Restored Republic via a GCR as of Aug. 26, 2017
8/26/2017 02:18:00 AM
Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Aug. 26 2017
Compiled 2:10 am EDT 26 Aug. 2017 by Judy Byington
Source: Dinar Chronicles
A. Aug. 25 2017 12:00 am EDT GCR Intel Situation Report: "Weather"- GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Saturday - August 26, 2017
1. Years of detailed planning went into the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944, but success hinged on one element that no military commander could control—the weather. By noon the weather had cleared. The Germans were caught by surprise, and the tide of World War II began to turn.
3. Stay alert during Hurricane Harvey. Never waste a good natural disaster, right? Right. God is with us.
B. Aug. 25 2017 8:00 pm EDT GCR Intel Situation Report: "Not For Profit" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - August 25, 2017
1. Do you know why money is digitalizing? Because it's disappearing literally and figuratively.
2. Do you know why the Elders are giving the common man so much? Because they are not giving us anything of physical value, but rather just digital computer credits on their quantum system to heal the soul of the world.
3. Please join Brothers Yosef, Showme and Moshe this Saturday night at Church Bank (9pm EDT) to discuss this topic of "Not For Profit" in a post RV reality.
4. Submit all "Tetelestai" 800# alert sign up requests and future website email memberships to
5. Our mission will be the best post RV hub for projects, volunteers and archieved information related to all things philanthropy.
C. Aug. 25 2017 2:09 am EDT: Highlights of The Big Call: Philip Tilton's Intel Highlights of The Big Call 8-24-17
1. Over the last nine days around the world there have been 89,400 exchanges made that were given full liquidity.
2. This week in the US there was several private exchanges with liquidity, but all had a 24 hr hold (as a settlement period).
3. In Reno Paymasters have paid Sub Paymasters.
4. Bruce's opinion: Once we hear that SKR groups have gone, Core groups would go liquid (ledger to ledger). We would go shortly thereafter (some lag time, but not much).
5. Hearing the GCR will happen tonight Aug. 24 or tomorrow Aug. 25.
D. Aug. 25 2017 4:28 am EDT: "GCR Heads Meeting Today in Jackson Hole": "RV News: Has Anyone Else Seen this?" by (Anonymous) - 8.25.17 "On Aug. 21 Bloomberg News stated that the Presidents of Iraq, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, HSBC Bank, WF, and B of A would be meeting at Jackson Hole this Friday the 25th."
E. Aug. 25 2017 7:50 am EDT: "Clay" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - August 25, 2017 Aug. 24 Thursday's latest Intel:
1. The end of August has always been the desired release period because it's the slowest trading / banking time of the year.
2. The end of August has always been the safest release period because children were out of school and the vast majority of Western world vacations were taken in August before September begins.
3. Every pre-purchased non-bank currency holder's email, phone number and address has been logged onto a single master list and merged with an international security databases (chalked) for potential threats.
4. All banks have submitted final account information for in-bank currency purchases and run against an international database cross check for security concerns (chalked).
5. Over one hundred thousand known Cabal agents holding currency illegally have been quietly arrested.
6. Another twenty percent were expected to be incarcerated under aliases during the exchange process. Everybody deemed a threat to society worldwide has been chalked. Attempting to exchange currency will get them arrested and their amnesty terms revoked.
7. The final exchange strategy has been implemented. It was different that previously discussed on public forms such as this. There were several parallel redemption strategies running concurrently and those were being mixed and matched in a variety of ways to confuse adversaries of the transition.
8. Neutralizing measures have been applied to misinformation agents and actors of chaos worldwide, especially latent hidden hand operatives awaiting activation instructions in coordination to halt the event.
9. Superior security measures have been installed to stand guard against potential energetic disruptions a la another 9/11 type terrorist attack.
10. The Nation of Zimbabwe's announced return to the gold standard was an honors gesture given to original human beings (Africans) by the Elders.
11. ZIM Bond Notes represent collateral holding claims against the entire wealth of the entire African Union because the ZIM currency will ultimately be placed in the IMF's Special Drawing Right (SDR) basket of global reserve currencies (in lieu of the South African Rand).
12. All sovereign currencies of the world will eventually be placed into the same SDR basket as that is how the original 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement was negotiated in exchange for the 11 million metric tons loan of gold bullion from the Asian Elders.
13. All financial accounts have settled at the sovereign tiered levels.
14. Every T1-T3 transaction has been reconciled and granted liquidity on the new Hercules financial system as of this week of Sun. Aug. 20, 2017.
15. This had to be done prior to noon EDT on Aug. 21, 2017 and completed a ten year grace or transition period that went back to Aug. 21, 2007.
F. Aug. 24 2017 TNT Chat RayRen98: TNT CHAT, 24 AUGUST
2. With a significant number of politicians wanting a tax break on their currency exchanges, such a tax break very well could be slid into the current tax reform package.
Should that occur have your tax professional put a copy of that new applicable law in your file and keep a copy for yourself.
3. Have a tax professional review Internal Revenue Code 26 US Code Sections 985 to 989.
4. Generally, foreign currency gains are taxed as ordinary income, NOT as a capital gain at capital gain rates.
5. You want to pay the right amount at the right time. Not paying and under paying could have wealth ending results.
6. The best tax loophole is the utilization of a tax professional and being able to deduct the cost of their services.
7. Let’s say your federal and state tax rate combined is 50%. How many 50%s can you pay, especially when the IRS doesn’t notify you of an audit for a few years so you have to pay the tax, interest on the tax, plus penalties? Restated 50% tax, plus Penalties, plus Interest on the tax and penalty is way more than 50%.
8. After paying your taxes what’s left is YOUR MONEY and YOUR PEACE OF MIND.
G. May 8 2017 Karen Hudes of the World Bank "The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be History": The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be HISTORY Karen Hudes
H. Aug. 25 2017 2:48 pm EDT "Legal Warning for America," Erasmus: Erasmus of America: Shocking and Legal Warning for America!
Note by Dinar Chronicles: Obama was the perfect candidate to infiltrate the Cabal. This is why the Sirian Commander chose to take control of Obama during his presidency. The Cabal were fooled that they had control of Obama. Little did they know the APTB had already infiltrated their ranks. Notice: Paul Ryan is mentioned here as well. He was a double agent working for the Republic. (In the same aspect as an undercover cop joining a criminal gang). This was the only way to bring down the Cabal and bring a smooth transition to the public.
I. Aug. 25 2017 9:33 pm EDT: Humanitarian Idea: Hex House, Architects for Society
J. Aug. 25 2017 7:01 pm EDT: Trump and Soros Deep Friendship (video): (Video) Proof that Donald Trump is Deeply Connected to George Soros
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