esoteric and modern scientists have arrived at a 64 tetrahedral structure as the fundamental form of “space”. In a recent paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass”[ix] scientists at the Resonance Science Foundation accurately predict the charge radius of the proton months prior to the LHC providing updated measurements. It exposits the structure of space as “Spherical plank units in a generalized holographic approach”, or a three dimensional Flower of Life.
This pattern has been taught by the mystery schools for millennia and has recently been described in modern physics terms by Nima Arkani-Hamed and Jaroslav Trnka’s with the discovery of the amplituhedron[xi].
“Locality says that particles interact at points in space-time. But suppose you want to inspect space-time very closely. Probing smaller and smaller distance scales requires ever higher energies, but at a certain scale, called the Planck length, the picture gets blurry: So much energy must be concentrated into such a small region that the energy collapses the region into a black hole, making it impossible to inspect. “There’s no way of measuring space and time separations once they are smaller than the Planck length,” said Arkani-Hamed. “So we imagine space-time is a continuous thing, but because it’s impossible to talk sharply about that thing, then that suggests it must not be fundamental — it must be emergent.”[xii]
Many recent discoveries hint that water, space, and whatever it is that space emerges from behave and resonate with similar principles and laws. Scientist Yves Couder has demonstrated that “quantum weirdness” can be reconciled and explained with fluid dynamics. His team was able to make a drop of silicon “walk” across the surface of a vibrating oil bath[xiii], perfectly mimicking the wave-particle duality revealed through the double-slit experiment, except on a macrocosmic scale[xiv]. Biophysicist William Brown expands on this, noting that:
“In fluid dynamics, it has been observed that two vortices, or eddies, when produced simultaneously (such as in entanglement experiments) actually remain connected below the surface via a vortexing tunnel — like a wormhole! This vortexing tunnel beneath the surface, would allow for a seemingly hidden connection between the “particles-waves”, and allow for them to be correlated even over time and space. Such wormholes were described by Einstein and Rosenberg (ER bridges) and later John Wheeler as a logical consequence of geometrodynamics — the topological description of spacetime. Could they now be used to describe the quantum realm as well? In his latest paper, acclaimed physicist Leonard Susskind, contributor to the holographic principle, demonstrated that the entanglement between particles may be due to wormhole networks in the structure of spacetime.” [xv]
If space is emergent, what is the root level of reality? The unifying principle underlying the apparent dimensions of existence has been understood by the esoteric schools for millennia; the inner nature of everything is nothingness (no-thing-ness).
How can sub-quantum levels of existence be accessed by the human instrument? If the brain is a receiver for higher dimensional sub-quantum intelligence, how does pure formless consciousness takes form in thought and word? How does sub-quantum light and sound — the radiance and music of consciousness — coalesce as created form, as neurochemistry and nervous system signals, as dreams, visions, and inspiration?
The creator of the Wingmakers mythos and works of the Lyricus Teaching Order, James Mahu, provides an answer;
“In the nascent science of cymatics, sound waves have been proven to generate geometric forms in matter. In the yet-to-be-discovered science of multidimensional reality, waveforms can be sculpted to enter biogenetic fields and catalyze biochemical processes, restore cellular health and trigger encoded electromagnetic fields within the cellular functions of the Central Nervous System (CNS).” [xvi]
Considering water as the three dimensional manifestation of a multidimensional sub-quantum field, with space as an intermediary, water’s infinite crystallized “sacred geometric” forms are perfect evidence of the above in the below.
“Figure 2 depicts this overall relationship between the inward connectivity of the individuated consciousness to First Source (God), and its interface with the external world of form and vibratory density. Spiritual sound helps to create an Interface Zone between the human instrument and the vibratory soup of the world of forms. This Interface Zone supports the human instrument’s mission and purpose, preventing its vibratory contamination as a vessel for the human soul and an outlet of First Source’s expression of Sound and Light, or what is sometimes referred to as Para Vach.” [xvii]
Used with permission of Wingmakers
From an experiential understanding of inner dimensions and the coherence between electromagnetic systems in the Human Instrument needed to sustain the at-times intense energies of expanded consciousnesses, spiritual practitioners have developed a uniquely advanced understanding of the inner workings of the universe.
