Both Flags Belong to Us
By Anna Von Reitz
There seems to be some sort of cognitive disconnect going on, created by "either/or" thinking and deep indoctrination.
The international jurisdiction belonging to our states was first united via agreement between the states, and then it was divided by delegation of powers.
As a result of this partition between delegated and non-delegated powers, there have always been two flags representing our country in international jurisdiction.
The Civil or Peacetime flag with vertical stripes represents the retained powers of the states and people, which includes all international land jurisdiction (postal roads, post offices, postal district courts, etc.) and all non-delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea (such as the power of private international trade).
The War flag, the familiar "Stars and Stripes", is exercised and used by the United States as part of its delegated authority. You will remember that the states united in part to establish a "common defense", so that the job of defending the states falls on the federal contractor providing those delegated services.
The problem is that the vermin running the "United States" --- the corporations under contract to provide the delegated services--- have never stood down and declared peace since the Civil War. Otherwise, the Peacetime flag would be much more familiar to us and to the world.
It should be flying at every Post Office and most courthouses in America this very moment.
If we claim to be landsmen living on the soil of our native country, we and our lawful government are at peace and have been at peace since 1865; we therefore fly the Peacetime flag with vertical stripes.
If we claim to be federal employees or dependents or franchises of the subcontractor corporations, they have been at war for generations, and they fly the wartime flag, the Stars and Stripes.
Most of us have been flying the wrong flag our entire lives.
The take home point is that there are and always were two flags, and they both ultimately belong to us and we have the right to fly either one of them, depending on our political status.
Despite this straight forward explanation I have all sorts of knot heads trying to prove that the Stars and Stripes is our flag and our only flag, etc., etc., etc.
This may come from wrong-headed patriotism or from guile, seeking to once again fool Americans into entrapping themselves in the distinctly unfavorable federal political status without disclosure.
Either way, it simply isn't true.
For those who are astonished to learn that we have two flags in international jurisdiction and react in disbelief, I refer you all to read the first introduction chapter to Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel, The Scarlet Letter, titled "The Customs House". Hawthorne was writing as an eye-witness in 1850. There you will see incontrovertible, first-hand, primary source proof that America has two flags.
Now it's up to you to figure out which flag you should be "sailing" under.
Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors need to inform the State Secretary of State that they are "returned" and "retired" from all federal service and presumption of federal citizenship, and send a copy of their DD214 documenting their honorable discharge. And start flying the Peacetime flag.
[ltr]See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website[/ltr]
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Posted by Paul Stramer at 4:49 PM
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