Secret Space Program/Nazi Eugenics/Operation Brain Drain/MK Ultra Techniques/Ascended Abilities Disclosed in the Netflix Show ‘Ascension’
Posted on September 20, 2018 by truthearthI did a lot of research for this particular piece so forgive me if it goes on for a while. I was searching for a sci-fi show to watch and possibly do an analysis on and got an immediate hit when I read the synopsis for a show one can find on Netflix called ‘Ascension’. Although their synopsis is a bit incomplete, I will be sharing my own.
As an added synchronicity, I started this research about a day and a half ago as of the time of this writing. And when I went to check the QAnon posts I saw they were doing a Q&A. During this Q&A it was revealed that secret space programs do indeed exist and that we are not alone:
Let us not forget the fact that the military intelligence community works directly with Hollywood on countless types of shows and movies, some of which appear to be releasing highly-classified information:
(Medium) US military intelligence agencies have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows“…We have recently acquired 4,000 new pages of documents from the Pentagon and CIA through the Freedom of Information Act. For us, these documents were the final nail in the coffin.These documents for the first time demonstrate that the US government has worked behind the scenes on over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles…“
Synopsis of 6 part mini-series: This show follows a man, Harris Enzmann, whose father, a Nazi escapee who went on to build rockets for NASA (reference to Werner Von Braun?), spear-headed a secret space program with the blessing of the Kennedy Administration in 1963. Kennedy implemented the Advanced Education Initiative to seek out (abduct) gifted children for this project. Prominent people in their field were abducted and their deaths faked in order to populate this program. The ulterior motive of this project was to facilitate the creation of a ‘Starchild’ (their word) with ascended abilities. The reason given to the crew of the Orion class starship (named Ascension) for this program was to journey for 100 years and re-populate another world with people in case things on Earth didn’t work out for humanity.
- The Top Secret Military Project Called ‘Ascension’ Has Nazi Origins
There are strong indications that this was a Cabal/Nazi program, due to the reference to the main character, Harris Enzmann (German last name) and his father (Abraham Enzmann) who created the program during the Kennedy Administration. Interestingly, when I looked up this name I found a Wikipedia page for a Dr. Robert Enzmann who proposed the creation of an interstellar spacecraft in 1964, one year after the show’s program was created in 1963. It was even similar in size to the craft in the show:
(Wikipedia) Enzmann StarshipThe Enzmann starship is a concept for a manned interstellar spacecraft proposed in 1964 by Dr. Robert Enzmann.[1][2] A three million ton ball of frozen deuterium would fuel nuclear fusion rocket engines contained in a cylindrical section behind that ball with the crew quarters.[2] It would be longer than the 449 m (1,473 ft) Empire State Building—the craft would be about 2,000 feet (600 m) long overall.[2]The ball of frozen deuterium would fuel thermonuclear-powered pulse propulsion units, similar to Project Orion engines.
The father of the project in the show Dr. Arbraham Enzmann was described very similarly to Werner Von Braun, especially the relationship he had with President Kennedy, which is depicted throughout the show:
Scene Where Woman and Little Girl Are Discussing Kennedy and Enzmann’s Visions for Their Mission(“…For fifteen years after World War II, Von Braun worked with the U.S. Army in the development of ballistic missiles. As part of a military operation called Project Paperclip, he and an initial group of about 125 were sent to America where they were installed at Fort Bliss, Texas. There they worked on rockets for the U.S. Army, and assisted in V-2 launches at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico.In 1960, President Eisenhower transferred his rocket development center at Redstone Arsenal from the Army to the newly established National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Its primary objective was to develop giant Saturn rockets. Accordingly, von Braun became director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, the superbooster that would propel Americans to the Moon.At Marshall, the group continued work on the Redstone-Mercury, the rocket that sent the first American astronaut, Alan Shepard, on a suborbital flight on May 5, 1961. Shortly after Shepard’s successful flight, President John F. Kennedy challenged America to send a man to the Moon by the end of the decade. With the July 20, 1969 moon landing, the Apollo 11 mission fulfilled both Kennedy’s mission and Dr. Von Braun’s lifelong dream.”
