Karen Hudes
Published on Dec 19, 2017
Humanity has used gold as money through the ages. On December 7th, there was an article in Russia Insider about how Russia and China are buying up gold to replace the Federal Reserve Note as the international reserve currency. "Russia has made it very clear that they are making all the necessary moves to stop using the FRN/US dollar as their primary currency to settle international trade. Gold will probably handle Russia’s trade settlement just fine." This was how the Banking Cartel thought that they were going to force the unilateral surrender of the United States. As a critical mass of people know, the United States has access to its monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility. This is reality, and what the Banking Cartel is taking great pains to try and hide from us. Monoatomic gold (where the atoms are not bonded together) when it is heated, grows very light, and then it disappears. This segment was not live streamed because of technical difficulties. Teleprompter: