Published on Jun 7, 2017
I have these dreams which are like visions. In a recent one I oversaw the lives of people who lived in ways that were constantly out of sync with their heart. They were motivated through the mind. They were always feeding some larger system.
They were fighting the flames of some eventual decay just to keep up a business in the dark of night, to file papers and take the right reports and file the right documents just because someone else told them to. Still, if there were issues, their hearts hurt. They were worried, their minds ached.
I have been some very torturous experiences in life. These experiences put into perspective the danger of living life like these dream-visions. Those dream-visions which are like glimpses of complete lives of others, their personality, their emotions, their joys, their folly, their praise, were the true suffering of the world. The feeling is unbearable, this is merely a nearly never-ending, posh, yet uncomfortable life lived in the essence of someone else’s requirements. Some of these dreams take place in high-class city-scapes where people toil and plunder until their hearts go cold. That feeling of having everything that is needed, yet not having their heart in their life, literally has me weeping. These are real people, just as real as anyone here considers themselves real.
If what you’re doing, the life you’re living, the worries you have taken on, is not aligned with your heart, then that life is a lesson that you must do what is right for your sense of truth and meaning in the larger picture and every issue and challenge in that life will reflect that.
The heart is the center of meaning. Remember that. Cherish that. Always put your heart in. Even if there’s something that you’re not enjoying because of the mental disconnect with the heart, then connect your heart to what you can connect with. This should be simple. People are what we connect with. People are what we enjoy. People are who we are here to experience the emotions of and combine creativities and challenges and growth with. We are meant to constantly change! This is to be embraced in a divine love of reason, truth, and freedom. THAT is the savior of your existence. The world in which people do what they do out of some other reason is the alien-environment! The difference is merely the energy which connects the heart to the mind and you to your reality and those around you!
The heart cannot be destroyed, but we can experience terrible loneliness and shock which sometimes produces deep injuries and scars that must be healed. We must apply healing to ourselves in the same way one would apply a new layer to a creation or an additional paragraph to a chapter. That is easy to do, we simply have to keep going. Keep caring, keep looking for others and care for them too. That is the power the universe has granted you. There is more power in caring, creating, and knowing reason, than in all the disconnected visceral pleasure or materialistic gain to be had. And if there is pleasure or gain and your heart is remaining true, then that is simply all the better for you and those around you.
Keep your heart connected to what you’re doing. As long a this is sustained, there will always be an inherent meaning in life that guides you, motivates you, propels you, informs you, and cares for you. That is your saving grace.
I love you. And remember to care for each other. Everything will orient itself from where your heart is.