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The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever

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1The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever Empty The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:24 pm



The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever

September 23, 2018

The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever Yughctsrwae-696x520
Imagine what our society would be like if only 1 or 2 of these inventions weren’t suppressed?

Throughout history there have been countless attempts to discourage new technologies only to protect other people’s self-interests. Below are some of the most suppressed inventions ever.
1. The Original Electric Car: Unplugged
Perhaps the most notorious suppressed invention is the General Motors EV1, subject of the 2006 documentary, [url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&index=aps&keywords=Who Killed the Electric]Who Killed the Electric Car?[/url] The EV1 was the world’s first mass-produced electric car, with 800 of them up for lease from GM in the late ’90s.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 01%2Bthe%2Boriginal%2BcarGM ended the EV1 line in 1999, stating that consumers weren’t happy with the limited driving range of the car’s batteries, making it unprofitable to continue production.
Many skeptics, however, believe GM killed the EV1 under pressure from oil companies, who stand to lose the most if high-efficiency vehicles conquer the market. It didn’t help that GM hunted down and destroyed every last EV1, ensuring the technology would die out.
In5D Addendum: While we are starting to see some electric cars come onto the market, their efficiency is long to be desired as most will not run for very long and would be virtually impossible to use on long trips.
For example, the world’s first car made entirely from hemp runs on electricity but can only be driven for 100 miles before it needs to be recharged.
2. The Death of the American Streetcar
In 1921, if the streetcar industry wasn’t actually naming streetcars Desire, it was certainly desiring more streetcars. They netted $1 billion, causing General Motors to hemorrhage $65 million in the face of a thriving industry.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 02%2Bdeath%2Bof%2Bthe%2BAmerican%2BstreetcarGM retaliated by buying and closing hundreds of independent railway companies, boosting the market for gas-guzzling GM buses and cars. While a recent urban movement to rescue mass transit has been underway, it is unlikely we’ll ever see streetcars return to their former glory.
3. The 99-MPG Car
The holy grail of automotive technology is the 99-mpg car. Although the technology has been available for years, automakers have deliberately withheld it from the U.S. market.
In 2000, the New York Times reported a little-known fact, at least to most: A diesel-powered dynamo called the Volkswagen Lupo had driven around the world averaging higher than 99 mpg.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 03%2Bthe%2B99-mpg%2BcarThe Lupo was sold in Europe from 1998 to 2005 but, once again, automakers prevented it from coming to market; they claimed Americans had no interest in small, fuel-efficient cars.
In5D Addendum: We are starting to see evidence of cars that will now exceed 99 mpg as evidenced in a recent article entitled, “Volkswagen’s New 300 MPG Car Not Allowed In America“.
For the most part, the major auto manufacturers are in bed with Big Oil and will continue to suppress the manufacturing of these cars for as long as they can.
4. Free Energy
Nikola Tesla was more than just the inspiration for a hair metal band, he was also an undisputed genius.
In 1899, he figured out a way to bypass fossil-fuel-burning power plants and power lines, proving that “free energy” could be harnessed using ionization in the upper atmosphere to produce electrical vibrations.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 04%2Bnikola%2Btesla%2B-%2Bfree%2BenergyJ.P. Morgan, who had been funding Tesla’s research, had a bit of buyer’s remorse when he realized that free energy for all wasn’t as profitable as, say, actually charging people for every watt of energy use.
Morgan then drove another nail in free energy’s coffin by chasing away other investors, ensuring Tesla’s dream would die.
Related: The 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla That Changed the World
5. Miracle Cancer Cure
In 2001, Nova Scotian [url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&index=aps&keywords=run from the]Rick Simpson[/url] discovered that a cancerous spot on his skin disappeared within a few days of applying an essential oil made from marijuana. Since then, Simpson and others have treated thousands of cancer patients with incredible success.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 05-marijuana-hemp-cancer-cureResearchers in Spain have confirmed that THC, an active compound in marijuana, kills brain-tumor cells in human subjects and shows promise with breast, pancreatic and liver tumors.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, however, classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, meaning that it has no accepted medical use, unlike Schedule II drugs, like cocaine and methamphetamine, which may provide medical benefits. What a buzzkill.
