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Konstantinos: A message from the Collective Consciousness of the Plant Kingdom of the Cosmos

Konstantinos: A message from the Collective Consciousness of the Plant Kingdom of  Plant-life

[Hello friends. Today, I felt very strongly the nudges of
something that is part of the Nature. A little later, I realized that
this feeling was coming from the plants and trees and instantly, lots of
pictures with plants not only from this planet but from what seemed to
be other worlds too, appeared in my 3rd eye with a series of thoughts,
not words, that made me feel an indescribably deep connection and
Love...the less I can say. Later, I received the following message.]

We are the Collective Consciousness of the Plant Kingdom of the Cosmos.

Everything are connected through the Universal Grids of Love.

Consequently, by seeing or by standing only in front of a ‘lone’
flower which is in a flowerpot of a balcony, you can, if you are
sensitive, to feel the Wisdom and Love that exists in the Plant Kingdom,
not only of your planet, but of every other place of the Creation. This
includes dimensions too.

But even if you connect only with the Plant Kingdom of Earth, the
rest of its parallel and Infinite aspects, connect automatically with
it, because they are contained in each other always.

The plants, the trees, the fauna and flora have not forgotten their
Divine origin and that is so, because it is about souls who incarnate
for a different, to that of the humans’, purpose…to serve, to give and
offer, to teach, to guide…

The Respect is our irrevocable right and same goes for our Existence, too.

And when it seems that it is not reciprocated to us what we offer, we
know that the Law of Attraction and Karma will take care of it, in
order for the balance of the situations. We are aware of the Wisdom that
exists to everything.

The ‘veil’ does not surround us in a way that is able to alienate us,
even through illusion, from the Universal Functions of the Cosmos.

Consequently, we experience ourselves as One, simultaneously,in the Infinite Everywhere and Now.

And when parts of us, are stepped, burned, cut off, consumed, accept
the rays of the Sun or the Suns, be watered, are on the outer or the
inner part of a planet of any frequency or are in the depth of the
oceans, we tell you that we can understand it. We feel it. We recognize

We know the importance of our role and we are grateful for that.

Duality does not touch us, that is why our characteristic is the
Unconditional Love…whatever happens to us from ‘ outer factors’, we feel
the Purpose and instead of the ‘human logic’ of the imitation and
distortion of the Karmic Law, meaning revenge, we continue to give and
Love as the Gods we are.

Oh, so much Unity, so much Unity.

Can you feel it? It cannot be described but merged through your 4 bodies (physical, astral, mental, spiritual )
and the transmission of mental pictures and impressions of thought are
enough to help you comprehend these that cannot be transmitted through
limited ways.

On a moment, a part of us offers its shadow to a team of travellers
and on another, simultaneously, we experience ourselves as a plain to a
world with different characteristics from your world’s.

We recognize Everything and we are recognized by Everything.

Even if this seems not to be so, in worlds like Gaia, we tell you that nothing is as it seems.

Do not feel/be sorry. Show Compassion. Do not be silent. Take Action. Do not become indifferent. Give Help.

We are together with you..feel and take the gifts that we give…and as
you evolve, these gifts will be taken by you with Respect and not for

Your Inner Teacher is connected with us. It does not matter who you
will choose to listen, because in reality, no one is rejected. Τhere is
no separation. Only deep Unity.

Listen to our whispers and be taught from them. Because one of the many things that we offer, is Remembrance through teaching.

We Love you, because you are a part of us as we are a part of you, too.

We are the Collective Consciousness of the Plant Kingdom of the Cosmos.

As received by Konstantinos.

PS: For anyone who wish to read the previous messages, here is a link:


Geplaatst door

Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin

10:21 AM

Konstantinos: A message from the Collective Consciousness of the Plant Kingdom of  Icon18_email

Thanks to: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be

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