MILITARY TRIBUNALS: Why They Are Absolutely Necessary
By Cosmic Convergence Research Group -
Mar 6, 2018
Because the barbarians are inside the gate!
Because those traitors practically own and operate the
State of the Nation
The political reality throughout the USA is that the legal profession is overwhelmingly populated by card-carrying Democrats, liberal lawyers, progressive corporate attorneys, radical activist judges and left-wing DAs.
All those fancy law degrees from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown, Cornell, etc. are conferred upon mostly left-leaning JDs. The American Bar Association is literally a branch of the Democratic Party. And it is specifically these BAR-registered attorneys who have always posed the greatest threat to the United States since its founding. The Crown Temple: A History of the Bar Association and Who Really Owns the USA
Not only are BAR-certified lawyers a nakedly self-serving lot, a disproportionate majority will remain staunch Democrats their entire life. Many will never leave their major metro area or deep blue state even a single time…except to fly to another metropolitan airport (e.g. NYC to LAX). Barack Hussein Obama is a perfect example of one of these British agents who was financed by the Rothschild investment bankster –George Soros — specifically to undermine the American Republic.
Many of these self-proclaimed advocates get into the biz as a way of pushing their personal agendas, as they also promote an overarching and socially destructive liberal platform. The notorious New York City attorneys and Philadelphia lawyers are, in actuality, the muscle employed by the NWO globalists and national leaders of cultural marxism.
By relentlessly undermining the nation’s system of law, the legal class (and particularly the political class) has reduced the Republic to a mere shadow of its former glory. The ultra-liberal lawyers and their subversive associations have literally laid waste to civil society. Their political power is now so entrenched, and the implementation of their agenda so advanced, that only radical surgery can remove such a cancer from the body politic. How Lawyers Wrecked America and Ruined the World
Ever since Trump has been POTUS, the nation has witnessed the many ways that the Courts have been used to shut down his various initiatives. The Democrat-aligned attorneys routinely collude with the activist judiciary to terminate any presidential order or directive that can be overturned.
Because of this ever-worsening predicament, Trump has had his hands tied to a great degree. The resulting governmental paralysis has left the president with no choice but to apprehend the coup plotters who are guilty of outright sedition. Most of these agents of Deep State are committing acts of treason simply because of their political ideology. Other are coerced via bribery and blackmail by their Shadow Government masters (e.g. extortion via Pedogate crimes).
Once the UCMJ legal framework has been adopted, military tribunals can be established to prosecute the numerous traitors throughout Deep State. That they all be apprehended expeditiously and simultaneously is critical to the success of this strategy. The longer they are free to make mischief, the more dangerous it becomes for the POTUS, his political allies and the leaders of patriot movement.
In light of the critical stage of this ongoing coup d’état, it’s especially imperative that the insurrectionists be incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center—post haste! In this way, they can be securely imprisoned at great distance from those who would aid their escape. Most importantly, the insurgents can be efficiently moved through the military tribunal process so that justice can be served fairly and swiftly.
KEY POINT: The civilian criminal justice system would see these cases intentionally tied up in the courts for years on end. In this manner, justice
would be continually deferred or subverted altogether through liberal legal
The response to an attempted overthrow of a sitting president falls squarely within the domain of the U.S. Armed Forces. For this and other significant reasons, military tribunals must be constituted with all deliberate speed. The more quickly the criminal prosecutions can be conducted, the sooner the prodigious body of hard evidence proving guilt of treason and sedition can be made available to the concerned public.
It’s important to note that this same cabal of career criminal politicians and government officials has a multi-decade rap sheet that will truly shock the country. It includes an endless list of state-sponsored terrorism using false flag attacks, first degree felonies (especially VIP assassinations and other premeditated murders), outright genocide, war crimes against several nations, grand theft on a massive scale, crimes against humanity, child exploitation crime syndicates, etc.
What follows is an example of just one of the Illuminati’s most horrific criminal enterprises, which was then used to justify an unrelenting series of war crimes and genocidal campaigns known as the utterly fake War on Terror. The Neocon Zionists Must Be Arrested And Put On Trial For False Flag 9/11 Terrorism
Because the U.S. Criminal Justice System is incapable of rendering a just and fair outcome to these direly needed court proceedings, the POTUS has no choice but to assign this task to U.S. Military Courts. The stark reality is that the aforementioned crime wave is so immense that the civilian criminal courts would be overwhelmed, much more than they already are. The ensuing tsunami of criminal cases and civil lawsuits would effectively incapacitate the entire justice system.
