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This Is What Different Feather Colors Mean

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1This Is What Different Feather Colors Mean Empty This Is What Different Feather Colors Mean Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:31 pm



This Is What Different Feather Colors Mean

This Is What Different Feather Colors Mean Feather-color-meaning221122

This article written by Natalia Kuna was published in the magazine “Alive, So Make it Count!“
Have you wondered about what it might mean when you find a feather? Feathers are ways that Spirit (of different forms) sends us  signs.
For a start, feathers (and other items such as coins, and creatures such as birds, butterflies, and dragonflies), can be signs from the angels, guides,  or loved ones in that they are near – that they hear you, guide you and are supporting you.  It can be an acknowledgement of you or your thoughts or it is their way of saying hello.

Finding a feather is often a magical moment. I have had many beautiful feather experiences and have watched one fall down from the sky onto my daughter’s lap while we had a picnic in our backyard! In my children are often sign-bearers, delivering me feathers from their playtime travels.
Feathers represent flight and freedom, soaring above, looking from a higher perspective, and moving beyond boundaries and limitations. Different colors and color combinations can also add extra  meaning. (see further below about various  color meanings).

Interpreting the Meaning of the Feather Sign

Whenever you observe a sign, take note of what you were thinking just before it happened, or  what is going on in your life at that moment. What could the sign be telling you? Don’t stress yourself about finding a meaning. Even if you do not understand the meaning of the sign at the time, it could become clearer later, or you may be absorbing it in at a sub-conscious level. Just trust that it is a sign and let go of any doubts. Enjoy the way that Spirit works, and embrace the fact you are intermingling with it and paying attention.


Asking for Feather (& other) Signs

You can ask for feather (or other) signs to come to you. And you can be specific. I once asked for confirmation that I had a male guide watching over me (which is what I was feeling and just wanted the magical validation). I asked that if it were true I be shown in the form of a blue feather. I picked blue because it was more rare and unusual, and I saw it as an obviously male color. Exactly one week later, I went to work and as I approached some steps outside there were bright blue feathers everywhere! They were fake ones but it didn’t matter. It was another of those magical moments.
It is just a matter of believing, letting go, and staying aware. Signs often remind us to be at peace and relax into the nature and flow of life. The meanings can at times be profound, and at other times quite simple. The best advice when signs happen is to not put any pressure on yourself to understand it. Take it as an opportunity to connect, take notice of and thank the ever-present Spirit. If your sign is an item such as a feather,  you can keep it in a special place whether that be by your bedside, on your dresser, or added to your sacred space / spiritual altar. Or you can gently release it back to nature or where you found it.

How do you know for sure your feather is a sign?

It is especially a sign if it comes in a magical way or you find it in an odd place. Feather signs often appear on your path in front of you, or at your doorstep. Once a feather appeared in my bag, and on my bedroom floor.

What Different Feather Colors Mean

The Native American people had a great spiritual understanding about feathers, their colors and their meaning. They would take the utmost care of any feathers that came their way as they saw it as a sacred gift, or a powerful talisman in battle.
When considering feather colors, firstly I always recommend seeking the answer within yourself first. Do you have any particular personal association with the color? What does the color make you think of or feel? What are the universal meanings of that color to your knowledge? Does the feather you found act as an answer to a question or some kind of acknowledgement. Always go with your gut and the first impressions you get, and trust. I recommend noting it down and keeping a journal of signs and synchronicities. You might see more in connection to this sign, so stay alert and enjoy the mystery of the process.
Below is a brief rundown of the possible color meanings of feathers (though trust your own heart and use this as a general guide – you can experiment with this!):

WHITE – purification, spirituality, hope, trust, faith, protection, peace, Heaven, angels, and also act as blessings and wisdom connected with moon.
RED – the root chakra (money, possessions, security, career), physical vitality/energy/life force/action, good fortune, passion, emotions, courage.
BLUE – throat chakra (communication, acceptance, speaking your truth) peace, inspiration, mental abilities/knowledge, connection with spirits, spiritual protection and psychic awareness.

YELLOW – solar plexus chakra (gut intuition, happiness), blessings and wisdom connected with powerful sun energy, intelligence, playfulness, joy, cheerfulness, mental alertness, vision.
GREEN – (heart chakra – love, emotions, relationships, forgiveness), health, healing, nature, environment, nature spirits, plant spirits, animal spirits, growth, fertility, harmony, unity, money, prosperity, success.
ORANGE (sacral chakra – sex/physical relationships, love, appetite, attraction), energy, change, optimism, and ambition, success, new ideas, will power, creativity, physical love, will power, independence.
PINK – unconditional love,  romance, feelings, friendship, caring, compassion, harmony, service, empathy, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, honor, inspiration.
GREY – peace and neutrality (as it is in the middle of black and white), authenticness, flexibility.
PURPLE – (crown chakra – universal consciousness, spiritual connection), heightened spiritual growth and experiences, higher thought.
BROWN – earth, stability, grounding, endurance, home, friendship, respect.
BLACK – protection, warning, repelling or  warning of negative energy, death (as in a closed chapter), mystical wisdom – a sign that you are undergoing a spiritual initiation, growth or increased wisdom. When the feathers are iridescent, it represents high mystical insight (especially if there is a shiny iridescence).


Black and white mixed feathers can represent protection, or the sense of union.
Black mixed with purple represents a very deep spirituality. I would take it as a mystical sign.
Black, white, and blue mixed feathers denote change on the horizon.
Brown and black striped pattern (like a pheasant/s feather) – balance between the physical and the spiritual.
Brown and white – happiness, and you will go under the radar from psychic or other  harm.
Feathers with red and green in them or together would denote that you are being assisted financially. I would take it as a very lucky sign.
Grey and white symbolize hope.
Related article: The Messages Of Feathers


Thanks to: http://in5d.com

2This Is What Different Feather Colors Mean Empty Colors feathers signs Sat Sep 02, 2017 1:21 am


Nice share. recently crows visited my woods, had a meeting, they were really making a racket.. went on for at least 10 minutes or so. I heard that when they visit it means something is afoot, or information needs to be explored, or more info out there will be revealed. Sort of makes sense, given my recent situation and the chaos around. I wonder ?  lol and observe wait and see. I was delivered a blue feather recently and a black / white one.



This Is What Different Feather Colors Mean Floating-feathers-christopher-elwell-and-amanda-haselock


Thanks Purpz this is beautiful. 
After the love of my life's death 2 months ago I have been finding white feathers in my path. Today I am in the process of moving, just down the street. Too  many memories here. Public Service was supposed to turn on the power in the new place and the lawyers are still going back and forth so I am paying a mortgage and paying rent at the same time right now. There was a problem with Public Service and things were looking bleak. Also I was feeling pretty depressed about Susie.
The realtor called this morning to say the lawyers have everything they need and the closing should be soon. Public Service worked everything out  and as I was walking back to my condo there was a pristine white feather in my path. 
Susie and my guides were just checking in to tell me I am guided and protected.



what about spotted? I found feathers on the floor of my car that were gray with white spots



Today I found two feathers. One long one in the street in my path and a smaller one on my doorstep. I feel the presence of my partner and my guides when I encounter these. There is a warmth I feel in my heart. The more I open up and try to still my monkey mind the more these miracles occur.
I think if we are blessed enough to be in tune with this we have a responsibility to give back.

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