Kp Message 1-31-18… “Acceleration… Get Used to it, baby!!”
Posted on 2018/01/31 by KauilapeleI’m realizing that the rate of change in and on this planet is increasing. Increase in the rate (velocity) of change equals “acceleration”. Or, the speed of change is increasing. Acceleration, baby…
So all I can say is, it’s really a “going with the flow”, and even though the rate of flow (speed) is continually increasing (accelerating), each of us has the ability to “go with it”. Like catching larger and larger waves, each of which comes in faster and faster, bigger and bigger… they can be surfed, if our velocity (speed) keeps matching that of the wave.
Our overall consciousness, aka, vibration, has increased dramatically in the past few years, and the past few months. It will continue to increase. There may be seeming “starts and stops”, but as our Ascension Intent remains clear, we will flow with these changes… both INner and outer… both INvisible and outer-visible…
There were several major “operations” that occurred yesterday, on the 1-11-11, and I know that these have initiated a vast UPloading of New Frequencies and New Codes into the Cosmic Energetic Framework. These are bringing massive changes to the visible world right now. These changes cannot be stopped. Those attempting to resist the changes will be either swept aside, or blown away.
I know, because as I have tried to resist a couple of my own, those things have been indeed exposed big time, and “blown away”… (with my awareness, and consent, of course!!)
All is well. All is Ascending. Like it or not. We are making it, baby.
Enjoy the Acceleration(s)!
Aloha, Kp
Thanks to KP at: