"Tick Tock..." by ReelMan - 5.31.18
5/31/2018 01:07:00 AM Emailed, ThoughtsEntry Submitted by ReelMan at 12:56 AM EDT on May 31, 2018
Dearest Kim-
In this life, I have worked for numerous large companies. I am sure (now) that many were Cabal owned/influenced. Until a few years ago I was, as most are on this planet, in sleep mode. I was unaware, uninterested and just trying to get ahead. I had a job. It paid. I paid my bills. It worked.
That does not make me Cabal.
From Day One, nothing that you have said or shown has resonated with me. I know tricksters. Even when I was asleep, I could see one coming a mile away.
I sent you the name of someone who has been instrumental in the RV. I told you to contact him. If you are the Queen of the Codes, you know him. I should not have to give you his number.
You never reached out to him.
Here is what truly amazes me: First, someone with the alleged power that you have would not be so thin-skinned. So desperately needing to defend herself. To be so small as to cast indictments upon others. To be so trivial.
And with all the important things that you are charged with, how do you find the time to post? And how would you be allowed to? With the RV resting on your shoulders, why would you be the One chosen to make sure that we all know the Truth. To make sure that we have the real story? It must, I presume, get in the way of all the high finance and important meetings that you live and breathe 24/7.
I know Fireswan personally. I stand up for her proudly. There is about as much of a chance of Fireswan being Cabal as there is my pet cat being Cabal. And I would be less sure of the cat. I have dealt with Fireswan in business, with great success and harmony. To try to belittle others to make yourself look better is what God would call Ego. And if you are this close to running the RV, you would not display this type of behavior. It shows that you are not of God.
I like to think of myself as a somewhat literate conversationalist. One who knows how to get a point across without being crude. Screw it. Stop being such a dick, crawl back in your hole and pull the manhole cover back over it.
Much love-
Thanks to: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com