A Special Call Out for Help from Susan @ "The Office of Poofness"
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 3-Jun-2017 00:43:32
Date: Saturday, 3-Jun-2017 00:43:32
A Special Call Out for Help from Susan @ "The Office of Poofness"
"The Office of Poofness"
Susan Says
Hi Everybody,
I have found out that Zap has a couple of intense problems that he has not talk about . Because the funds that were to come in this week were re-scheduled and he will only get them by middle to end of next week, he is packing to get out of his apartment because he can not pay his rent. All the donations that have come in have gone out to help everybody except himself, and he is in a big jam right now. To boot, he just had a big whammy as his mother called him on Skype. She is in Poland and told him to be ready as she was not feeling good and he should prepare for her passing. Zap had always planned to go to Poland for a final goodbye. Between these and other things, he is certainly ready for some major TLC.
This is "The Office of Poofness" call to everybody to help this selfless man and give him something back for all the sacrifice and hours he is and has put in on our behalf. He needs your help and he will not ask you or anybody for your assistance as he continues to helps us.
Our future looks bright with all Zap's dedication and a hand up right now will definitely be noted. My heartfelt thanks.
Much Love and Kisses,
Thank you for your support as we do our best to keep you up to date. We couldn't do this Without Your Help.!!! Please go to Paypal.com using the account address: goneforthfornow@gmail.com to support the cause. Please remember to click friends and family when sending. If you are not a member of paypal and sending a donation please send an e-mail to goneforthfornow@gmail.com so we can log you in and send you a Thank You. I appreciate any help you can provide in keeping ZAP stable right now. .
With Much Gratitude and Appreciation, Susan
Love and Kisses,
"The Office of Poofness"
Susan and Staff
Thanks to: http://www.rumormillnews.com