...hey, no problem, I got so sick and tired of all this nonsense that has been going on with names calling, ineffective critics, anger and frustrations of so many dissent people and I have realized its time to touch the principal issues and get to the core of the matter of Landa China Global. These guys instead of trying to help have revoked nothing but all the above feelings, aggressive reactions of many people, divisions and stirs. It is perhaps better to shut up, do not speak a word of your "wisdom" as it may create more harm then good. As the wise man said "Silence is Golden" and talking is Silver" but only when your talk is constructive, honest and help others living in an unknown grey areas of life.....
Just to add to the Landa's already broken record: in the last 3-4 years there was plenty of written statements on their inactive anyway webpage and answers to the Q&A sessions about the source of Project Funding. The answers provided by Jerzy, Doug and Will were unanimous:
Now just listen to Jerzy's statement from the last conference (link above). Why any one of you readers or callers rub it straight into Jerzy's face??. Instead they have a bunch of fake - rigged people - callers, regulars (actors) who are purposely avoiding and omitting principal issues and just keep talking about some bullshit on vibrating laptop healing powers or other sickening rubbish of woman having problem of receiving $500 million for her Super Petchili Bond instead the whole $20 Billion, etc, etc..... At one point Doug gave her good answer - I must admit, suggested if $500 million is not enough for her she should put it into PPP and multiple it by 100 times.... More answers of this type would be recommended. Thank you Doug for repeating some of my earlier statements about buying 100 trillion ZIM for USD $85 and exchange it for USD $300 million.... never mind the #800 that is the climax of stupidity of nay Human Being with any brain left!!!!!......
So Landa guys, you are some times improving your performance until Jerzy comes along with his never ending purposeless nonsense, lies and ruin it again by burning all your efforts to the ground.
I'm appealing to Doug and Will once again: DO NOT ALLOW YOUR "BOSS" CHAIRMAN - PROTECTOR JERZY BABKOWSKI to screw your reputation, damage your integrity and have guts or balls and reply to the above concerns with your utmost honesty as this is the only chance that some of us (hopefully) will forgive you your sins or wrong doing. STOP using your signature statements: " be good, be legal" instead try to follow and implement it in your own life actions.