One of the first ‘Cabal’ things I noticed was their version of the American flag which was missing several stars. In fact, I counted 33:
Flag Which Appears at the Beginning of Each Episode and Throughout the Spaceship
Dr. Michael Salla had some great information in regards to disclosing similar information. I would like to note though that it is unclear if such a program was actually approved by Kennedy, we know that he was attempting to share this information with the public, but in the show he is implicated in signing off on a program which abducted children and people against their will and forced them to join and participate in this program.
My knowledge of this is not as much as Michael Salla or other researchers who would probably be able to confirm or correct this information. I will share these things regardless and let others decide for themselves what to think.
(Exopolitics)“…This film [Kennedy’s Last Stand] will reveal for the first time in any documentary how Kennedy’s dramatic Sept 1963 initiative to cooperate with the Soviet Union’s Nikita Khrushchev on joint space and lunar missions included a secret attempt to share access to classified UFO files previously denied to his administration…“(Exopolitics)“…In the summer of 1945, John F. Kennedy was a guest of Navy Secretary James Forrestal in a post-war tour of Germany. Kennedy personally witnessed technological secrets that have still not been disclosed to the general public. These secrets stemmed from technologies that Nazi Germany had acquired from around the world, and were attempting to develop for their weapons programs.The advanced technologies stunned the military government running the U.S. zone of occupied Germany. How did the Nazis develop them? The answer according to the father of German rocket design, Herman Oberth, shocked U.S. military officials…”
- Ronald Reagan’s Journal Entry About Large Spacecraft Capacity in 1985
Some might remember Michael Salla’s article where he shares a excerpt from President Reagan’s journal about being briefed on the capacity of a spacecraft which existed at the time:
(Exopolitics Institute)“…President Ronald Reagan made a startling admission in his Presidential Diary on June 11, 1985:Lunch with 5 top space scientists. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people…“
- Operation Brain Drain in the 1960s (Abducting Prominent People/Children)
This is something we heard about from Corey Goode some time ago. It even happened around the ’60s as depicted in the show, although with far less people. This was called the ’63/70, meaning 70 people taken in 1963:
Conspiracy Website Asking What Happened to the Prominent People of their Fields in the 1960s
(Exopolitics)…”Goode further elaborated on the brain drain of the 1950s and 1960s which he says was due to many professionals being secretly recruited to travel to Mars under false pretenses of a futuristic life. The recruited personnel were forced to work under slave labor conditions while being told that the Earth had suffered cataclysmic changes…“(SphereBeingAlliance)“…Corey: Yes. Yeah. The population from like . . . They brought a lot of people in during the Brain Drain era, and then those people . . . you know, there’s been two or three generations at least of people that have been assigned to these . . . or have been living on these bases…”(New Humanity Press)“…David mentions [after the German-American merger was complete, and they finally got ahold of the industrial resources they needed, a huge recruitment process began called] the “Brain Drain” era. Another of his insiders, Pete Peterson, said that in the 1950’s and on into the early 1960’s, 55 to 60 million of the brightest and best scientists in the world were pulled into this secret program.Corey says that he can verify Peterson’s claim, and that he saw the ‘dog and pony show’ these recruits got when being pulled in. He says they were recruited under what he calls the ‘Jetson’s package’, where they are told they will live a space-age type life style, like the Jetsons. A family would agree to go, get on the ship, arrive at the location only to discover that it was all a lie…”(SphereBeingAlliance)“…CG: Yeah. And they programmed in their thinking. They remembered how the 13 original colonies had declared independence and broken away from the British way back when and formed America. It was very much made clear in the documentation that this was not going to happen. It stated, we are not going to have another 13 colonies situation on Mars. So they built out a lot of these colonies, and they were building out colonies for more people than they had at the time. And they were planning on bringing people from Earth. And this goes back to the brain drain that happened during– what was it? ’60s?DW: ’50s and ’60s.CG: ’50s and ’60s. And it just so happens that during the ’50s is when they really started building these bases in earnest…”
While the woman who owns the conspiracy website was talking to another woman investigating this project she went on to tell her that her father worked at Lockheed Martin when his car went off a bridge and no body was ever found. Lockheed Martin is one of the largest defense contractors of in the United States and thanks to various whistle-blowers is one of the corporations involved in deep black military projects.
The following video is blocked for those who live in Canada. You can find the same video on my Vimeo account.
