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The Exponential CTC Acceleration within the Anisotropic Quantum Field

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The Exponential CTC Acceleration within the Anisotropic Quantum Field

 omnipulse June 15, 2018 
There is only one truly self-aware you.
An acceleration point is reached that necessitates the capacity for non-linear advancement in consciousness meaning leaps instead of steps.
This is what is required to reach the ‘truth’, or to comprehend the complexity of how this realm has been changed from the farthest and deepest layer all the way to the manifested physical.
This society exists as multiple layers of truth simultaneously and so there are people living in divergent locales with dimensionally restricted space-time access. In this way their actions and thoughts are according to a default preprogrammed script which is being altered in real-time to correspond with particular thoughts and intentions.

This acceleration will occur until those in the divergent fields are required to move closer to the source of change in this realm, the true genuine awareness and those participating and therefore guiding that for the rest of the realm, or they will move into obscurity as their consciousness is increasingly less relevant to the ‘present’.
This occurs like a signal decay between two fields or systems of frequencies creating communicating through a stable connection channel. Without that communication, there is no communication. We think the ground holds us all together, an etheric force unifying minds is what enables this civilization and this is being artificially enabled but the side-effects of this must be mitigated. So the result is the people have to have near total to total control of their consciousness field “membrane” as if they are a complete universe processing information and organizing the incoming acceleration so as to create a kind of ‘temporal slipstream’ around the locale their mind is operating through. Those without this knowledge would be like individual standing on a slippery rocks in a creek as a flash flood pours in.
The flood is of information and memory which is destabilizing when unlocked in an unstable fashion.
Something that started this conversation but was left out is that everything that one does with the knowledge of this dynamic, no matter the power level, is to reduce ‘surprises’ in the sense of quick change and too much change at once. The other aspect that was forgotten is that the soul level is only changed when one’s entire perspective is permanently shifted. The soul level changes are the only ones that really count. This will be in another video.
In continuation of the first aspect, it’s like being born in the sense that there is no way, no environment, no method of doing this that is ultimately going to make everything “peachy”. It’s always going to be rough and that’s because of what intellect of emotion or knowledge and memories that was lost by coming in here. It’s a cosmic level psychological trick.
The idea is that in situation where the individual isn’t given the knowledge or awareness (and memories) over time, this will cause a proverbial structural damage to the construct of their mind and it will fail in certain points where stress is bound and focused as a result of imbalance. This also connects the geometric consciousness concept in that the construct that is imbalanced will crush itself under it’s own weight when the weight of the presence is increased. AKA, when your self-awareness grows, you must discern between the body that is not growing. So it’s not the ego-identity that truly grows, but it is the loss of the perceptual errors or fallacies that construct the illusion of self which detracts from the view of what is never hidden fully.
When we extrapolate that to a cosmic level we end up with either those who work for humanity in working to make things understandable and those who are utilizing the lack of understanding, ignorance, as a means of control. One can’t not have control and power by doing this, but one can choose to use their time in a way that benefits the whole and this is the whole point of being in the ‘center’.
The manipulating programmer will return to the manifested as the ‘infection’ rises to the surface for clearing and will either be ‘charged’ again with emotional energy as people buy the deal and this will act to ‘flip’ the beam around with enough force so that the flipside result of this interaction comes and smacks us on the ass in a quantum temporal metaphor in the sense that what happens in the next age is out of our proverbial ‘hands’ (or minds).
Safeguard measures have been taken in order to ensure the inoperability of that psychotronic temporal control system.

Thanks to: https://augtellez.wordpress.com



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