The Week Ahead: 09.24.2012
Sep 24, 2012
As one is drawn into the Heart of matter and existence this week the
feeling should be one of an upward zone of contentment and forward
progress. The spiritual currents of late that have awakened a cellular
vibration and knowledge are settling down. The divine portion of the
body that has absorbed unrestricted amounts of Light now begins to
channel an ebb and flow of light particles inside its blueprint of human
design. This means that you and I get to slow down and breathe without
everything falling apart. Changes have taken place and we are afforded quiet time
as the new biological arrangement and alignment continues to
incorporate and further develop. Take advantage of the week by enjoying
something that really fills your soul with pleasure.
In my corner of the world the golden hues of summer are just
beginning to give way to the rich, ripe reds, vibrant yellows and
burnished browns of autumn. Each day is a magnificent tapestry of
creation that I can’t wait to play in. As my physical
assimilates trillions of portions of Light this week in order that I may
reflect the new Beauty in form I will spoil myself with walks and
afternoons spent outside watching nature announce the time of harvest. I
hope each of you will also find something that gathers you into joy and
comfort and peace this week as well. Finding at-one-ment experiences
that soothe your Being will also do much to advance the transference and
transformation of Spirit at Its new level of expression within the
dense patterns of cellular material.
Many will find they have extra energy, drive and desire after coming
through the latest cosmic tune-up so it is a perfect time to direct that
power into constructive avenues. Summons that potent willpower and deft
mental attitude that only knows to create what you envision and you
could find yourself sitting on top of the world. Opportunities and
doorways are continually expanding in alignment with personal
evolution. Everything that you seek is waiting to come forward through
you; every thought and attitude is a portal of manifestation. Be in
accordance to every dream you keep tucked away. Look at your day. Look
at your thoughts. Look at your actions and then visualize the end
results. As you house and host the vision of what you want accomplished
say “thank you” knowing that the auric energy field of manifestation is
bowing to the master’s clarity and capabilities.
Much of Life is now moving with magic, mystery, passion and pleasure
as the blueprint of an age gone by falls away leaving in its wake
shattered illusions. Be present to redesigned, harmonized possibilities
and change because from this point forward you walk fully as the New
vibrating field of truth pouring onto the planet. The energies around
and within Gaia are facilitating the opportunity to live in a
cooperative manner with all life. Energy is soaring forth from the Heart
of the Cosmos and unleashing light, power, wisdom and truth of faith as
a new way of being. Every person has the potential now to see, feel,
know, and experience fully what it means to be a Spiritual Being having a
human incarnation. They only have to let it be!
Those in sync with the newly issued energies, vision and
transformation are destined to flow smoothly and comfortably through the
last waves of September. Fear is no longer an option. Let go of that
human made energy and replace it with the knowledge that Absolute Truth
and Perfection are spiraling continuously upon the Inner Sanctuary of
Self. Magnetize to you the radiant energetic signature of pure Creator
Essence by intentionally dispelling the myth that you are but a mere
mortal. Decide to move each day as Spiritual Divinity in the authentic
flow of an ascending paradigm. Allow your Divine Spark to daily guide
your feet and order your steps. Such mental attitudes are the raw
material that opens the path to the intuition and recognition of your
Inner Spirit.
These times call for new measures, are you willing to work for the grandest “expression of humanness” that we can conceive?
©2012 Reverend Angela Peregoff, All Rights Reserved.
Thansk to:
Sep 24, 2012
As one is drawn into the Heart of matter and existence this week the
feeling should be one of an upward zone of contentment and forward
progress. The spiritual currents of late that have awakened a cellular
vibration and knowledge are settling down. The divine portion of the
body that has absorbed unrestricted amounts of Light now begins to
channel an ebb and flow of light particles inside its blueprint of human
design. This means that you and I get to slow down and breathe without
everything falling apart. Changes have taken place and we are afforded quiet time
as the new biological arrangement and alignment continues to
incorporate and further develop. Take advantage of the week by enjoying
something that really fills your soul with pleasure.
In my corner of the world the golden hues of summer are just
beginning to give way to the rich, ripe reds, vibrant yellows and
burnished browns of autumn. Each day is a magnificent tapestry of
creation that I can’t wait to play in. As my physical
assimilates trillions of portions of Light this week in order that I may
reflect the new Beauty in form I will spoil myself with walks and
afternoons spent outside watching nature announce the time of harvest. I
hope each of you will also find something that gathers you into joy and
comfort and peace this week as well. Finding at-one-ment experiences
that soothe your Being will also do much to advance the transference and
transformation of Spirit at Its new level of expression within the
dense patterns of cellular material.
Many will find they have extra energy, drive and desire after coming
through the latest cosmic tune-up so it is a perfect time to direct that
power into constructive avenues. Summons that potent willpower and deft
mental attitude that only knows to create what you envision and you
could find yourself sitting on top of the world. Opportunities and
doorways are continually expanding in alignment with personal
evolution. Everything that you seek is waiting to come forward through
you; every thought and attitude is a portal of manifestation. Be in
accordance to every dream you keep tucked away. Look at your day. Look
at your thoughts. Look at your actions and then visualize the end
results. As you house and host the vision of what you want accomplished
say “thank you” knowing that the auric energy field of manifestation is
bowing to the master’s clarity and capabilities.
Much of Life is now moving with magic, mystery, passion and pleasure
as the blueprint of an age gone by falls away leaving in its wake
shattered illusions. Be present to redesigned, harmonized possibilities
and change because from this point forward you walk fully as the New
vibrating field of truth pouring onto the planet. The energies around
and within Gaia are facilitating the opportunity to live in a
cooperative manner with all life. Energy is soaring forth from the Heart
of the Cosmos and unleashing light, power, wisdom and truth of faith as
a new way of being. Every person has the potential now to see, feel,
know, and experience fully what it means to be a Spiritual Being having a
human incarnation. They only have to let it be!
Those in sync with the newly issued energies, vision and
transformation are destined to flow smoothly and comfortably through the
last waves of September. Fear is no longer an option. Let go of that
human made energy and replace it with the knowledge that Absolute Truth
and Perfection are spiraling continuously upon the Inner Sanctuary of
Self. Magnetize to you the radiant energetic signature of pure Creator
Essence by intentionally dispelling the myth that you are but a mere
mortal. Decide to move each day as Spiritual Divinity in the authentic
flow of an ascending paradigm. Allow your Divine Spark to daily guide
your feet and order your steps. Such mental attitudes are the raw
material that opens the path to the intuition and recognition of your
Inner Spirit.
These times call for new measures, are you willing to work for the grandest “expression of humanness” that we can conceive?
©2012 Reverend Angela Peregoff, All Rights Reserved.
Thansk to: