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"More than 3 telepathic messages confirm imminent implementation of 3 Days of Darkness"

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"More than 3 telepathic messages confirm imminent implementation of 3 Days of Darkness"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 12-Sep-2012 04:25:55
(Thanks, V. :)
(AbundantHope.net has an extensive copyright claim, so I'll ask that you go there if you wish to read the messages.)
Reader Vera writes:

We have received more than 3 messages confirming Their imminent implementation of 3DD now.
. Siraya Update on 3DD 9/9/2012
. No More Rehearsals by Esu 9/12/2012
. The Wait is Over by CM 9/13/2012
Please post them ASAP for as many people as possible to be informed and to get prepared. If possible, not only site address but the messages themselves.
you for your service.




Through Shellee-Kim


It is I, Siraya, wishing for you to take a message if you are in agreement.

Time draws very, very near now to the D Day. Please be in position, ready for the events to occur. We know you have many times previously being given warnings and asked to make necessary preparations. Perhaps some of you, as with this channel, will see this as another ‘boy who cries wolf’ scenario, as she fondly refers to these.

However, now it really is TIME. There are no further hindrances in our path, although conditions are not as perfect as we wish them to be. Yet we are choosing to proceed at this time, nonetheless.

We wish you all to know there are major flyovers to take place globally. We will create something of a show for the people of earth. It is important that Starfleet be perceived as playful and accessible, rather than the invasive, controlling dark forces your media and entertainment industries have painted us to be.

Also now there will be many Starfleet members ready to join with you. You have already been told somewhat about this. They will be on standby and available in an advisory capacity.

Please be warned of that element in your various societies whose fear will drive them to lead an attempted revolution against us. They will not succeed in overturning our operation but they will certainly make big efforts in trying.

You ones who are to be the wayshowers now will be specially equipped with the activation of yourselves and, in addition, gifts that will be entrusted to you. These will serve to assist on your earth in numerous ways during this teaching period and beyond. The ones in receipt of these will have been specially selected for their integrity, level of commitment and therefore ability to use these most responsibly and for the benefit of the whole. This channel has already made mention of this gifting some time ago in a previous channeled message.

In the ensuing chaos of the first week or two after 3DD we will make food available for people. This will be distributed from various depots to supermarket outlets, which will temporarily be run by us. Thereafter and once things have settled down, a new system will be in place with coupons/vouchers being used to exchange for food.

One of the first things to be addressed will be an alternative to the harmful fossil fuels your multinationals have so encouraged for profit. And it will no longer be necessary to use this type of fuel for the running of your vehicles, as we will be introducing one of our technologies. This will mean your cars will largely be running on a form of hydro electricity/water. Thus eliminating all the harm fossil fuels have brought to your beloved planet. There have already been past efforts to bring forth this alternative to your people, but once again this was either met with dismissal or suppression, by all except a tiny portion of the population.

Forewarned is forearmed, as they say on your planet. There is more which will follow in the days ahead, if you would be so gracious as to co-operate.

As you go forth with cheer in your hearts

I AM Siraya.

Candace: as to the hydro electricity/Water, I have seen you tubes of people developing this in their own vehicles as an experiment.

This piece is under copyright protection of http://www.abundanthope.net It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace.

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2012 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here

Thanks to: http://abundanthope.net



This is Esu wanting to address AH and its readers :

My Beloved Friends and Family so near to my heart, as we have waited so long to find the perfect moment to get into the ultimate action on this TRANSITION AND TRANSFORMATION OR CORRECTION, so Anxious and Delighted are we now to be able to call it a GO AHEAD. We knew all along that CMAton would weigh and balance many options and possible outcomes against each other and only agree to implement the removal of the dark when no further possibilities with even only one shread of hope could be found anymore.

There is mother Earth now having to move on, there is the cosmic clock and cycles running, there is an age of Light and Life to start. Although a tremendous amount of work has been done outside of your radius of perception and understanding, it seemed all had come to a stand-still, at times a stand-off, even a stand-down with those who wanted to continue THEIR way. Our message to them has constantly been : if not EVERYBODIES WAY, THEN NOT YOURS EITHER, since progression in the Universe does not function like a one way street.

The cunningness of some of them was astonishing, yet Light will ALWAYS AND IN ALL WAYS be in charge, even against all odds as any other road only leads to self - destruction.

As Siraya has already filled you in and CMAton will inform Candace or others at the appropriate time and way, we are on stand-by instead and looking forward to make a start of an Illustrious Plan, that much I can guarantee you. Those of you who stand by CMAton will one day soon realise what UNIQUE CREATOR SON they Serve, as even We are amazed by his Leadership and visions for us all, in His Service to us all.

Without further ado, allow me to wish you all the strength and courage to enter the arena where all have gathered from far and beyond to see this endgame been worked out. No play, no game, but a working plan in action that guarantees the best and Highest possible outcome for ALL involved. As Fleet, we have made endless preparations for all possible scenarios so you are truely well covered. Yet this is not a rehearsal, THIS IS FOR REAL and with unexpected or surprising events always possible, AND/ALTHOUGH CMAton at the steering wheel to adjust where necessary, I need to point out that remaining calm and balanced and well rested, as advised before, is the way to go. Even if rapid decisions are needed, KEEP IN MIND THAT WE KNOW WHERE YOU ARE AND WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU. Fear and panic never helps, are downright counter productive so THINK AT ANYTIME : WE ARE WITH YOU AT ALL TIME, IN THAT YOU CAN TRUST.

Assistance will be plenty, help and advise will be around, instructions and upgrades will be made appropriately but at times, YOU WILL NEED TO SHOW WHAT WOOD YOU ARE MADE OFF. Going Within will balance your mind and ease the emotions, BUT YOU NEED TO DO THAT NOW AND MAKE IT YOUR PRIORITY, before the rollercoaster takes you places you have not experienced before. I am only saying this to confirm that a little bit of stage jitters will be felt, but this usually stimulates a better performance, as many amongst you know.

Rest up as much as possible, and keep it happy and healthy to the max of your capacity. This will be of great help.

So My Beloved One Team - One Special Family, to use this truthful theme, no more rehearsals, no more delays, WE ARE READY TO GO INTO ACTION, AND CMATON WILL GUIDE US INTO IT. Do not calculate with hours and days, as ANYTIME is the norm now, but always some form of info or message or insight or sign will be made available to you, all it takes is to remain vigilant in the days ahead and read again some of the messages as of late, to be familiar with the advise and info given.

I will be seeing you soon or should I say, you will be seeing ME soon ... and OH, by the way ... I am not traveling by horse in the sky anymore ...

Love and Light,

This piece is under copyright protection of http://www.abundanthope.net It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace.



Rubens: Who am I communicating with?

Aton: This is I, CM Aton beloved

Rubens: I am all ears dear brother

Aton: I am here to make a public announcement and not to say hello as I have in the past few days

Rubens: All right, I am ready

Aton: This is CM, Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon; I have chosen to come to this scribe to announce officially that the wait is over. Yes, dear ones, as you were told by Siraya and Esu, 3DD is upon you, that is to say that it can transpire within moments of your time; I am not by any means telling you the exact time that it will occur but, I want it known that I have PRESSED THE BUTTON, to use one of your phrases.

Manifestation will take shape in your realm shortly. Watch the sky and you will know unequivocally that it is so. I know that we have told you that on my instances and that, in a way, is a hindrance because many of you do not know whether or not this a message addressed to the dark ones or to you, my children per say; I want this information to be known around the world and there are many around the globe who will receive this information and pass it on to the populace. THIS IS SERIOUS folks. Belief is a choice that you will not have in this very instance for it will impact you no matter where you are.

Prepare yourselves as we have told you many times and remain CALM.

This is CM, Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon and I have given my seal of approval upon this message

Rubens: Thank you dear

Aton: Salu

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2012 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

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Herb Lady

Herb Lady

Thanks YM and Purpleskyz!

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