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America: Some Assembly Required --- Literally.

America: Some Assembly Required --- Literally.  Proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2Fannavonreitz.com%2Fanna145
By Anna Von Reitz

The title of this new book is somewhat tongue in cheek, it's true.  

We DO need to "assemble" America ---- literally.  

This brief summary can help people at all levels of government and within the general populace understand why in only sixty pages, set up as fifty "sound bites" of information that, taken together, provide the business history of America.

I am hopeful that for many, many people this mode of learning will be engaging and user-friendly, as it encapsulates the main issues in bite-size pieces.  This tends to be faster and easier to take in. 

There are some people, who, due to their reading style, won't be able to make heads or tails of this book, because it requires you to take a bite, chew, take a bite, chew....and follow along with what you are learning as you go.  You have to relax and let the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle go together in your mind as you read.  It isn't intended to drive home in a continuous stream leading from a beginning to a middle to an end.  Instead, each one of the fifty pages is its own conclusion--- but taken together, they do come to a much, much larger overall conclusion.  

At the end, you can see the whole pattern of the matrix you've been living in, and understand how it works and how it came to be and what you can do to change things.   That's a lot to accomplish in fifty pages, one bite at a time. 

Strangely, this whole concept of "taking things one bite at a time" has pervaded every step we've taken.  The overall prospect was simply too big, too overwhelming to contemplate.  

My "Committee of One" was overwhelmed by exactly this enormous nature of the Beast in October of 2013, when I accidentally recruited my first helper.  I was faced with multiple court deadlines and important correspondences and I was completely overwhelmed, so I said to a family friend, "I feel like a mouse trying to eat an elephant." 

He said, "Move over.  I'll take a bite, too."   Thus, he became known as "Mouse, Too." or sometimes as "Mouse Also" and from that feeble impossible beginning there are now millions of mice chewing away worldwide.  

Here is the link to the new book, available on Amazon for $10: 


The sales go to support The Living Law Firm and our loyal publisher, David Everett Robinson, who has played such an important role in making educational documents and books available to the public.  

The "assembling" that America requires is the assembling of over 3,000 local county assemblies by people who claim back their birthright heritage, their Good Names (Trade Names) and Estates.  And, one by one, piece by piece, and bit by bit, it is happening.  

All over this country, Americans are waking up and answering the call to restore our lawful National Government and also the Land and Soil Jurisdiction Counties and States underlying it.  

How we got into such a ridiculous (and scary) state of affairs -- paying for the administration of a government that isn't ours --- is the subject of America: Some Assembly Required.  

The means to get out of this situation, which is to "assemble" ourselves and get back on track is covered by the Michigan General Jural Assembly in their weekly national conference calls.  

These take place at 9 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, every Thursday evening: [url=tel:(712) 770-4160]1-712-770-4160[/url], Access Code 226823#.  

To new attendees -- please be advised that new people are joining these calls every week and not everyone knows how to fit in right away.  This leads to a certain amount of chaos and some false expectations.  

These calls are for people ready to help restore their lawful local county and State Government .  These calls are not for people seeking help with legal issues or court cases or who have personal axes to grind. 

The Michigan General Jural Assembly has stepped forward to help organize the actual counties and the National - level State of State organizations we are owed, just as they have organized and operated their own since the 1980's. 

To help you reclaim your county and your state of the Union, they also have a Help Hotline available from 2- 7 pm Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Thursday, at [url=tel:(989) 450-5522]1-989-450-5522[/url].  

At the very beginning of most worthwhile endeavors there is chaos, but you will begin to see increasing order established as people find their own ways forward. 

Just yesterday, MGJA announced the launch of a new website and extensive discussion forum being made available at  http://national-assembly.net.  

You should look at these books and these calls and forums as tools to rebuild -- literally reassemble -- America. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Posted by   Paul Stramer    at 11:20 PM

Thanks to:http://www.paulstramer.net



Stop Imagining That "America" is Mystery Babylon

America: Some Assembly Required --- Literally.  Proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2Fannavonreitz.com%2Fanna145
By Anna Von Reitz

There are some very well-crafted and well-reasoned videos out on the market that analyze the status of ancient Biblical prophecies.  Those prophecies indicate that "Mystery Babylon" will suffer the loss of power--- as in electrical power due to some eventuality like an EMP attack.  She will go dark and into darkness.  

The producers of these Biblical Fear Monger videos seek to sell good decent people all their "secret" survivalist knowledge --- at a price calculated to benefit only themselves, especially since all this special knowledge turns out to be pablum any average Boy Scout knows and which farmers, hunters, loggers, naturalists, and even a good many day hikers would laugh at.  

You will learn such "precious life-saving knowledge" as the need to boil or otherwise treat surface water for drinking.   How to dig a latrine.  How to re-use plastic bags. The fact that vinegar kills bacteria. 

Frankly, if you don't already know these things, you are too stupid to live. 

But that is not the worst of it.  These videos invariably portray "America" as the problem and "America" as "Mystery Babylon", the Great Whore, the Mother of Abominations---- and she is not.  America is, again, being confused and mixed up with her ugly little British step-sister from Hell, the [Territorial] United States.  

The Statue of Liberty is undoubtedly a representation of the Ancient Babylonian goddess Ishtar foisted off on the good people of New York City as an emblem of "liberty" which they mistakenly thought of as "freedom".  

In fact, liberty is what British sailors are given as a reward when they reach port and nothing resembling true freedom at all.  So "Lady Liberty" is an obscene fraud promoted by the P2 Freemason Lodge and their brethren at the Grand Lodge in Paris.  An inside joke.  A defamation.  A Phoenician "road sign" saying, "For a good time, stop here!" 