“In the Cube of Space… this center is that point which is the fifth dimension. In it all spatial relations are united in a single “here,” and all time relations in a single “now.” The realization of this one point is the culmination of concentration…In cosmic consciousness the closed circuit of successive transformations of energy is, so to say, broken, so that the limitations of the physical plane and its three dimensions no longer bind the consciousness.”[xx]
Based on the accounts of metaphysical explorers; from this Point of fifth dimensional awareness the source of all mathematical, geometric, linguistic, and visual form can be directly perceived and understood. Many spiritual practices are designed to become a more relaxed and open window for the expression of these energies and intelligence.
The core techniques and practices for expanding consciousness are built upon the coordination of imagination — the generation of extrasensory images — and breath. Through harmonic resonance imagination can interface with the electromagnetic and quantum bodies and by extension the electromagnetic and quantum intelligence permeating the universe. Spiritual practitioners have developed complex systems of blending color and sound to heal and balance key energy vortices connected to the endocrine system, even stimulating endogenous releases of Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) from the pineal[xxi], and other powerful natural entheogens, at will. The shared keys and tools of the world’s spiritual traditions are aimed at orchestrating the energy centers of the human instrument to interface with and receive information and energies from higher, interdimensional planes of existence. As a result of this, divisive, reductionist, and separatist perspectives can make access to these states extremely difficult.
In outward focused states of consciousness the majority of brain activity is in beta (16–31hz) or gamma (32–100hz) wavelengths, passive observation and light meditation shifts brainwaves to alpha (8–15hz), in theta (4–7hz) awareness shifts from outward to inward creating the conditions for visions and extrasensory perception, eventually in deep meditation and dreamless sleep brain activity relaxes into delta (0.1–3hz) and even 0 cycles per second. In the delta state, meditation practitioners describe a sense of timelessness or eternity. Perhaps linear time is simply eternity condensed to a slow vibration, and brainwave activity arises from eternal timeless awareness focusing itself on time-bound phenomena.
Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff have revised “orchestrated objective reduction” theory in light of these discoveries, suggesting that EEG rhythms, and consciousness itself, arises from more fine and subtle microtubule vibrations.
Tubulin dipoles in Orch OR were originally described in terms of London-force electric dipoles, involving charge separation. However we now suggest, as an alternative, magnetic dipoles, which could be related to electron spin[xxvi]
In an article by Dr. Huping Hu and Dr. Maoxin Wu titled “Spin as Primordial Self-Referential Process Driving Quantum Mechanics, Spacetime Dynamics and Consciousness,” they expand beyond simply claiming that spin is the source of physical processes, going as far as to say that spin is simultaneously objective and subjective.
“spin is more like successive rotation through a four-dimensional space and then back into ours, rather than an ordinary, three- dimensional spinning. Primordial spin is “protopsychic” (p. 45) as well as protophysical; it is “the seat of consciousness and the linchpin between mind and brain”.[xxviii]
Protopsychic spin indicates a field of consciousness from which the brain selects packets of quantum intelligence. In essence, the cosmic music of 11 dimensional hyperspace is transformed in frequency and intensity through the mediums of space and water towards completion in the experience of conscious entities within Human Instruments. The information contained within cymatic geometries is modulated by the brain, which is mostly water, and is received and interpreted by microtubules within neurons.
