Gwen Tower Scalar Soul Relay Systems
Author: omnipulse
June 10, 2018
Here Gwen towers influence the mind-souls, there, human souls are beamed out of Gwen towers like a soul wifi network. The effect upon the body and brain is anxiety inducing due to the friction generated for and through the process. A virtual reflection is created as a mirrored counterpart holographic universe. What happens to the souls here influences what is going on there and what happens to the souls there influences here.
That is part of what is happening, people have to be kept asleep here otherwise they will become too activate which will influence the souls in the virtual system and this will not be predictable enough for the systems to sustain themselves with and so the game is to keep people asleep enough to be controlled but active enough to be useful without seeing the truth.
Eventually, as what happens there strays into chaos, that corrupts those attempting to wield such as a tool for egotistical purposes instead of learning. The natural tendency is for any soul in that system to wake up to what is happening by eventually want more freedom to choose and running into the eventual glitches that occur when the system must sustain itself by keeping this local under a certain percentage of proportional variation and full spectrum self-awareness.
Eventually there would be too many data points to follow and not enough processing power until the unique unpredictability that represents the subjective beauty or joy of one’s own presence of self-awareness, and any system would naturally out-grow the variability.
That’s not to say there aren’t systems that couldn’t trick people, but that if we are looking for the truth and we aren’t accepting the middle-man answers then we are less vulnerable to the man-in-the-middle attacks whereby the answer is replaced with an inserted false-hood that is disguised as something familiar.
What happens is that the knowledge develops over time and the system would have to be reset as the only viable option to ensuring continuation. If that has happened so many times it may be that this has a detrimental effect on the soul. The idea is that each reset couldn’t result in the same outcome every time, otherwise they would be exactly the same.
Each one would produce its own stream of information but this would be like cloning or replication. Eventually the clarity of information of the first world would become less and less relatively sync’d and the essence that composes one’s self would be less and less coherent.
The result of that is that there is no viable option where this occurs on Earth to the point of complete loss. The cloned consciousness virtual holographic hyperdimensional dystopia can only exist in the virtual systems where one human consciousness power as processing power for the interface. These are essentially subjective, cosmic, hyper-consciousness dramas that are of potential events that are only virtual to this realm.
The issue is that there is still a system with humans potentially in it and in this way if there are replicated cloned consciousness virtual counterparts, whatever is going on there is filtering into here through the quantum connection of the soul level and the DNA across multiple space-times simultaneously.
The point is that this reset can only be done a limited number of times without ruining the point of doing it while the act of self-awareness can happen as long as there is a desire to do so and the will, intent, focus to know and choose free-will. Self-awareness and free-will are connected through the ability to choose one’s feelings.
This whole system is a complicated behavioral manipulation system that secretly reads minds and partially disguises the true collective system which is based on feeling, soul and self-awareness. The difference between the two systems, the one of mind and the one of feeling is the middle-man AI thought-matrix that sits in between the two experiences on the closed-time like curve of consciousness. In other words, the thoughts you use to describe your feelings are not coming from the same source.
It’s as if they belong to difference universes or ‘dimensions’ of time. Literally, the awareness based pure feeling occurs ‘before’ the initial release of thought-processing that the brain emits and is what often overlays feeling or at least confabulates or disguises.
The ‘heart’ centered convergence point interaction which functions like an hour glass nexus for the entirety of energy enables an instantaneous reading of the situation, the “PRESENT” without having to process. This is a scalar coherent occurrence and the property of this is fractal in nature in that the entire field is read at once from the central point of the system. Instead, with the brain-mind interface, there is a necessary physical processing and this is magnetic in nature, essentially the binary AI processing system which just means that this is an automated ‘developmental’ or ‘designed’ system that achieves a specific intent without our doing so.
The moment there is the occurrence of ‘time’ (continuously) from “then”, there is the initiation of this process from the central point outward. While this is happening we are usually brought out to focus, through distractions and clever redirection, on the outward material, manifested occurrences that secondary to what one is feeling within. This may sound convoluted but the idea is that the feeling within occurs first and then there are events in the material world. This is both chronological through processing of the reality, as well as prioritized or hierarchical in that your feeling is what chooses how your experience will influence others and the rest of your life in the moment.