As for systematic prosecution under the UCMJ, applications for reversal can be heard by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. The Judge Advocate General’s Corps can be expanded accordingly to accommodate the expected appeals, as well as to handle the prosecutions and requests for defense. JAG officers can be assigned to those Deep State defendants who have been stripped of their ill-gotten gains so as to afford them a fair trial.
In this fashion, the U.S. citizenry can be assured that many of the co-conspirators will be taken off the streets (e.g. K Street, Wall Street & Fleet Street), once and for all. Furthermore, by serving out their life sentences at Gitmo, the most dangerous offenders will not be able exert their pernicious influences within these United States of America. The most serious offenders, of course, will be subject to capital punishment as they should be.
Special Note: The single most powerful position in the U.S. Federal Government is not the POTUS (chief executive officer) or Speaker of the House (control’s the public purse); rather, it’s the U.S. Attorney General (A.G.). As the nation’s chief lawyer and top law enforcement officer, the A.G. can take down any government official or corporate CEO with the stroke of a pen. For this reason alone, it’s well understood throughout the political realm and criminal justice circles that the occupant of this position is always a trusted agent of Deep State. The current order of utter lawlessness and profound criminality that reigns inside the Beltway is a glaring testament to this fact. And the deliberate failure to drain the swamp by AG Jeff Sessions further validates that he is either a covert agent of Deep State or a completely controlled Shadow Government operative. (VIDEO: ‘Jeff Sessions Is Not the Attorney General’ — Former Attorney & Law School Professor)
The United States of American has been ruled by a criminal cabal of incorrigible and clinically insane psychopaths (read: “Psychopathocracy”) over the course of several administrations.[1] The nation can no longer tolerate the profound damage and extensive destruction inflicted on every sphere of life. Because the USA has hit the proverbial wall, radical measures are now required.
Whereas the fabric of society has been irreparably torn, a new national tapestry can be woven after a “Truth & Reconciliation Commission” is established. This urgent process of reformation, however, begins with MILITARY TRIBUNALS. And they ought to begin their proceedings sooner than later…while the circumstances still exist to form them.
FLIER: The People’s response to the ongoing coup being run by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community: MILITARY TRIBUNALS
Lastly, there is now a massive body of hard evidence available on the Internet that proves pervasive criminal conduct at the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government. Likewise, the volume of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence in the public domain is so compelling that it demands an immediate response. In other words, We the People (and especially the awakened populace) are obligated to act on this actionable evidence now that so many are aware of it.
It’s high time to constitute military tribunals to terminate this CIA-directed, FBI-protected coup. And George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Adam Shiff should be at the very top of the docket.[2]
State of the Nation
March 3, 2018
Editor’s Note
UPDATE: At the writing and posting of this article, SOTN was completely unaware of the following prophecy uttered by Mark Taylor. We have since been made aware of it by so many great patriots who visit our Alt Media platforms. And, we are quite gratified to have independently arrived at the very same conclusion about “Military Tribunals”. Thanks to our numerous awakened readers!
[1] An Abridged History Of The United States Psychopathocracy
[2] ADAM SCHIFF: Dangerous Traitor, Reckless Warmonger and Criminal Politician
Thanks to:
By Cosmic Convergence Research Group -
Mar 6, 2018
Because the barbarians are inside the gate!
Military tribunals are especially required to prosecute the Deep State criminals, rogue Intel & SS agents and Shadow Government perps who are conducting a soft coup against the POTUS. But why?
Because those traitors practically own and operate the
U.S. Criminal Justice System, that’s why!
The political reality throughout the USA is that the legal profession is overwhelmingly populated by card-carrying Democrats, liberal lawyers, progressive corporate attorneys, radical activist judges and left-wing DAs.
