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A Chart Exposing How The Bilderberg Group Controls The Entire World

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A Chart Exposing How The Bilderberg Group Controls The Entire World Bilder-1

A Chart Exposing How The Bilderberg Group Controls The Entire World

06/12/2018 By Stillness in the Storm Leave a Comment

(Arjun Walia) If you haven’t already heard by now, yes, a small group of people and the corporations they run completely control all aspects of human life, whether it be health, food, or finance, media and education, each major area and the resources that go into it are dictated and selected by this group. The crazy thing about it is the fact that nobody really knows who these people are, but it’s becoming more clear that our political system, and those who make decisions and set global policy every year, are always in attendance.

by Arjun Walia, May 29th, 2018
This group is extremely secretive, and has been meeting for decades while the public had little knowledge of what was going on and who was in attendance. The world did not really become aware of this group until only a few short years ago, and since then, alternative media and multiple journalists have been swarming attendees and seeking out where these meetings are held each year, while mainstream media completely ignores it.
Attendees continue to keep their silence and not really speak about it, which only leads to more attention and more of a feeling that something suspicious is going on right under our noses.
We are talking about the major financial players, representatives of all the big banks, corporations and various sectors of government and politics, intelligence agencies and more. Below is  a little quote from 1991, given by David Rockefeller which really gives the reader a good idea of what might be going on there.
The transcript is from a 1991 Bilderberg group meeting in Baden, Germany, proving how deluded Rockefeller’s views truly were. Bill Clinton also attended this meeting along with many other members of the elite class, I’m sure. Rockefeller stated:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government… The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” (source)
Rockefeller was one of the main people who have been on the Steering committee at Bilderberg. Within recent years, because of the growing awareness that has surrounded this mysterious group, they’ve been forced to publicly put out who is attending, when and where.
Related Bilderberg on Steroids – Meet the Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind the ‘War on Terror’ | Le Cercle
Buy Book The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction
Is this where the global elite set their plans for the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses? According to Edward Bernay’s (one who roamed in these circles), it’s “An important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – (Propaganda, 1928)
If we keep looking for one individual every four years to change the world, it’s not going to work… Politics has become a giant distraction, a form of entertainment, and a battle between the global elite who comprise of a few different groups that are playing a game designed by those higher up than them.

This kind of organization, along with others like the Council on Foreign Relations, are the hub of the Deep State that now controls politics, global geopolitical policy, and basically, the future and what direction it takes. Who knows just how many attendees are involved in the plans of those who actually run and organize these events, but they are no doubt , if anything, being used to push it, just like we are.
This all stops the day we decide acknowledge that we are all co-creating this experience and there’s really nothing to fear here. Sure, these groups may dictate policy and decide what direction the world may go, and not really have all of humanities (the collective) best interests in hand, but that’s ok. Why is it ok? Because the day we wake up and realize we are the ones being used to fuel the system that no longer resonates with us, is the day it starts changing, and that’s exactly what’s happening right now.
As Business Insider pointed out a few years ago, the graph “shows the members’ connections to a ton of corporations, charities, policy groups and media. Everyone from Eric Schmidt to George Soros is a member. There are tons of conspiracy theories about the group, including that they control the world economy. We took the findings with a grain of salt–after all, it’s easy to trace an individual to a corporation and the graph doesn’t specify what influence the member wielded.”
Click on the chart below to expand and zoom in.  It’s a great map that shows all of the connections between the attendees and the world. 
A Chart Exposing How The Bilderberg Group Controls The Entire World Bilder-1024x882

Thanks to: https://stillnessinthestorm.com

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