Lately, I have noticed that the creator puts everything I need out on the canvas (painting) for the day. Thought the canvas is blank, Creator gives me the brushes, paints, easel, chair, water, lunch and sets it all up with a beautiful view for me to just paint what I see, what I feel into being. So simple, but most days I do not even notice I am so caught up with what I think I need. If I needed groceries I could just paint them into existence. Like the ancient people painting the buffalos on cave walls with arrows through them, conjuring the food their people needed already dead and all they need to do is walk out of the cave and find where it lays, honor the buffalo and pack it home to the people, that easy, effortless. Each day I pray to the Creator to assist me to understand this, to guide and aid my hands to paint that which I need, that which others need, that which my Mother Earth needs and all beings upon her. I know Creator does not care if the image on the painting looks like the image in my head, Creator knows what I am getting at, it is about meeting Creator halfway, working with Creator, to create as a co-creator for the good of all, for all my relations. As co-creator I am responsible for all life here on earth that does not have the hands to paint, it is up to me to communicate with the tree beings to understand their needs and to get an image in my head to paint onto the canvas for their good. Co-creating with Creator the holographic images into the mind field and painted onto physical, emotional canvas effortlessly bringing into this reality what the image bares.
In Service to All My Relations, She Walks Among Stars