All those fancy law degrees from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown, Cornell, etc. are conferred upon mostly left-leaning JDs. The American Bar Association is literally a branch of the Democratic Party. And it is specifically these BAR-registered attorneys who have always posed the greatest threat to the United States since its founding. The Crown Temple: A History of the Bar Association and Who Really Owns the USA
Not only are BAR-certified lawyers a nakedly self-serving lot, a disproportionate majority will remain staunch Democrats their entire life. Many will never leave their major metro area or deep blue state even a single time…except to fly to another metropolitan airport (e.g. NYC to LAX). Barack Hussein Obama is a perfect example of one of these British agents who was financed by the Rothschild investment bankster –George Soros — specifically to undermine the American Republic.
Many of these self-proclaimed advocates get into the biz as a way of pushing their personal agendas, as they also promote an overarching and socially destructive liberal platform. The notorious New York City attorneys and Philadelphia lawyers are, in actuality, the muscle employed by the NWO globalists and national leaders of cultural marxism.
Cultural Marxism Is Destroying America
By relentlessly undermining the nation’s system of law, the legal class (and particularly the political class) has reduced the Republic to a mere shadow of its former glory. The ultra-liberal lawyers and their subversive associations have literally laid waste to civil society. Their political power is now so entrenched, and the implementation of their agenda so advanced, that only radical surgery can remove such a cancer from the body politic. How Lawyers Wrecked America and Ruined the World
The Courts
The U.S. Criminal Justice System is dominated by Democratic operatives at every level within most of the major urban jurisdictions. These best and worst legal counselors among them know exactly how to manipulate the judicial machinery to advance the liberal agenda. And they do so with a vengeance.Ever since Trump has been POTUS, the nation has witnessed the many ways that the Courts have been used to shut down his various initiatives. The Democrat-aligned attorneys routinely collude with the activist judiciary to terminate any presidential order or directive that can be overturned.
Because of this ever-worsening predicament, Trump has had his hands tied to a great degree. The resulting governmental paralysis has left the president with no choice but to apprehend the coup plotters who are guilty of outright sedition. Most of these agents of Deep State are committing acts of treason simply because of their political ideology. Other are coerced via bribery and blackmail by their Shadow Government masters (e.g. extortion via Pedogate crimes).
Military Tribunals
In view of President Trump’s plight, he has no choice but to prosecute the perpetraitors under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Only in this way can the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces be assured that justice will be administered, free from judicial sabotage, legal legerdemain and political interference.Once the UCMJ legal framework has been adopted, military tribunals can be established to prosecute the numerous traitors throughout Deep State. That they all be apprehended expeditiously and simultaneously is critical to the success of this strategy. The longer they are free to make mischief, the more dangerous it becomes for the POTUS, his political allies and the leaders of patriot movement.
In light of the critical stage of this ongoing coup d’état, it’s especially imperative that the insurrectionists be incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center—post haste! In this way, they can be securely imprisoned at great distance from those who would aid their escape. Most importantly, the insurgents can be efficiently moved through the military tribunal process so that justice can be served fairly and swiftly.
KEY POINT: The civilian criminal justice system would see these cases intentionally tied up in the courts for years on end. In this manner, justice
would be continually deferred or subverted altogether through liberal legal
The response to an attempted overthrow of a sitting president falls squarely within the domain of the U.S. Armed Forces. For this and other significant reasons, military tribunals must be constituted with all deliberate speed. The more quickly the criminal prosecutions can be conducted, the sooner the prodigious body of hard evidence proving guilt of treason and sedition can be made available to the concerned public.
Crimes must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
The American people deserve nothing less than a complete airing of the many serious crimes which have been committed by countless political leaders and government officials. In point of fact, the ongoing crime spree carried out to advance the soft coup against the POTUS represents only a fraction of the transgressions by the “Deep State criminals, rogue Intel & SS agents and Shadow Government perps”.The Rogue CIA, Deep State and Shadow Government: Who are they?
It’s important to note that this same cabal of career criminal politicians and government officials has a multi-decade rap sheet that will truly shock the country. It includes an endless list of state-sponsored terrorism using false flag attacks, first degree felonies (especially VIP assassinations and other premeditated murders), outright genocide, war crimes against several nations, grand theft on a massive scale, crimes against humanity, child exploitation crime syndicates, etc.
