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Kp Message 6-18-18… “Really? When I ‘voted’ for ‘The Alliance’, I signed up for THIS?”

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Kp Message 6-18-18… “Really? When I ‘voted’ for ‘The Alliance’, I signed up for THIS?” Kauilapele_hand_toward_andromeda

Kp Message 6-18-18… “Really? When I ‘voted’ for ‘The Alliance’, I signed up for THIS?”

Posted on 2018/06/18 by Kauilapele
Kp Message 6-18-18… “Really? When I ‘voted’ for ‘The Alliance’, I signed up for THIS?” Kp_170707_kilauea_purple_light_240_32Probably it’s pretty clear that I “voted” for “The Alliance”, as I am pro-planetary-survival, and have known for some time that the way the planet was moving was not going to be too healthy for anyone, in the end… at least if one wanted to remain with and ascend with this planet.
So here’s the straight “poop” from my “end” (and I don’t mean, “rear end”):

  • As a prelude, “support” to me means, something like, “sending Light and Love to (and aligning with the Higher intentions of)” (and not necessarily agreeing with every single thing they may or may not do).
  • I support Donald J. Trump in his assignment to lead the efforts to change the direction of the sinking ship of the USA Republic. And because I know he is an integral part of the planetary Alliance.
  • I support Donald J. Trump and the Alliance in their assignment to return the USA Republic to the constitutional principles upon which it was founded.
  • I support bringing to the Light the ways which “the cabal” (whether Republican or Democrat or Conservative or Liberal or domestic or foreign) has attempted to sink the ship of the USA Republic, and the world.
  • I support those who assist in bringing to the Light the ways which “the cabal” has attempted to sink the ship of the USA Republic, and the world.
  • I support the freedom of each and every individual on this planet to live their lives and to BE as they choose to be, and to follow their passion(s) as they see fit to do.
  • I support the freedom of each and every individual on this planet to NOT see anything the way I do and to NOT BE aware of anything positive and/or constructive happening on this planet.

Well, I’ll end it there.
The thing I’ve been finding, since the November, 2016 election deal took place, is that I’ve seen freak outs, like those who say “Trump is racist, misogynist, egotistical, etc., etc.” (when the data points to “No, he’s not”), or then there’s those who seem to now believe that “The USA is coming back to Jesus”, so therefore, no more sex (unless it’s in the “missionary position, ‘Christianity and Biblical approved'” way), unless it’s after you’ve got married. And, of course, absolutely no gay, bisexual, trisexual, threeway, fourway, ten-way, half-way, pre-marital, or any other kind of non- “missionary position, ‘Christianity and Biblical approved'” type, whatsoever. And, for God’s sake (whatever that means), NO abortions!
Holy crap!! I’ve already violated ALL those (well, almost all of them)! So what that side is saying is, “Now that Trump is in office, just wave the flag, wear your MAGA hat, and STOP HAVING FUN OF ANY KIND!!”
Well, all I can say about that is, “Sorry, but I am choosing only one ‘side’… the multi-faceted sphere of ‘the Light’.”
Sorry, folks, I do not go for any of those “liberal-conservative”, “Republican-Democrat”, “this religion is better than that religion” divisional kind of crap. I don’t bow down to and/or worship any of those beings that may (or may not) be here to help the planet, and that includes, Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed, Donald J. Trump, Barack Hussein Obama, Vladimir Putin, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Blue Avians, Green Avians, Triangle heads, cabbage heads, or governmental heads.
As many who read these posts understand, and I say this for myself, “I am here to BE who I AM, and to follow the Higher Guidance that I receive.” And like it or not, that’s the way it’s gonna stay!!! (for me, at least)
Aloha, Kp

Thanks to KP at: https://kauilapele.wordpress.com

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