They must have just about pooped their pants with glee when they pawned that one off and all the silly sentimental ladies gushed and wrote stupid poems about "lifting her lamp beside the golden door"--- those same nineteenth century matrons would have shoved their umbrellas up the rumps of those same men if they had only known what the "Statue of Liberty" really is and what it really stands for. 

But they didn't ---and so, the statue of The Great Abomination stands in New York Harbor, like a piece of physical graffiti, standing --- as Jesus said it would --- where "it should not stand".   Thanks to our gullibility and innocence, all "she" really stands for is just how virtuous and kindly and yes, ignorant, we really are. 

The only righteous answer is to take it down and pack it up and send it back to France with a polite note saying, "Now that we know what this really is, we don't care to have it associated with our city or our country.  Perhaps you can melt it down and make some more useful birdcages, trash bins, public urinals, and park benches--- all of which you seem to be in need of." 

No, America is decidedly NOT Mystery Babylon and our Righteous Redeemer and Our Father are fully aware of our innocence and who is actually responsible for that offensive statue.  Have no fear.  The guilty ones can be identified nowadays with astonishing precision and the "darkness" is likely to be short lived so long as we all keep our heads in order and say our prayers.  

So where or what is Mystery Babylon in the present world?  Well, it's the back end of the tribe of Manasseh, which was split in half, with one half remaining true to the True God and the other half following after the gods and goddesses of Babylon.  
That much is obvious, and its even obvious that Manasseh is largely encamped here in this country---- and still split, with one portion (the Territorial and Municipal United States) being devoted to Death and the Devil, and the other, larger portion, devoted to Life and Jesus.  

It turns out that if Mystery Babylon exists in this country at all, it would have to be located in the District of Columbia.  After all, "Columbia" is just another name for Ishtar, Semiramis, Cybele, Astarte, Ashtoreth---- the Mother of All Harlots.  And it is true that Washington, DC does "sit on the waters" --- as it was literally built on a swamp, and it does have "seven hills" though they are  so negligible as to invite mockery. 

All in all it looks like Washington, DC is being set up as a target for Divine Wrath, a decoy with a big sign out front seeming to proclaim that it, not Rome, not London, is "The" Problem.  But, as usual, the P2 Lodge and their pals in Paris totally underestimate our God, because theirs is so very petty and unconcerned about Truth.  What can you expect from people that worship penises and a giant python?  

The more obvious target of Divine Wrath in my mind is Rome, because Rome has tolerated and profited from and promoted all this lawlessness and debauchery ever since it sacked Carthage and caught the "disease" of Babylonian religion and began (in about 200 BC) to hire priests of Cybele (another name for Ishtar) to collect taxes for them. These "priests" were professional liars and tricksters who wore black robes and bleached their hair white --- just like British Barristers do to this very day, only the Bar Members wear wigs and unfortunately, no longer castrate themselves in honor of their "goddess". 

Rome is part of the Italian Peninsula and it is most certainly "surrounded by waters" and "sits on seven hills" and far, far more than poor America, has a history of debauchery and slyness and criminality and greed and lust for power and vanity and also, far more than America, has controlled the wealth and commerce of the world. 

My vote for Mystery Babylon goes to Rome.  

Though, in fact, the Inner City of London could also qualify.... it has seven hills and sits on an island surrounded by water, more than any other entity, it has controlled shipping and commerce, both.  Plus, it insists on openly worshiping Satan and keeps a big statue of His Ugliness in public view.  So, here's my ranking of the possible candidates: 

1. Rome, because of the falsehood of the Church and using the Church as a storefront for illegal, immoral, and disgusting activities. Plus, it meets all the Biblical requirements. 
2. City of London, because it also meets all the criteria of "Mystery Babylon" and deserves destruction almost as much as Rome. 
3. Washington, DC, a distant third and Weak Sister throughout, because the American People are basically so naive and good that instead of being bad, they wind up just being stupid and led astray by the other two monsters.  If we suffer, we suffer for that, and it will be the District of Columbia/New York City that takes the hit. 

Besides, Our Divine Family knows what's what and who is who in this little drama. Your Creator and Your Redeemer, both of whom are kind and just and now in control of this planet--- can read your history and intent and culpability (or lack thereof) at a glance.  Nothing escapes either one of them.  

They are not fooled by the gambits of men--- like putting the "Statue of Liberty" in New York Harbor in the hopes of defiling America and shoving the blame for all this depravity off on the Americans.  They are as far above the P2 Lodge and the Grand Lodge Paris members as the sky is above the Earth; there will be no mistakes and no laughs for the fraud artists. 

Finally, there is a very, very good reason why America as a whole is unlikely to be the victim of an EMP or other similar attack ---  Our Father has made it very, very clear that He is not here to destroy the Earth --- only the "World"--- the fake illusory man-made world of commerce as-we-have-known-it with all its violence and oppression---THAT is what is on the docket for destruction, along with the lies and oppression and violence that has gone with it.  

Biblical prophecies, every single one of them, will be fulfilled, but not necessarily in the ways we assume or imagine.  Always remember that Our Father does not think as we think or do as we do, but you can count on Him to do the right thing and to do it perfectly.  

Now that He is here on the Earth again, I have no fear for the future at all.  Sure, it makes sense to set aside some extra food and fuel and take precautions for social upsets or natural disaster-type upsets, but not to brood and fret and be fearful. 

Dad is home.  Our Brother, Jesus, is home at last. 

To me, that is a very welcome and comforting thought.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Posted by Paul Stramer at 11:03 PM

Thanks to:http://www.paulstramer.net

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