What follows is an example of just one of the Illuminati’s most horrific criminal enterprises, which was then used to justify an unrelenting series of war crimes and genocidal campaigns known as the utterly fake War on Terror. The Neocon Zionists Must Be Arrested And Put On Trial For False Flag 9/11 Terrorism
Because the U.S. Criminal Justice System is incapable of rendering a just and fair outcome to these direly needed court proceedings, the POTUS has no choice but to assign this task to U.S. Military Courts. The stark reality is that the aforementioned crime wave is so immense that the civilian criminal courts would be overwhelmed, much more than they already are. The ensuing tsunami of criminal cases and civil lawsuits would effectively incapacitate the entire justice system.
As for systematic prosecution under the UCMJ, applications for reversal can be heard by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. The Judge Advocate General’s Corps can be expanded accordingly to accommodate the expected appeals, as well as to handle the prosecutions and requests for defense. JAG officers can be assigned to those Deep State defendants who have been stripped of their ill-gotten gains so as to afford them a fair trial.
In this fashion, the U.S. citizenry can be assured that many of the co-conspirators will be taken off the streets (e.g. K Street, Wall Street & Fleet Street), once and for all. Furthermore, by serving out their life sentences at Gitmo, the most dangerous offenders will not be able exert their pernicious influences within these United States of America. The most serious offenders, of course, will be subject to capital punishment as they should be.
Special Note: The single most powerful position in the U.S. Federal Government is not the POTUS (chief executive officer) or Speaker of the House (control’s the public purse); rather, it’s the U.S. Attorney General (A.G.). As the nation’s chief lawyer and top law enforcement officer, the A.G. can take down any government official or corporate CEO with the stroke of a pen. For this reason alone, it’s well understood throughout the political realm and criminal justice circles that the occupant of this position is always a trusted agent of Deep State. The current order of utter lawlessness and profound criminality that reigns inside the Beltway is a glaring testament to this fact. And the deliberate failure to drain the swamp by AG Jeff Sessions further validates that he is either a covert agent of Deep State or a completely controlled Shadow Government operative. (VIDEO: ‘Jeff Sessions Is Not the Attorney General’ — Former Attorney & Law School Professor)
A vast litany of crimes has been committed by Deep State against the American people spanning many decades. Egregious crimes have also been perpetrated against foreign nations in the name of the American people and with our tax dollars. Were all the heinous wrongdoings to be made public, the body politic would go into the state of collective and incapacitating shock.The United States of American has been ruled by a criminal cabal of incorrigible and clinically insane psychopaths (read: “Psychopathocracy”) over the course of several administrations.[1] The nation can no longer tolerate the profound damage and extensive destruction inflicted on every sphere of life. Because the USA has hit the proverbial wall, radical measures are now required.
PONERIZATION: How the American Republic was taken over by political cliques of criminally insane psychopaths
Whereas the fabric of society has been irreparably torn, a new national tapestry can be woven after a “Truth & Reconciliation Commission” is established. This urgent process of reformation, however, begins with MILITARY TRIBUNALS. And they ought to begin their proceedings sooner than later…while the circumstances still exist to form them.
Action Plan
Everyone can participate in this civic initiative by circulating the following flier. The content of this highly authoritative document is such that it effectively functions as a citizen’s indictment. When a critical mass of We the People are correctly informed about these weighty criminal matters, the wheels of justice will begin to turn.FLIER: The People’s response to the ongoing coup being run by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community: MILITARY TRIBUNALS
Lastly, there is now a massive body of hard evidence available on the Internet that proves pervasive criminal conduct at the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government. Likewise, the volume of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence in the public domain is so compelling that it demands an immediate response. In other words, We the People (and especially the awakened populace) are obligated to act on this actionable evidence now that so many are aware of it.
It’s high time to constitute military tribunals to terminate this CIA-directed, FBI-protected coup. And George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Adam Shiff should be at the very top of the docket.[2]
State of the Nation
March 3, 2018
Editor’s Note
UPDATE: At the writing and posting of this article, SOTN was completely unaware of the following prophecy uttered by Mark Taylor. We have since been made aware of it by so many great patriots who visit our Alt Media platforms. And, we are quite gratified to have independently arrived at the very same conclusion about “Military Tribunals”. Thanks to our numerous awakened readers!
[1] An Abridged History Of The United States Psychopathocracy
[2] ADAM SCHIFF: Dangerous Traitor, Reckless Warmonger and Criminal Politician
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