Prevailing scientific inquiry is searching the brain for increasingly subtle vibrations, labeling each successive discovery as the source of consciousness. Research at the Institute of Heartmath has discovered that “The heart is the most powerful generator of rhythmic information patterns in the human body.”[xxx] If sound, cymatics, or rhythmic information patterns are the core factors in pure consciousness-matter interactions and intercommunication, perhaps the heart is the true “seat” of consciousness. A series of revolutionary studies concluded, among many other insights, “compelling evidence that the heart appears to receive intuitive information before the brain”[xxxi]. Mystics and sages have always pointed to the heart as the home of the soul, and emerging research is indicating the Heart may be the primary receiver for Light and Sound, for the Quantum Field, and serve as the true “seat of consciousness”.
Studies at the Institute of Heartmath have conclusively demonstrated that through “heart rhythm coherence feedback training, individuals can readily learn to self-generate the coherent mode and sustain genuine positive emotional states at will, thus establishing an internal environment that is conducive to fostering spiritual experience.”[xxxiii] Heart rhythm may be the primary factor in achieving a state of resonance and clear communication with the divine presence described ambiguously as the “higher self”.
The sages and masters of all ages have expressed it in hundreds of different ways; in essence, this presence is always here and now, but discordant and incoherent vibrations of the external world and the body-mind system dampen, diminish, or even deafen receptivity to its voice. Emerging research demonstrates and corroborates the ageless wisdom; emotional and mental self-regulation, practiced consistently, allows for this presence to arise naturally and spontaneously in a co-creative engagement of life.
“Once the prestimulus information is received in the psychophysiologic systems, it appears to be processed in the same way as conventional sensory input. This study presents compelling evidence that the body’s perceptual apparatus is continuously scanning the future. To account for the results presented in Parts 1 and 2, Part 3 will develop a theory based on holographic principles explaining how intuitive perception accesses a field of energy into which information about future events is spectrally enfolded.”[xxxv]
Models, maps, and modalities of consciousness are beginning to reveal that mind and the universe are a multidimensional hologram. Research in neuroscience has unveiled the subtle circuitry of brain activity; discovering that
“In spite of the dizzying complexity of the circuits, they all intersect at right angles, like the lines on a sheet of graph paper…Wherever he looks — in the brains of humans, monkeys, rats — he finds the grid. He notes that the earliest nervous systems in Cambrian worms were simple grids — just a pair of nerve cords running from head to tail, with runglike links between them. In our own lineage the nerves at the head end exploded into billions but still retained that gridlike structure.”[xxxvi]
Each brain’s 100,000 mile long nerve grid matrix is among the densest expressions of the conscious universe’s multidimensional holography. Exploring and understanding prime light and sound unfolds the capacity for Human-Entities to become orchestrators of the subtle universe; sculpting wave forms to create, heal, and expand consciousness. Many recent scientific discoveries indicates an emerging confluence and perhaps convergence of esoteric and exoteric sciences.
At a MIT architecture colloquium in the fall of 2013 Dr. Christopher Nagel described “Light as the geometry of space-time.” The core essence of his discoveries is that “the propagation properties of electro-magnetic fields determine the metric structure of space-time”, “light has substructures, Light’s substructures modify space-time metrics.”[xxxviii] “Thermodynamics, Einstein’s equations, Shrodinger’s equations, and Maxwell’s equations can all be modified.” Matter is created by folds in space-time and/or knotted light.
Atomic properties are no longer immutable. Dr. Nagel and others provide an experimental basis for using different frequencies of light to change the magnetic/electric properties of electron orbitals in atoms; through manipulating/tailoring the space in the atom. These discoveries add a dimension to the periodic table and provide a basis for understanding every element as knotted light with a potentially infinite variety of configurations.
The patents and technologies born from these discoveries are equally remarkable, these
“Devices improve control by selection, inversion, fortification, uniformization and mapping background energy (including vacuum energy, dark energy and/or dark matter, grid or brane energy) and including electromagnetic energies in various forms and states of aggregation, during a tailoring process and to processes of tailoring materials. Background energy can be dis aggregated and then integrated into common forms of matter (e.g., materials) for the expressed purpose of altering electrodynamic interactions by establishing harmonic maps between the respective electromagnetic fields.” http://www.google.com/patents/US20120133464
Scientifically and technologically this could be among the greatest breakthroughs of our species. Restructuring the global socio-economic system by tailoring elements or creating elements from light, catalyzing a shift from resource/currency control and domination by a few to a more egalitarian distribution of natural resources. Conducting space-time itself, opening up possibilities once reserved for science fiction visionaries.
The implications for consciousness studies, light and sound theory, physics, and mathematics are profound. These discoveries which penetrate into and unveil sub-quantum geometries may be a basis for a bridge into what Einstein called the “Mind of God” both experientially and technologically.
Interfacing with the unified field of light and sound intelligence would provide a connection to a Network which permeates the Universe, allowing Earth to interact with developed civilizations from other star systems, galaxies, and dimensions; perhaps this is the destiny and purpose of planetary life.
Emerging theories in particle physics and molecular biology indicate that we live in a mathematically generated holographically-structured simulation. Our reality is not Real. The image above titled “multidimensional adinkras” is from theoretical physicist Sylvester James Gates’ research and included in the article “Symbols of Power: Adinkras and the nature of reality”. Dr. Gates’ work, among others, begins to illuminate the code behind our three dimensional reality matrix. [xli]
Dr. Gates’ research has penetrated into the geometries orchestrating the quantum universe. What he uncovered deep within the mathematical coding of the fundamental constituents of our reality is binary. 1s and 0s. Computer code. [xlii]
Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and Neo-Platonism, among others, have revealed and preserved the flame of this truth for thousands of years, though in less scientific terms than modern pioneers; Human-Entities are aligned with Source in dismantling a simulated reality matrix fabricated by a deceptive imposter “god”; the god of the world’s religions, the god which punishes and condemns, the god of fear and separation.
Emboldened by Anu’s sadistic Code of Ur-Nammu the hierarchy have tortured, discredited, and pathologized genuine seekers of truth for millennia. Abraxas, Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge, Anu, Yahweh, God call him whatever you want; enforced ignorance, doubt, and confusion are the core of his program. What is essential to understand is that your consciousness is encoded within a binary simulation devised to conceal your sovereign divinity and reduce you to energetic slavery.
Choose to explore the truth of this with a brief experiment.
Sit in silent darkness for ten minutes. How many of the thoughts and feelings that arise genuinely come from your inmost self? How many have their origin in the layers of programming you’ve received from institutions, school, mass media, through genetics or the discord encoded into our collective consciousness?
The interdimensional realms are accessible and we are beginning to see through the prison-matrix and into the real world beyond it. Our future evolution is predicated on the explorers and navigators of consciousness. Our transformation into divine, sovereign alchemists transmuting the densities of fear, aggression, and apathy into love, compassion, and co-creation has just begun.
Hack through the walls of your programming or imbue yourself ever deeper into a diseased and decaying society. The choice is yours.
For those who chose the red pill, I unreservedly recommend the Wingmakers materials and the Five Interviews of Dr. Jamisson Neruda, the Fifth Interview particularly.
“The human instrument consists of three principal components: The biological (physical body), the emotional, and the mental. These three distinct tools of perception, in aggregate, represent the vehicle of the individuated spirit as it interacts with the physical dimension of time, space, energy, and matter.” https://www.wingmakers.com/content/philosophy/
[i2] http://tinyurl.com/humanwater
[ii] Source Intelligence is the energy-consciousness of First Source that is cast into all worlds, all dimensions, all realities, all life forms, all times and places. Source Intelligence is the First Source projected into all that is. Source Intelligence, in effect, is the “eyes and ears” of First Source, and its role is principally involved in expressing, upholding, and sustaining the will of First Source. On a more personal level, it is a liberating force of energy-intelligence that serves to accelerate the expansion of consciousness and assist those who desire to unlimit themselves” https://www.wingmakers.com/content/philosophy/
[iii] J. A. Wheeler and C. Misner, Geometrodynamics, Academic Press, New York, 1962.
