Kp Message 5-5-18… “Planetary Foundations are Shifting… Big Time!”
Posted on 2018/05/05 by KauilapeleAll the things happening on the Big Island, with the lava flowing to new locations, laying new foundations, sporting or here and there and consuming that which does not move out of its way… To me, it’s all planetary. But it’s far more than just a “physical 3D” thing. It’s a consciousness thing.
So much has been (is being) exposed about this and that on the outer, and also about this and that in the inner. What’s going on inside, reflects to the outside. And we attract the outer to reflect the inner. That’s happened so much to me this past couple years that I’m taking this now as the new “normal”.
The planet’s going through this as a whole, as a community of humanity, and even though some of those “humanity” groups we may perceive as “crazy” or “nuts”, to me it’s all part of the process. We’re seeing things in a new light, from a more conscious and awakened state.
And that’s a great thing to behold. And a great thing to be a part of.
So I say, “Enjoy the ride and enjoy the view!!”
Aloha, Kp
Thanks to KP at: