We Can Still Smile –
Can They?
October 30, 2017 / Keenan Team | GroupK
I want to thank everyone for their interest and involvement in the ‘healing computer’ technology. Whether you are owners or clients, one way or another you all have brought many smiles to our faces. The incredible testimonies from 3rd party treatment clients are truly hopeful and inspiring.
Although we would much prefer to have already delivered more machines as well as having been able to offer expanded healing services to you, our team is now working tirelessly to create better and more convenient opportunities. By bringing the healing computers directly to you in various regions throughout the world, we hope to lessen travel challenges.
Thanks to Larry and Nancy’s recent research questionnaire to determine people’s preferences, as well as finding the best places to set up seminars and healing appointments, we will continue to study more efficient methods to better serve you.
I personally wish everyone the very best and pray that whenever I meet you, no matter what your age, you are still playing sports. Hahaha.
Originally, it looked like there were not going to be any new machines available for awhile, but I’ve managed to arrange for two to be available right now, and more will be forthcoming later this month. A word to the wise: Put in your order now before it’s too late.
Questions about the Accounts (GCA) will be answered in a new post. There still remains a lot more work that needs to be done in terms of the Accounts.
Therefore, I will be traveling soon to deal directly with the principals. There are many ways to skin a cat, and we intend to have their full attention when we are there.
Yes, it has been a wild and wooly ride with many a “fleecing” going on behind the scenes at times. Sometimes it’s been surprising to find that we’ve had to fight our own people along with the Cabal.
In the near future I will have a lot to address regarding our own people. I plan to make them accountable – even tearing them up for the nefarious things they’ve recently said. I recommend they’d best find a hole to hide in!
Again, thanks to our great people. I’m glad to hear that so many of you are doing great.
Neil Keenan & Group K
Note: To those of you who have enquired regarding the other advanced technologies we are working to release, (such as free energy and water purification, etc.) please know that your requests for further detail have been noted. We will be in touch with you in due course once we have further information to share.
Thanks to:
Neil is scamtastic eh?
We Can Still Smile –
Can They?
October 30, 2017 / Keenan Team | GroupK
I want to thank everyone for their interest and involvement in the ‘healing computer’ technology. Whether you are owners or clients, one way or another you all have brought many smiles to our faces. The incredible testimonies from 3rd party treatment clients are truly hopeful and inspiring.
Although we would much prefer to have already delivered more machines as well as having been able to offer expanded healing services to you, our team is now working tirelessly to create better and more convenient opportunities. By bringing the healing computers directly to you in various regions throughout the world, we hope to lessen travel challenges.
Thanks to Larry and Nancy’s recent research questionnaire to determine people’s preferences, as well as finding the best places to set up seminars and healing appointments, we will continue to study more efficient methods to better serve you.
I personally wish everyone the very best and pray that whenever I meet you, no matter what your age, you are still playing sports. Hahaha.
Originally, it looked like there were not going to be any new machines available for awhile, but I’ve managed to arrange for two to be available right now, and more will be forthcoming later this month. A word to the wise: Put in your order now before it’s too late.
Questions about the Accounts (GCA) will be answered in a new post. There still remains a lot more work that needs to be done in terms of the Accounts.
Therefore, I will be traveling soon to deal directly with the principals. There are many ways to skin a cat, and we intend to have their full attention when we are there.
Yes, it has been a wild and wooly ride with many a “fleecing” going on behind the scenes at times. Sometimes it’s been surprising to find that we’ve had to fight our own people along with the Cabal.
In the near future I will have a lot to address regarding our own people. I plan to make them accountable – even tearing them up for the nefarious things they’ve recently said. I recommend they’d best find a hole to hide in!
Again, thanks to our great people. I’m glad to hear that so many of you are doing great.
Neil Keenan & Group K
Note: To those of you who have enquired regarding the other advanced technologies we are working to release, (such as free energy and water purification, etc.) please know that your requests for further detail have been noted. We will be in touch with you in due course once we have further information to share.
Thanks to:
Neil is scamtastic eh?