[iv] Wheeler, John Archibald. Misner, Charles M. Gravitation. Macmillan, Sep 15, 1973
[v] J. A. Wheeler and C. Misner, Geometrodynamics, Academic Press, New York, 1962. http://www.cheniere.org/images/geometrodynamicsP129a.jpg
[vi] As cited and described in the film Black Whole
[viii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI50HN0Kshg
[ix] Haramein, Nassim. Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract.php?iid=224&id=4&aid=1298#.UkhxJxB0mwc
[xi] https://www.simonsfoundation.org/quanta/20130917-a-jewel-at-the-heart-of-quantum-physics/
[xii] ibid
[xiii]Bush, John WM. Fluid Dynamics Mimic Quantum Mechanics. MIT http://phys.org/news/2013-07-fluid-dynamics-mimic-quantum-mechanics.html#nRlv
[xiv] Couder, Yves. http://phys.org/news/2013-11-oil-mysteries-quantum-world.html
[xv] Brown, William. Resonance Project Foundation http://resonance.is/news/quantum-weirdness-replaced-by-classical-fluid-dynamics/
[xvi] http://lyricus.org/ Music Introduction
[xvii] Mahu, James. Coherence of the Evolutionary Consciousness https://web.archive.org/web/20121017075151/http://wingmakers.com/music-hakomi4-6.html
[xviii] Mahu, James. Coherence of the Evolutionary Consciousness https://web.archive.org/web/20121017075151/http://wingmakers.com/music-hakomi4-6.html
[xix] Nagel, Christopher. “Light-the Architect of Matter”https://techtv.mit.edu/videos/26167-chris-nagel-light-the-architect-of-matter
[xx] Case, Paul Foster. Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages. Pg. 205
[xxi] DMT found in the pineal of live rats http://www.cottonwoodresearch.org/dmt-pineal-2013/
[xxii] Plato, Timeaues and Critias, D. Lee, trans. Penguin, New York, 1965
[xxiii] Rosen, Steven M. Quantum Gravity and Phenomenological Philosophy. CUNY
[xxiv] http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140116085105.htm
[xxv] Ringo, David L. Flagellar motion and fine structure of flagellar apparatus in CHLAMYDOMONAS
[xxvi] Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose. Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory. Physics of Life Reviews, 2013 DOI: 10.1016/j.plrev.2013.08.002
[xxvii] http://dipoleneurology.blogspot.com/2012/07/markrams-human-brain-project-will-fail.html
[xxviii] Rosen, Steven M. Quantum Gravity and Phenomenological Philosophy. CUNY
[xxix] Libet, Benjamin. Mind Time: The Temporal Factor in Consciousness. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 2004
[xxx] http://www.heartmath.org/index.php?tmpl=component&option=com_content&id=20
[xxxi] Childre, Doc Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.1, Mike Atkinson1, and Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D.2 Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 2. A System-Wide process? Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004; 10(1): 133–143.
[xxxii] Heartmath Research Center
[xxxiii] Childre, Doc and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.i, Boulder Creek, California Psychophysiological Correlates of Spiritual Experience
[xxxiv] Childre, Doc Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.1, Mike Atkinson1, and Raymond Trevor Bradley, Ph.D.2 Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1. The Surprising Role of the Heart Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004; 10(1): 133–143.
[xxxv] Ibid.
[xxxvi] Zimmer, Carl. National Geographic http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2014/02/brain/zimmer-text Secrets of the Brain
[xxxvii] Nagel, Christopher. “Light-the Architect of Matter” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpNHw221trE
[xxxviii] Ibid
[xxxix] http://www.webelements.com/platinum/crystal_structure.html
Thanks to: http://themindunleashed.com