- ‘Ascension’: The Trillion-Dollar Project
During one of the scenes a man a woman are discussing the project and describe it as a ‘trillion-dollar project’. This is consistent with certain exposés of how trillions of dollars go missing in secret deep black military projects:
- Similarities to Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey from 1968
I found the interior of the ship Ascension was similar to that of the ship featured in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001. Below are two scenes from 2001:
And the next two are from Ascension. There is a lot of white used for the interior; the walls, ceilings and so on:
I would also note that the year Stanley Kubrick’s film was made (1968) to the time depicted humanity would reach for the stars (and possibly experience an Ascension event) in 2001 is exactly 33 years:
Let us also remember the 33 stars featured on the flag of the Ascension:
David Wilcock wrote about this film a few times:
(Divine Cosmos)…“So from now on, let’s not beat around the bush, but rather move straight to the point in saying that we are ready for the change to take place. The changes that will occur will have the alchemical effect on the human spirit just as Kubrick had proposed in “2001: A Space Odyssey.”— Wilcock Readings, 3/19/01
(Divine Cosmos)“…Jimmy Church: It seems to have come out of nowhere — that and, of course, 2001: A Space Odyssey.When we went from just juvenile science fiction and storytelling, we just leapfrogged right into, in the middle of the 60s, into 2001 and Star Trek…”([url= Wilcock - The Ascension Msteries - Revealing the Cosmic Battle between Good and Evil.pdf]The Ascension Mysteries[/url])“…In the film, Russia and the US launched a joint mission to investigate what had happened to the ship that was left behind at the end of 2001. The ship’s former commander, David Bowman, had become what you might call an ascended being. He contacted his mother by moving through the electrical wires and appearing on her TV, as sparks of starlight kept flickering in his eyes. He told her something was going to happen that would affect all of us. When she begged him to tell her what it was, he smiled and said, “Something wonderful.Henry Deacon became the first high-level insider who gave me extensive details about working in classified spacecraft and off-planet bases. He told me he was astonished at how many of the interiors of spacecraft in the movie 2001 looked similar to areas he had personally worked in —if not nearly identical in some cases…”
So here we are possibly seeing another incarnation of Stanley Kubrick’s concept of an Ascension event, a leap forward for humanity, tied to several other important pieces of information and intel.
- Technology Developed on ‘Ascension’
During one scene there was a high-level woman talking to someone about the technology that was developed by the brilliant minds on board Ascension:
- Complex polymers
- MRIs
- Norplant
I had to look up what complex polymers and norplant was as I wasn’t sure. Complex polymers refers to molecular science and norplant is an implantable contraceptive for women. This is consistent with other sources of intel which state that technology way ahead of its time is developed and slowly released to the public. This was depicted in Doctor Who and Stargate SG-1 (I don’t recall the episodes, but they depicted this exact scenario).
- Forced Marriage, Genetic Matching
This becomes a huge part of the story and is shared by Corey Goode when discussing the Brain Drain program. People who are in the programs are forced to marry pre-selected partners. In the show this is part of the experiment which relates to creating the ideal race of people.
- The Starchild’s Abilities Emerge/MK Ultra References
One of the main aspects of this experiment aboard this ship is to manifest/create a child with ascended abilities. They didn’t come right out and say it but in my opinion there were several references to MK Ultra trauma-based mind-control techniques used on this little girl in order to accelerate her evolution.
This included drugging her and splitting her mind using traumatic experiences to create alternate pathways in her brain. This is something we hear is very common among survivors of this abuse. These techniques were also referenced in the show Stranger Things, just to name on example.
This little girl manifests telepathic, prophetic, telekinetic and electro-kinetic abilities which gets the attention of the program creators, who want to take her and experiment on her further.
- Morphic Resonance Research Utilized in Starchild Experiment
Some might be familiar with Rupert Sheldrake’s research on Morphic Resonance. My understanding of it is that the blueprint to everything is contained within a field which is intelligent. For instance a baby forming in a mother’s womb just automatically knows how to form because the ‘invisible’ blueprint of the shape and biology of the baby is already there.
During one of the scenes the son of the Nazi escapee who runs the Ascension project stated that Morphic Resonance would take a minimum of three generations. He was referring to the abilities that were manifesting in the little girl. Now what this has to do with Ascension or the little girl is not clearly explained. It could be related to Project Monarch, which we know gets its name from the Monarch butterfly which passes down genetic information to each subsequent generation. Perhaps someone with a little more know-how can elaborate on this connection.
