emesis maturity
Published on Oct 14, 2018
Renowned Cosmologist Professor Martin Rees thinks a particle accelerator experiment gone awry could destroy the world – though there are good reasons to doubt the significance of this risk. Renowned Cosmologist Professor Martin Rees thinks a particle accelerator experiment gone awry could have devastating effects to our planet. Professor Lord Martin Rees has said a “doomsday scenario” could see our planet reduced to 330 feet across if particle accelerator experiments mess up. The respected astronomer made the outlandish warning in his new book, “On The Future: Prospects for Humanity.” The Telegraph reports how Rees also claims “a black hole could form and then suck in everything around it.” Lord Rees added: “The second scary possibility is that the quarks would reassemble themselves into compressed objects called strangelets.” “That in itself would be harmless. However, under some hypotheses a strangelet could, by contagion, convert anything else it encounters into a new form of matter, transforming the entire earth in a hyperdense sphere about one hundred meters (328 feet) across.” A third danger is that the particle accelerators could destroy the Earth by a “catastrophe that engulfs space itself,” according to the scientist. Clips, images credit: CERN, ESA/HUBBLE, ESO, NASA/JPL, Amazon Music credit: YouTube Audio Library White Hats - Wayne Jones Stranger Danger - Francis Preves