"The Miracle of the ZIM" by Carden - 3.4.18
3/04/2018 03:29:00 AM
Entry Submitted by Carden at 12:26 AM EST on March 4, 2018
I really understand everyone's angst over this RV GCR Exchange. It's impossible to follow this process with any sure knowledge with a view from the cheap seats. And most of us are sitting up in the nosebleed section! Confusing editorial from left and right coming from top and bottom leave us topsy-turvy.
Will we see a lop? Will we be able to negotiate rates? Are projects necessary? Will we even be able to exchange? Only the Good Lord knows and he hasn't been sharing directly.
The Zimbabwe Government Bond is a very special instrument with a history still unfolding. It will be so rewarding to finally learn the real plan behind the creation of the Zimbabwe Bonds and the GCR. Especially when we are able to see the tremendous blossoming of the world as a result.
I've been struggling with this ZIM Bond issue as well. From so many directions. Yet amidst all of the challenges there's one issue that was handled a long time ago; the belief in my ability to be one of the wealthiest people in the world. I'm totally fine with this. In fact, so fine am I with the responsibility of healing the world that I'm resentful of the lop. Forget the lop. The lop is history just like the inflation of the Zimbabwe Dollar. Reality has set in.
Reality has.... really...... set......... in. In so many ways. This RV GCR path has brought so much more. I had an epiphany the other day that I'd like to share.
A stark and shocking thought hit me upside the head only last week when I realized that I had been lied to since I was young enough to form opinions. Massive propaganda campaigns supporting anarchy had been spoon fed to the population and we had believed the lies.
For me it started in 1968 during the Vietnam War. The MSM were telling the story of innocent boys being forced to kill innocent women and children. Young 18 year old boys were drafted against their will, given no choice and sent off to die in a jungle on the other side of the world. Helpless and hopeless were the theme of the day. For many surviving veterans and their friends and families that experience became a disempowering foundation that they built a life of struggle on. "Nothing comes easy." " You can't trust anyone." "Life is hard and then you die." All statements that roll easily off the tongues of the "working class". It's all a lie.
The epiphany I had was earth-shattering. I discovered that I had been lied to forever and the lies had forged beliefs that led to career and personal paths I took. What if instead of believing that our government was evil I had believed that our government was made of Great People just like me? What if instead of despising all authority I admired it and actively pursued a leadership position? What if instead of distrust of "the System", I pursued ownership, actually affecting the direction of its qualities and delivery. All of this is only possible if you trust and admire your life and the people around you. Fear has no place in the beautiful life we will be creating!
The Vietnam War, and every war being fought anywhere in the world brings the same self perpetuating harm to all people of the world. It's a permanent destructiion of the innocent souls forced to participate. It must stop and stopping war is easy. All we have to do is stop the propaganda and start believing in Goodness, Innocence, Kindness, fostering and encouraging and focusing on all the normal virtues. God gives us this ability. It starts with our beliefs.
I'm believing that the truth is here now. We are who we have been waiting for. We are free. We have new opportunities to heal our selves and our families, our communities, and ultimately our world. The Zimbabwe Government Bond is making it possible. I can't wait to learn the true story about Zimbabwe and Central Africa and will definitely be investing there.
"Have Faith and Hope in me and I will have Faith and Hope in you. Together we will forge a great destiny."
Thanks to: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com