"Currency List Confirmed" by Michael Murdock - 8.7.18
8/07/2018 06:08:00 AM Emailed, Intel, ThoughtsEntry Submitted by Michael Murdock at 4:42 AM EDT on August 7, 2018
Greetings to all! As promised previously, I mentioned that I would report if there was any early news on the list of currencies that would be available for exchange when the RV launched later this month. I received today a message that included the list. This is the message as it was sent to me.
This is the best news that I have as of today. In fact I stayed up late (it’s past 1:30AM) just to decode this one for you and to make sure that all is included in this email. I’m still hearing that the ZIM is being targeted to revalue 1 to 1 with the US DOLLAR, so $100TRILLION ZIM NOTE will = $100TRILLION US DOLLARS. That’s enough cash to literally fix every outstanding problem infrastructure wise in the USA, more than 10 TIMES OVER! (I’ll be writing checks for those as a Gift to the USA from this Veteran who was not born here, but is grateful for being allowed to become a citizen many years ago).
I’m praying all continues on track for the 15th, and I will let you know as soon as I hear more. There is some exciting things coming forward on a COIN for the USA and when I know more about that I will tell you as you’ll want to get some of that because it will put Bitcoin to shame on valuation very quickly and will allow you to grow your fortune and give give give to many in your lifetime and beyond!
Michael Murdock, US Navy Veteran, yes, really homeless
God bless your kindness️ thanks for anyone helping me to eat this week
Thanks to: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com