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Be the ripple on the water

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1Be the ripple on the water Empty Be the ripple on the water Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:50 am



Be the ripple on the water

Posted on September 8, 2012

Be the ripple on the water Art-beauty-color-colorful-colors-colours-favim-com-38918www.favim.com

We can get pretty comfy and settled in our lives and just seem to go
along with the program. It seems easier that way and for that moment, it
is, but not in the long run. It is up to each of us to make ripples on
the water of life, to dig our heels in and say no, to demand a better
way of doing things, to point out what is wrong and find ways to improve
them. In other words, it is up to us to take action and shake things
up, make others feel uncomfortable at times and push them into new ways
of thinking. If we don’t do this, if we remain just as we are, change
will be a very long time in coming! Remember the old saying “The squeaky
wheel gets the grease”? We must be squeaky wheels, we must make noise
to gather attention. We know things are not right in the world, in fact
they are down right wrong, but not speaking up about it, by not trying
to change things, by not offering new and better solutions, we stay
mired in the muck of our own demise! Step out, step up and be the pebble
being tossed into the still waters. Ripple out and make a difference,
awaken others and be of service to the change.

We have become so sedentary and set in our ways that we no longer
challenge the status quo. Why have we become so insecure we fear drawing
attention to ourselves or making waves, why do we fear not being
accepted if we don’t go along with the program? Where is this
intimidation coming from? Couldn’t be from the dark ones could it?
Nooooo never! Every single person who has tried to buck the system is
played out as being off-balance. Terrorists, conspiracy theorists etc.
Ignore these tactics! What you need to be asking is why am I afraid to
not fit in, why must I fit in even if it means fitting in with something
we know is very wrong? We do it because we don’t believe in ourselves
from the depths of our being. If we trust and believe in ourselves there
is no need to seek validation from others by trying to fit in. You
validate yourself and that is more than enough.

It is time to climb off this wobbly merry-go-round and ground
ourselves once again in what we know and believe to be right no matter
what! We must be so secure in those beliefs we are free to make ripples
at the risk of being labeled off-balance. We know the truth of who we
are as well as those of like mind, so we have nothing to fear. This
tactic they use is old and outdated and it is time we realize this and
move forward. The answers lie within our believing and trusting in
ourselves. I always say if our foundation is strong nothing can shake
us. Our foundation is our belief in ourselves so spend time getting it
secured and unshakable and all will be well. Turning off the TV will
help immensely as all it does is preach to you about how weak you are,
how insecure, how unstable. Nothing could be further from the truth!

It is the not having the back bone to make waves and ripples that
weakens us further. We feel bad about ourselves for not having the
courage to stand up for what we believe in. It is time to decide which
feels worse to you, standing up and being labeled or not standing up. I
know which feels worse for me. I have never been one to back down or not
make waves. This is my life and my world and I have just as much right
to be here doing what I choose as anybody else.

As much as I tell you all to make ripples and claim what is yours, I
also want to remind you to go with the flow in those times you recognize
you cannot do anything about it. Change what you can and release what
you can’t. That is perhaps the most important thing to remember about
our world at the present moment! Make a supreme effort to bring about
change in both yourself and in the world but also be able to recognize
what you can’t change and let it go! If you don’t release what you can’t
change but rather carry it around with you and continue to try to swim
up-stream, you will just become exhausted and lose your strength and
focus. Follow the light and stay in your heart.

Blessings to you all,


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