You can read more about the amazing healing properties of Cannabis by accessing this link.
6. Water-Powered Vehicles
Despite how silly it sounds, water-fueled vehicles do exist. The most famous is Stan Meyer’s dune buggy, which achieved 100 miles per gallon and might have become more commonplace had Meyer not succumbed to a suspicious brain aneurysm at 57.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 06%2Bwater-powered%2BcarInsiders have loudly claimed that Meyer was poisoned after he refused to sell his patents or end his research. Fearing a conspiracy, his partners have all but gone underground (or should we say underwater?) and taken his famed water-powered dune buggy with them.
We just hope someone finally brings back the amphibious car.
Related: Powered by Salt Water: 920 hp, 373 Miles/Tank
7. Chronovisor
What if you had a device that could see into the future and revisit the past? And what if you didn’t need Christopher Lloyd to help you? Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti, an Italian priest, claimed in the 1960s to have invented what he called a Chronovisor, something that allowed him to witness Christ’s crucifixion.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 07-enrico-fermi-ChronovisorThe device supposedly enabled viewers to watch any event in human history by tuning in to remnant vibrations that are caused by every action. (His team of researchers and builders included Enrico Fermi, who also worked on the first atomic bomb).
On his deathbed, Fermi admitted that he had faked viewings of ancient Greece and Christ’s demise, but insisted the Chronovisor, which had by then vanished, still worked. Unsurprisingly, conspiracy theorists say the Vatican is now the likely owner of the original Chronovisor.
Related: Numerous Studies Confirm Remote Viewing is Fact
8. Rife Devices
American inventor Royal Rife (his real name), in 1934, cured 14 “terminal” cancer patients and hundreds of animal cancers by aiming his “beam ray” at what he called the “cancer virus.” So why isn’t the Rife Ray in use today?
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 08-roy-rifeA 1986 book, The Cancer Cure That Worked: Fifty Years of Suppression, by Barry Lynes and John Crane, revived the Rife device affair.
The book, written in a style typical of conspiratorial theorists, cites names, dates, events and places, giving the appearance of authenticity to a mixture of historical documents and speculations selectively spun into a web far too complex to permit verification by any thing short of a army of investigators with unlimited resources.
The authors claim that Rife successfully demonstrated his device’s cancer curing ability in 1934, but that “all reports describing the cure were censored by the head of the AMA from the major medical journals.”
A 1953 U.S. Senate special investigation concluded that Fishbein and the AMA had conspired with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to suppress various alternative cancer treatments that conflicted with the AMA’s pre-determined view that “radium, x-ray therapy and surgery are the only recognized treatments for cancer.”
Related: The Device That Cured Cancer — Destroyed by the Big Pharma
9. Cloudbuster
In 1953, a drought threatened Maine’s blueberry crop, and several farmers offered to pay Reich if he could make it rain. The weather bureau had reportedly forecast no rain for several days when Reich began the experiment at 10 a.m. on July 6, 1953. The Bangor Daily News reported on July 24:
Dr. Reich and three assistants set up their “rain-making” device off the shore of Grand Lake. The device, a set of hollow tubes, suspended over a small cylinder, connected by a cable, conducted a “drawing” operation for about an hour and ten minutes.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 09%2BcloudbusterAccording to a reliable source in Ellsworth the following climatic changes took place in that city on the night of July 6 and the early morning of July 7:
“Rain began to fall shortly after ten o’clock Monday evening, first as a drizzle and then by midnight as a gentle, steady rain. Rain continued throughout the night, and a rainfall of 0.24 inches was recorded in Ellsworth the following morning.”
A puzzled witness to the “rain-making” process said:
“The queerest looking clouds you ever saw began to form soon after they got the thing rolling.”
And later the same witness said the scientists were able to change the course of the wind by manipulation of the device. The blueberry crop survived, the farmers declared themselves satisfied, and Reich received his fee.
Related: European Parliament: HAARP Causes Weather Modification
10. Overunity Generator
A number of overunity generators, which produce more energy than they take to run, have surfaced in the past century. Ironically, they have been more trouble than they were worth.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 10%2BOverunity%2BGeneratorIn nearly all cases, a supposedly working prototype has been unable to make it to commercial production as a result of various corporate or government forces working against the technology.
