Does your Life feel Stuck right Now?
By Gilbert Ross • Jan 19, 2018 •
Are there times when you feel pretty stuck in a moment? I mean not just stuck with one problem or issue but feeling as if your life is not going anywhere? I know that place very well.
There is an upside to this situation however. Those moments in life, although pretty hard, can be a blessing in disguise because they offer a hidden opportunity to question and reinvent yourself; break down old patterns & habits, sharpen your tools, and regain some clarity on the way forward. I call it the pit stop of life. It’s a time to refuel and get some maintenance work going.
- You can use this moment to go deeper within and ask questions like “What if I do this differently?”. “How well has this way of doing things been serving me?”, “What’s the worst that can happen if I change my life plans or start thinking differently?”. Ask, ask and ask and be honest.
- Feeling of stagnation often arises out of fear of change. To get out of ‘stuckness’, you inevitably need to embrace change and dive into uncertainty. Use this moment to befriend change.
- Move your energies. Do some type of movement – walk, run, stretch, yoga, etc – or just do something different and outside the routine. This will stimulate your mind-energy-body to open up to new ideas, creativity and opportunity.
- Learn something new: A skill, a practice or simply a new idea.
- It’s just a moment. See beyond it and keep the perspective that it’s not going to be like that forever.
Blessings <3
Gilbert Ross
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