HIRISE captured Crashed UFO or Underground Base Entrance on Mars?
The High Resolution Imaging camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has captured a strange spot on the surface of the planet Mars.
According to NASA/JPL the remarkable spot is a small crater on North Polar layered deposits.
But is it just a crater? If you look at the original black and white HIRISE image then it seems as something has crashed, leaving a trail behind or could it be the entrance to an underground alien base, given the unnatural looking structure?
Using Google Mars (coordinates: 81.3° 91.5°) and we compare the object depicted in the Google Mars image with the original NASA/JPL black and white image then it is amazing to discover that the spot looks quite different and we may wonder whether they have edited the Google Mars image to hide something or not.
Left: Original NASA/JPL image - Right: Google Mars Image.
Crashed UFO, underground base entrance or just a crater?
Link to the original NAS/JPL image: https://hirise-pds.lpl.arizona.edu/PDS/EXTRAS/RDR/ESP/ORB_036400_036499/ESP_036485_2615/ESP_036485_2615_RED.browse.jpg
Thanks to: http://ufosightingshotspot.blogspot.com