Ufo Sightings Footage
Published on Sep 16, 2017
We've done a few videos on Nibiru, Planet X in the past but recently there's been a spike in people jumping on the band wagon because of the recent tragic natural events that have been happening around the world and people are starting to join the dots which we have been saying all along is the cause. Planet X has already started to have it's presence known and felt around the world what with the hurricanes, landslides and other things like floods, earthquakes and most other type terrible events that have been occurring. Planet X is in our view the culprit! There's no other rational explanation... Planet 9 or Planet X even Nibiru (however you would like to call it) may have formed in our solar system and then got pushed out by the sun. Astronomers have announced in January 2017 there was evidence for the so-called Planet 9 - nicknamed Planet X by NASA - existing beyond Neptune. One theory was it was brought here from another star system by the sun's gravity. But new research has concluded it is more probable it formed in our solar system and was pushed out to the fringes by our sun. Researchers at the University of Sheffield in the UK and ETH Zurich ran simulations of different scenarios, including that a planet from elsewhere was captured by sun. Yet, they found the probability of this was only one in six. What do you think about Planet X/Nibiru let us know what you think and please like and subscribe for more great videos? Our information source;