- Nazi Eugenics at Play Onboard Ascension
During another scene a woman is questioning an assistant about the genetic matching of the people aboard the ship. He goes on to say that their matching is a mathematical equation, to which she replies as being “old-school eugenics”.
- Conspiracy Website a Honey Trap
And yes they use the term ‘honey trap’. The woman who owns the conspiracy website asking if anyone knows who the missing people are is working for the Ascension program. She kills the woman who tried to expose the program and says “I’m sorry but the Starchild must be born.” She shoots the woman directly in her right eye. Could this indicate an Illuminati presence? Who knows for sure.
- Possible Roman Empire Reference
This one is a big maybe, I debated on whether or not I should add it but I will do so just for information’s sake. There were some scenes where the head stewardess (the highest level of power on the ship for a female, next to the captain) looked a bit…Roman:
Scene from Ascension Where the Head Stewardess Prepares to Address the People at the Ostara, or the Celebration of Who Will be Chosen to Have Children
Roman Empress Halloween Costume For Comparison
We know the Nazi Party mimicked aspects of the Roman Empire during their reign:
Anyways, just throwing that in just in case it is a match of some kind. Not saying definitely.
- Other High-Level Intel About The Nazi Secret Space Program
And thanks to other sources we know the Chimera Group [highest level of control on Earth] helped create the Nazi secret space program:
(2012portal)“…The Chimera controlled the development of the German Nazi secret space program that went into two directions.The more secret part of the German space program was led by Hans Kammler. Kammler was cooperating with the Green Men (an underground Draco breakaway civilization). Under Kammler, the Nazis have built a network of underground tunnels and bases in Greenland, Argentina and Antarctica.They have further expanded their territory by building colonies on the Moon, Mars and asteroids. Pumped with Nazi supremacy ideology, they foolishly believed that they can challenge the Dark Fleet (Orion/Draco/Reptilian interstellar complex). In severe battles during mid-1950s, all Nazi space colonies were completely wiped out from this Solar System by the Draco/Reptilian fleet.The official Nazi space program was developed by Wernher von Braun. He was later paperclipped into the US along with many other scientists and absorbed into the US military-industrial complex.They have developed both the official NASA space program front and the more secret Solar Warden program (from more military faction of the Cabal) and Corporate space program (from more corporate faction of the Cabal), together with deep underground military bases. Both Solar Warden and the Corporate space programs were interconnected, but deeply compartmentalized. At the top, they were guided by the Unholy Four (Kissinger, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld).(2012portal)“…During World War II, Draconian forces attempted an open takeover of the planet through Nazi Germany. That attempt failed with the victory of the Allied forces and Draconians settled for a more covert approach.They imported about 2000 leading Nazis to the United States through Operation Paperclip and many of those Nazis still form the backbone of the shadow government that runs the affairs on this planet…”
The last sentence of the above intel is important. In the show the son of the Nazi escapee (possibly reference to Von Braun) heads the Ascension project which is a top secret military effort. I would also add that there were no reptilians or Draco extraterrestrials in this show, although there was one reference to it, the story line was purely human/Earth-based.
Interview Between Woman Investigating Disappearances (Left) and the Woman Who Runs the Conspiracy Website (Right)
- The Ending
I have to say while I wasn’t excited about the script or the drama of the show (they basically wrote a mostly cliché story line around a lot of disclosure) the ending left me wanting more. At the end we see a mysterious TC Group (not explained) coming to take the child away for further experimentation and another man from the ship fighting him off. She resists and manifests a huge electrical bubble which teleports both of the men away, one manifesting on what appeared to be another planet and they don’t show what happened to the man from the TC Group.
And this was an interesting piece of information…the little girl’s name is Christa. I don’t believe this was a random name chosen for her character. I believe it is a reference to the Ascension of Christ in some way.
It appears that this might have been a mostly Cabal-controlled disclosure. In the beginning of the series a woman on the ship is being asked what comes to her mind when she hears certain words. The person says ‘Ascension’ and she replies with ‘trap’. This was before the audience knew anything about the plot of the show. To me this indicates the Cabal is trying to induce fear around the concept of Ascension.
Although I really enjoyed all of the different things they added into this show (and in only 6 episodes) but sadly SyFy has decided not to renew it for anymore episodes as of 2015. The show originally aired in 2014. Those who feel guided can watch it on Netflix (it is available as of the time of this writing) at the following link:
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