Recently, the Lutec 1000, an “electricity amplifier,” has been making steady progress toward a final commercial version. Will consumers soon be able to buy it, or will it too be suppressed?
11. Cold Fusion
Billions of dollars have been spent researching how to create energy using controlled “hot fusion,” a risky and unpredictable line of experimentation.
Meanwhile, garage scientists and a fringe group of university researchers have been getting closer to harnessing the power of “cold fusion,” which is much more stable and controllable, but far less supported by government and foundation money.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 11%2BCold%2BFusion%2BUFOThere is evidence that cold fusion technology is secretly used by our governments in “anti-gravitation” secret space programs
In 1989, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons announced that they had made a breakthrough and had observed cold fusion in a glass jar on their lab bench.
To say the reaction they received was chilly would be an understatement. CBS’s 60 Minutes described how the resulting backlash from the well-funded hot-fusion crowd sent the researchers underground and overseas, where within a few years their funding dried up, forcing them to drop their pursuit of clean energy.
Related: Cold Fusion is Back: Independent Testing Proves it Works!
12. Hot Fusion
Cold fusion isn’t the only technology to get buried by hot-headed scientists. When two physicists who were working on the decades-long Tokamak Hot Fusion project at Los Alamos Laboratory stumbled across a cheaper, safer method of creating energy from colliding atoms, they were allegedly forced to repudiate their own discoveries or be fired; the lab feared losing the torrent of government money for Tokamak.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 12%2Bhot%2BfusionIn retaliation, the lead researchers created the Focus Fusion Society, which raises private money to fund their research outside of government interference.
13. Magnetofunk and Himmelkompass
Nazi scientists spent much of World War II hidden in a covert military base somewhere in the arctic, creating the Magnetofunk. This alleged invention was designed to deflect the compasses of Allied aircraft that might be searching for Point 103, as the base was known.
The aircraft pilots would think they were flying in a straight line, but would gradually curve around Point 103 without ever knowing they were deceived.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 13%2BMagnetofunk%2Band%2BHimmelkompassThe Himmelkompass allowed German navigators to orient themselves to the position of the sun, rather than magnetic forces, so they could find Point 103 despite the effects of the Magnetofunk.
According to Wilhelm Landig, a former SS officer, these two devices were closely guarded secrets of the Third Reich. So closely guarded were they that neither device apparently survived the collapse of Hitler’s Germany, although the real tragedy is that no one has ever named their band Magnetofunk.
14. A Safer Cigarette?
In the 1960s, the Liggett & Myers tobacco company created a product called the XA, a cigarette in which most of the stick’s carcinogens had been eliminated.
Dr. James Mold, Liggett’s Research Director, reported in court documents in the case of “The City and County of San Francisco vs. Phillip Morris, Inc.,” that Phillip Morris threatened to “clobber” Liggett if they did not adhere to an industry agreement never to reveal information about the negative health effects of smoking.
By advertising a “safer” alternative, they would be admitting the dangers of tobacco use. The lawsuit was dismissed on a technicality and Phillip Morris never addressed the accusations.
Despite their own scientists’ publication of research that showed less cancer in mice exposed to smoke from the XA, Liggett & Myers issued a press released denying evidence of cancer in humans as a result of tobacco use, and the XA never saw the light of day.
15. TENS
The Transcutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation (TENS) device was created to alleviate pain impulses from the body without the use of drugs. In 1974, Johnson & Johnson bought StimTech, one of the first companies to sell the machine, and proceeded to starve the TENS division of money, causing it to flounder.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 15-electrodes-TENSStimTech sued, alleging that Johnson & Johnson purposely stifled the TENS technology to protect sales of its flagship drug, Tylenol. Johnson & Johnson responded that the device never performed as well as was claimed and that it was not profitable.
StimTech’s founders won $170 Million, although the ruling was appealed and overturned on a technicality. The court’s finding that the corporation suppressed the TENS device was never overturned.
16. The Phoebus Cartel
Phillips, GE and Osram engaged in a conspiracy from 1924 to 1939 with the goal of controlling the fledgling light-bulb industry, according to a report published in Time magazine six years later.