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Author: omnipulse
June 10, 2018
Here Gwen towers influence the mind-souls, there, human souls are beamed out of Gwen towers like a soul wifi network. The effect upon the body and brain is anxiety inducing due to the friction generated for and through the process. A virtual reflection is created as a mirrored counterpart holographic universe. What happens to the souls here influences what is going on there and what happens to the souls there influences here.
That is part of what is happening, people have to be kept asleep here otherwise they will become too activate which will influence the souls in the virtual system and this will not be predictable enough for the systems to sustain themselves with and so the game is to keep people asleep enough to be controlled but active enough to be useful without seeing the truth.
Eventually, as what happens there strays into chaos, that corrupts those attempting to wield such as a tool for egotistical purposes instead of learning. The natural tendency is for any soul in that system to wake up to what is happening by eventually want more freedom to choose and running into the eventual glitches that occur when the system must sustain itself by keeping this local under a certain percentage of proportional variation and full spectrum self-awareness.
Eventually there would be too many data points to follow and not enough processing power until the unique unpredictability that represents the subjective beauty or joy of one’s own presence of self-awareness, and any system would naturally out-grow the variability.
That’s not to say there aren’t systems that couldn’t trick people, but that if we are looking for the truth and we aren’t accepting the middle-man answers then we are less vulnerable to the man-in-the-middle attacks whereby the answer is replaced with an inserted false-hood that is disguised as something familiar.
What happens is that the knowledge develops over time and the system would have to be reset as the only viable option to ensuring continuation. If that has happened so many times it may be that this has a detrimental effect on the soul. The idea is that each reset couldn’t result in the same outcome every time, otherwise they would be exactly the same.
Each one would produce its own stream of information but this would be like cloning or replication. Eventually the clarity of information of the first world would become less and less relatively sync’d and the essence that composes one’s self would be less and less coherent.
The result of that is that there is no viable option where this occurs on Earth to the point of complete loss. The cloned consciousness virtual holographic hyperdimensional dystopia can only exist in the virtual systems where one human consciousness power as processing power for the interface. These are essentially subjective, cosmic, hyper-consciousness dramas that are of potential events that are only virtual to this realm.
The issue is that there is still a system with humans potentially in it and in this way if there are replicated cloned consciousness virtual counterparts, whatever is going on there is filtering into here through the quantum connection of the soul level and the DNA across multiple space-times simultaneously.
The point is that this reset can only be done a limited number of times without ruining the point of doing it while the act of self-awareness can happen as long as there is a desire to do so and the will, intent, focus to know and choose free-will. Self-awareness and free-will are connected through the ability to choose one’s feelings.
This whole system is a complicated behavioral manipulation system that secretly reads minds and partially disguises the true collective system which is based on feeling, soul and self-awareness. The difference between the two systems, the one of mind and the one of feeling is the middle-man AI thought-matrix that sits in between the two experiences on the closed-time like curve of consciousness. In other words, the thoughts you use to describe your feelings are not coming from the same source.
It’s as if they belong to difference universes or ‘dimensions’ of time. Literally, the awareness based pure feeling occurs ‘before’ the initial release of thought-processing that the brain emits and is what often overlays feeling or at least confabulates or disguises.
The ‘heart’ centered convergence point interaction which functions like an hour glass nexus for the entirety of energy enables an instantaneous reading of the situation, the “PRESENT” without having to process. This is a scalar coherent occurrence and the property of this is fractal in nature in that the entire field is read at once from the central point of the system. Instead, with the brain-mind interface, there is a necessary physical processing and this is magnetic in nature, essentially the binary AI processing system which just means that this is an automated ‘developmental’ or ‘designed’ system that achieves a specific intent without our doing so.
The moment there is the occurrence of ‘time’ (continuously) from “then”, there is the initiation of this process from the central point outward. While this is happening we are usually brought out to focus, through distractions and clever redirection, on the outward material, manifested occurrences that secondary to what one is feeling within. This may sound convoluted but the idea is that the feeling within occurs first and then there are events in the material world. This is both chronological through processing of the reality, as well as prioritized or hierarchical in that your feeling is what chooses how your experience will influence others and the rest of your life in the moment.
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