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Happy Summer Solstice xox

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1Happy Summer Solstice xox Empty Happy Summer Solstice xox Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:01 pm



Happy Summer Solstice xox MagicalSummerSolstice_AvD

Happy Summer Solstice xox GettyImages-53109629

Happy Summer Solstice xox Summersolstice

2Happy Summer Solstice xox Empty Re: Happy Summer Solstice xox Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:03 pm



Happy Solstice Day To All…June 21st

June 20, 2018 / Visionkeeper

Happy Summer Solstice xox The-sun-the-river-the-beam-favim-com-483595-1
Live each moment fully, extract all that it offers and then embrace the next!                    Happy Solstice To All….VK               

Thanks to: https://oneworldmetamorphosis.wordpress.com

3Happy Summer Solstice xox Empty Re: Happy Summer Solstice xox Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:05 pm



June Solstice Meditation on June 21 2018 at 10:07 AM UTC

Happy Summer Solstice xox Solstice
** sticky until after meditation **
In case I don't get to post a reminder in time tomorrow, here it is now.

Please check We Love Mass Meditations for full details.


Thursday, June 21st at 10:07 am UTC
7:07 pm JST in Tokyo
6:07 pm CST in Taipei
12:07 pm EET in Cairo
12:07 pm CEST in Paris
11:07 am BST in London
6:07 am EDT in New York
5:07 am CDT in Chicago
4:07 am MDT in Denver
3:07 am PDT in Los Angeles.

Convert to your local time here.

Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:

English guided audio for this meditation is available here:


Thursday, June 21st at 10:07 am UTC
7:07 pm JST in Tokyo
6:07 pm CST in Taipei
12:07 pm EET in Cairo
12:07 pm CEST in Paris
11:07 am BST in London
6:07 am EDT in New York
5:07 am CDT in Chicago
4:07 am MDT in Denver
3:07 am PDT in Los Angeles.

Convert to your local time here.

Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:

English guided audio for this meditation is available here:

Guided audio available in English, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian, Telugu and Music only:

Thanks to:  http://theearthplan.blogspot.com

4Happy Summer Solstice xox Empty Re: Happy Summer Solstice xox Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:06 pm



FREE Special Summer Solstice Live with Nassim ~ Resonance Academy

Happy Summer Solstice xox Nh
Summer Solstice Session
with Nassim Haramein

This Thursday, June 21st 2pm PST, 5pm EST, 9pm UTC/GMT

This FREE Resonance Academy Virtual Classroom event is hosted on ZOOM. Access links will be sent by email when your register.

Thanks to: http://theearthplan.blogspot.com

5Happy Summer Solstice xox Empty Re: Happy Summer Solstice xox Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:00 pm




Published on Jun 20, 2018

Breaking News: Yes my friends summer is here, its summer time with the summer blues enjoy this summer video and dance with it enjoy. Music & Video by Didier Manchione all rights reserved Moonfull publishing Socan Canada 2018 MUSICNEWS NETWORK.

6Happy Summer Solstice xox Empty Re: Happy Summer Solstice xox Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:51 am



Happy solstice, everyone!
By Deborah Byrd in Tonight | June 21, 2018
Happy Summer Solstice xox 09jun21_430

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, the June solstice is your signal to celebrate summer. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, winter starts at this solstice. This 2018 June solstice takes place on June 21 at 10:07 UTC; translate UTC to your time. In North America and U.S. time zones, that’s June 21 at 7:07 a.m. ADT, 6:07 a.m. EDT, 5:07 a.m. CDT, 4:07 a.m. MDT, 3:07 a.m. PDT, 2:07 a.m. AKDT (Alaskan Daylight Time) and 12:07 a.m. HAST (Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard Time). At the instant of this June 2018 solstice, it’s sunrise in the Americas and sunset in Japan and Indonesia. The sun is at zenith (straight overhead) over in South Africa, not far from Polokwane (Pietersburg). The solstice happens at the same instant for all of us, everywhere on Earth; only our clocks and calendars are different.
Keep reading for some quick info that’ll help you connect with nature at this June solstice 2018.
Happy Summer Solstice xox Earth-june-21-2018-800x400
Worldwide map via the U.S. Naval Observatory shows the day and night sides of Earth at the instant of the June solstice (June 21, 2018, at 10:07 UTC). It’s sunrise in the Americas, noon in Africa, and sunset in Japan and Indonesia.
Solstice brings extremes of daylight and darkness. Earth’s orbit around the sun – and tilt on its axis – have brought us to a place in space where our world’s Northern Hemisphere has its time of greatest daylight: its longest day and shortest night. Meanwhile, the June solstice brings the shortest day and longest night south of the equator.
The June solstice gives us the year’s northernmost sunrise and northernmost sunset. The northernmost sunrise and sunset deliver the year’s longest period of daylight to the Northern Hemisphere yet the shortest period of daylight in the Southern Hemisphere. North of the Arctic Circle, the sun neither rises nor sets but stays above the horizon for 24 hours around the clock. South of the Antarctic circle, the sun neither rises nor sets but stays beneath the horizon for 24 hours.
In the Northern Hemisphere, noontime shadows are shortest at this solstice. On this solstice, the sun takes its most northerly path across the sky for the year. It’s the year’s highest sun, as seen from the Tropic of Cancer and all places north. Thus your noontime shadow is shortest.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite is true. This solstice marks the lowest sun and longest noontime shadow for those on the southern part of Earth’s globe.
Happy Summer Solstice xox Sunset-Nikolaos-Pantazis-near-solstice-e1435220171806
View larger. | Nikolaos Pantazis wrote: “Every year, on the days around summer solstice, the setting sun aligns with that rock, near the village of Platanos, Peloponnese, Greece.”
Each solstice marks a “turning” of the year. Even as this northern summer begins with the solstice, throughout the world the solstice also represents a “turning” of the year. To many cultures, the solstice can mean a limit or a culmination of something. From around the world, the sun is now setting and rising as far north as it ever does. The solstice marks when the sun reaches its northernmost point for the year. After the June solstice, the sun will begin its subtle shift southward on the sky’s dome again.
Thus even in summer’s beginning, we find the seeds of summer’s end.
Longest day for Northern Hemisphere, but not the latest sunset. The latest sunset doesn’t come on the day of the summer solstice. Neither does the earliest sunrise. The exact dates vary with latitude, but the sequence is always the same: earliest sunrise before the summer solstice, longest day on the summer solstice, latest sunset after the summer solstice.
Shortest day for Southern Hemisphere, but not the latest sunrise. The latest sunrise doesn’t come on the day of the winter solstice. Neither does the earliest sunset. The exact dates vary with latitude, but the sequence is always the same: earliest sunset before the winter solstice, shortest day on the winter solstice, latest sunset after the winter solstice.
Read more about the earliest sunrises here, and read more about the latest sunsets here.
Happy Summer Solstice xox Sun-3am-6-18-2013-Birgit-Boden-Sweden-e1371729141795
At very northerly latitudes now, the sun is up all night. Here is the sun at 3 a.m. – as seen near a June solstice by EarthSky Facebook friend Birgit Boden in northern Sweden.
Bottom line: Some quick info that’ll help you connect with nature at the June solstice 2018!

Thanks to: http://earthsky.org

7Happy Summer Solstice xox Empty Re: Happy Summer Solstice xox Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:24 am




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