The alleged cartel set prices and suppressed competing technologies that would have produced longer-lasting and more efficient light bulbs.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 16%2BThe%2BPhoebus%2BCartelBy the time the cabal dissolved, the industry-standard incandescent bulb was established as the dominant source of artificial light across Europe and North America. Not until the late 1990s did compact fluorescent bulbs begin to edge into the worldwide lighting market as an alternative.
17. Levitation: The Coral Castle
How did Ed Leedskalnin build the massive Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida, out of giant chunks of coral weighing up to 30 tons each with no heavy equipment and no outside help?
Theories abound, including anti-gravity devices, magnetic resonance and alien technology, but the answer may never be known. Leedskalnin died in 1951 without any written plans or clues as to his techniques.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 18%2BCoral-castleThe centerpiece of the castle, which is now a museum open to the public, is a nine-ton gate that used to move with light pressure from one finger.
After the gate’s bearings wore out in the 1980s, a crew of five took more than two weeks to fix it, although they never did get it to work as effortlessly as Leedskalnin’s original masterpiece.
Related: The Anti-Gravity Mystery of the Coral Castle
18. Hemp Bio-fuel
The father of our country, George Washington, who is rumored to have said “I cannot tell a lie,” was a proud supporter of the hemp seed. Of course, the only thing more suppressed in this country than an honest politician is hemp, which is often mistakenly for marijuana and therefore unfairly maligned.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever 18%2BHemp%2BBiofuelGovernmental roadblocks, meanwhile, prevent hemp from becoming the leader in extracting ethanol, allowing environmentally damaging sources like corn to take over the ethanol industry.
Despite the fact that it requires fewer chemicals, less water and less processing to do the same job, hemp has never caught on. Experts also lay the blame at the feet of (who else?) Presidential candidates, who kiss up to Iowa corn growers for votes.
19. Nazi “Anti Gravity” Technology
There is no secret that the US space program is a continuation of Hitler’s dream to conquer the space and build permanent bases on the Moon. The US government used Nazi scientists to achieve Hitler’s dream:
“Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II.”
Once “bleached” of their Nazism, the US Government granted the scientists security clearance to work in the United States.
SS Major Wernher von Braun was a rocket scientist who was adopted by the USA and put in charge of NASA. In 1975 he received the “National Medal of Science” from the US President.
What IS a secret is the fact that the Nazis have also developed various models of “anti-gravitational” flying saucers. These “Foo Fighters”, as the Allied pilots called them, were able to fly at incredible speeds and maneuver at previously-thought impossible angles.
The “Foo Fighters” were a constant presence around their planes, but never shot at them. In turn, they were also impossible to be shot down, as the famous case of the so called “Battle of Los Angeles” proved.
ETs and the Vril Technology
Many separate teams of scientists worked with unlimited budgets to achieve Hitler’s dream of an invincible fleet of flying saucers, but the only fruitful projects were the Vril and the Haunebu.
Everything started with a secret society named Thule (all prominent Nazis were part of it). The members were mystic worshipers of the Black Sun and, according to their psychic channelers, they had made contact with an extraterrestrial species, residing in the Aldebaran solar system.
These ETs, who called themselves Vril-ya, offered to the Thule members the knowledge to build unarmed anti-gravitational flying crafts — which subsequently had been named Vril.
The 19 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever Nazi%2BUFO%2BHaunebu
A World-wide UFO Phenomenon
The end of Warld War II marked the beginning of a world-wide UFO phenomenon, and for obvious reasons: the Allied forces got their hands on some pretty neat technology and started playing with it — excuse me, testing these revolutionary crafts.
This was a military project from day one, hence fell under the control of the US Air Force and Navy.
At the same time, NASA begun to openly experiment with von Braun’s fuel-propelled rockets, which was the much-needed smoke screen for the real space programs.
If you remember the early accounts of UFOs, the witnesses described yellow and orange glowing crafts that interfered with electronic devices. Those were the earliest models, and they were based entirely on the Nazi research.
With time, the technology got better and that’s why UFO sightings dropped in the past two decades. That’s also the reason why UFOs don’t interfere with electronics anymore.
You can read more about the Nazi “anti gravitational” technology here.
By HumansAreFree.com
Source: http://humansarefree.com

Thanks to zIKY at: http://awakeandaware.ca

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