Dossier Coup
Former Federal Prosecutor Joe diGenova gives the most clearly-articulated description of the relentless juggernaut that is the ongoing American palace coup, the marshaling of the Deep State-run legacy media and the corruption of the FBI and Department of Justice, with the $12M “Pee-Pee Dossier” as the legal instrument to justify it all.
The staggering corruption at the highest level of US law enforcement and the lock-step collusion of the dinosaur media would be enough to leave anyone aghast, except that most have been successfully manipulated by this massive psychological operation.
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Former Federal Prosecutor Joe diGenova gives the most clearly-articulated description of the relentless juggernaut that is the ongoing American palace coup, the marshaling of the Deep State-run legacy media and the corruption of the FBI and Department of Justice, with the $12M “Pee-Pee Dossier” as the legal instrument to justify it all.
The staggering corruption at the highest level of US law enforcement and the lock-step collusion of the dinosaur media would be enough to leave anyone aghast, except that most have been successfully manipulated by this massive psychological operation.
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