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There Shall be No More Death

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1There Shall be No More Death Empty There Shall be No More Death Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:29 pm



There Shall be No More Death

Posted on September 10, 2012

There Shall be No More Death

2012 September 9

From The 2012 Scenario post by Steve Beckow


To give hope, to those who are handling this kind of situation,
let’s review what our sources say about health, expected technologies,
our new bodies, etc., so that the maximum literature is available to
those who need to read it themselves or give to others.

“The door to Ascension is wide open,” SaLuSa tells us, but “but
nothing will be allowed to enter unless it is of the higher vibrations.”
(1) “There will eventually be a regeneration of your body cells. You
are beginning to move into your Ascension bodies, and these will not
carry forward any existing imperfections.” (2)

Matthew Ward reveals that we’ll regrow missing limbs and organs.
“Along the way you will obtain perfect health and re-grow missing limbs
and organs. Not only will you overcome the effects common to aging, but
those in advanced years gradually will become younger.” (3)

After Ascension, death will have lost its sting, There will be no more death, SaLuSa informs us.

“Of course when you rise up into the higher levels, you have a simple
transition from one life to another without going through death. You do
it through your own choosing, as you decide when it is your time to
move on. You can literally step out of your old body into a new one as
you desire. Along with the changes in your body cells that keep you
young and healthy, you have none of the illnesses or disabling features
experienced on Earth.” (4)

Some of these processes have begun as we speak and will continue after Ascension, SaLuSa says.

“The new you is rising up out of the ashes of the old you, and you
are creating an embodiment that is appropriate for Ascension that you
will know as your crystalline body. That in itself will assure you of
having a healthy life, that is free from the illnesses and disease
associated with the low vibrations of the 3rd. Dimension.” (5)

Our bodies will become increasingly lighter and our experience will be of increasing lightness, SaLuSa says.

“As you lift upwards so you become more of the Light, and with
Ascension will shed the heaviness of the physical body. To be free is
quite an exhilarating experience, and you will be literally re-born.”

The ageing process will eventually stop, SaLuSa tells us.

“Something that would not be noticed yet is, because of the higher
vibrations, the aging process is slowing down. Eventually it will stop,
and once you have crystalline cells the whole process can be reversed
through the power of thought. The new cells will have a greater degree
of consciousness than previously, and re-act to thought more quickly.”

Melchizedek informs us that the changes in the field of health will boggle our minds.

“The power of the unified field of integrated consciousness that
looms on the horizon has the entire Universe abuzz in anticipation of
events that would boggle the human mind at this time. Be assured that
each of you is an integral part of this process and that your Path is
safe, your Path is perfect as you join together and connect to the

“As co-creators with the Infinite One,
nothing is impossible and this will manifest in your personal and
collective lives. There are many simultaneous and often unseen
influences that are now playing out on your World and within each of
your energetic systems. Even your physical bodies are being
systematically changed and altered to accommodate more Light to enter
into the very cells of your body.

“New possibilities such as reversing the aging process and
eliminating disease in the physical body that were considered impossible
are on the verge of transcending such limited viewpoint. You are being
given the opportunity to create a new paradigm, a new pattern that will
have far reaching effects that will cause profound changes within the
psyche of all of Humanity who will begin to experience renewal and
rebirth to untold possibilities for the benefit and highest good of
All.” (8)

SaLuSa provided us with a detailed description of the changes that
will take place to our bodies and our outlooks in the next three months
and after.

“To move from your present physical body to
one that is of the higher vibrations will be a wonderful feeling. To be
free of all of the aches and pains often associated with your present
one, will be so uplifting. The level that you will move into has such
high vibrations, that your body will be unable to carry forward anything
less than the perfection of your original blueprint.

“Your awareness will be heightened and your
perception of things sharpened. The body will no longer tire or suffer
fatigue such as you do now, and consequently you will no longer need
lengthy sleep periods. You can take recuperative measures if you need
them, but you will also re-energize from the very environment you are
in.” (9)

We’ll need a lot less sleep, he tells us.

“Your present low vibrations and those around
you are in fact very heavy, and you need sleep to restore your body.
However, as your body cells continue to change to crystalline, your body
will become more in line with its new pattern. As a result it will
start to need shorter sleep periods to recover, and some of you are
noticing it already. In fact sleep patterns will move out of a regular
pattern, and you will find yourself able to exist on much less.” (10)

We’ll also notice changes in our eating habits.

“A similar change is also occurring where your
eating habits are concerned. You are needing less, and your choice of
food will turn to those that are fresh and unadulterated with chemicals
and additives.

“Your body is a temple that when treated
correctly will serve you well, and rarely if ever experience illnesses.
If you feed it with junk food you end up with junk health, even if it
takes time to reveal itself. You may be young and healthy, but continual
abuse of your body will eventually take its toll. In older age you are
liable to get the collapse of your major organs, and it will be hard for
them to recover.

“The good news is that, as you lift up your vibrations, you are less
inclined to be drawn to the heavy foods such as red meat. Follow your
bodies reactions to what you feed it, and you will soon learn how to
treat it sensibly and to your advantage.” (11)

So in all ways, life stands to improve in the next three months and
then to transform altogether after Ascension. Disease will be gone.
Missing limbs and organs will regrow. Ageing will be reversed. Death
will be banished. There isn’t anything detrimental or negative that will
outlast our rise into the higher vibrations and some of these changes
are happening now.

That must definitely be good news and suggests to us that we need to
rally those who are suffering, tend to them over the next three months,
and ensure that they have the will and comfort to outlast these
remaining days of Third Dimensionality before they welcome a New Age of
health and longevity.


(1) SaLuSa, June 18, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 13, 2010.

(3) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

(4) SaLuSa, Dec. 2, 2011.

(5) SaLuSa, Feb. 29, 2012.

(6) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.

(7) SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.

(8) Melchizedek, through Marlene Swetlishoff, Oct. 31, 2011, at http://www.therainbowscribe.com/melchizedek2011.htm .

(9) SaLuSa, Aug. 22, 2012.

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) Loc. Cit.

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