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1Free Speech is Now a Whisper Empty Free Speech is Now a Whisper Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:40 am



Free Speech is Now a Whisper
Free Speech is Now a Whisper Fake-news-big-brother
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. U. S. Constitution, Amendment 1
The American constitutional right of Free Speech is being attacked by Google’s Digital News Initiative, Facebook’s total surveillance and privacy rip-off, the warlord corporate news media’s 97% fake news and lies, and the weaponization of all 17 U. S. Intelligence agencies. Trump has taken this “bull” by the horns and has wrestled it to the ground through his superior understanding of the power of the media.
Free Speech is Now a Whisper Tweet-birds-white-background
Trump “tweets” have destroyed his 17 Republican opponents, won an unprecedented election that was a landslide, stopped Obama’s ISIS and Bush’s Al Qaeda, manifested historic tax cuts, added $7 trillion to U. S. assets, ended the worst trade deals ever, signaled the end of the cold war, put Iran in its place, created more jobs than any other president, and has brokered peace in North Korea, and much, much more “winning.” Those who try to battle Trump on the “Tweet Battle Field” are annihilated, like Justin Trudeau who had his face proverbially slapped and his eyebrows discombobulated by trying to out-tweet Trump. No one can stand the fury of a Trump tweet storm.
Ever since Mueller’s parrot, Rod Rosenstein, announced that the illegal special council has found no “Russian/Trump collusion” and that there will be no “fake indictment” of Trump, Donald has unleashed a Tweet War on “Fake News” (corporate main stream media) – which essentially is a battle-cry for reinstating “Freedom of Speech”, honesty in reporting, and enforcement of the Decency in Broadcasting Act, which is violated by every newscaster who knowingly lies about Trump and his administration.
Free Speech is Now a Whisper Reuters-rothschildIt is not a conspiracy theory that the Rothschild’s banking empire outright owned Reuters news agency and the Associated Press in their early days. Bankers use media to broadcast propaganda that manipulates people to enrich the Warlord Banker’s bottom-line. The main stream media in America is owned by six major corporations who then feed news to the Associated Press that provides those unverified, salacious, and spurious reports to almost all main stream media news outlets.
World news in America is almost completely controlled by Reuters Thompson who is the megaphone and echo-chamber for Corporate Warlords who drive industry, economics and steal over 50% of yearly income and hide it in off-shore tax havens without paying a single penny in taxes. Warlord Corporations also lie and place their “headquarters” in a country that charges little or no taxes. These corporate crimes are part of the established “Fake News” that hide these crimes and distract viewers with sensationalism, consumerism, entertainment, and political lies so we don’t see the daily crimes of corporations who act with corporate impunity.
Propaganda is legal in America because of new clauses Obama added to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. The Department of Defense’s Board of Broadcasting Governors and the Global Engagement Center conducted extensive “election meddling” during the 2016 presidential election using $86 million in tax-payer dollars to attack Trump and help Hillary win. These “Fake News” attacks, advertisements, memes, and Mueller’s imaginary Russians were, in fact, directed by Obama’s administration as “legal propaganda” against an opposing candidate. But this wasn’t the only propaganda Obama spread, just the one he got caught doing.
Soon, Google’s Digital News Initiative will finish analyzing all written and spoken news on the Internet and name the news agency they say are “Fake News.” The U. S. government is paying Google to conduct these attacks against Free Speech. Google itself is the biggest culprit of “Fake News” and warring against Free Speech evidenced by Eric Schimdt’s $1.5 billion donation to create a “template for winning the election” which included changing all search algorithms to attack Trump and benefit Hillary.
Facebook, Twitter, and other social media corporations also joined in the attack and committed crimes by helping to “rig” the election, thus controlling what Americans heard and saw in the news.
See our blockbuster report on election rigging here:

Thanks to: https://aim4truth.org

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