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The Fall of the Pentagram Five. Illuminati illusion dissolves in disarray.

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The Fall of the Pentagram Five. Illuminati illusion dissolves in disarray.


The Fall of the Pentagram Five. Illuminati illusion dissolves in disarray.
Picture: Illuminati bloodlines. Satanic Circle
The illusion is getting smaller. It has been perceived worldwide. Now only the insane can miss it. Thirteen millennia of élite-led disinformation and financial fraud on the planet are at last coming to an end.

The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati is a busted flush. The MSM cover story that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are just an "anti-Semitic" propaganda ploy has been rubbished.

On Monday 1st October 2012, writing from Japan (full text here), the English Language spokesman of the White Dragon Society and its Asian affiliates cited Western intelligence sources in his claim that the old pentagram of corrupt global power, David Rockefeller, George Bush Senior, Queen Elizabeth II,Evelyn de Rothschild and Josef Ratzinger (the Pope) is running out of money and fiddling while Rome burns.

These five confused, dribbling and incontinent geriatrics, whose reptilian clone-lines are becoming exhausted through over-extension, would have been terminated or retired decades ago if they weren't so useful to their corporate handlers and controlling syndicates.

It can be an operational advantage to have an élite boss who is terminally gaga and forgetful. For historical and lineage reasons, his signature retains crucial executive importance. You can get him to sign documents twice because he forgets he has signed them before. But the trick is this: the second document is settled in slightly different terms than the first. So you have two competing documents in circulation, one of which is a calculated fraud.

Such texts can be used to block legitimate capital transfers. Lawyers can brandish the documents for years to obfuscate international fund disbursements. Meanwhile, you divert these funds and use them as collateral in highly leveraged derivatives trading programs.

At present The Pentagram Five are reported to be in deep disarray about what to do with the emerging torrent of disclosures which are laying bare their involvement in global financial theft, Black Magic, human sacrifice, child abduction, ritual paedophilia, gerrymandering interference in Western elections and appointments to international institutions, and the computer-driven rigging of international markets.

The indications are that the management structures of the Illuminati's reptilian bloodlines have fallen apart in deadly acrimony. Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) and Josef Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) are quietly funneling substantial sums of money to Barack Obama and pushing for his fraudulent re-election as US President in November 2012. This move is in direct opposition to the Bush syndicate's promotion of their marionette frontman, Mitt Romney who, it is planned, will eventually be obliged to step aside to allow Jeb Bush to become US President.

The US Nazi-continuum syndicates (the Rockefellers and the Kissinger-Bushes) are struggling to maintain traction in Asia and have lost control of North Korea, the Yakuza and their lucrative Yen carry trade in Japan.

The once great Rothschild dynasty is irrevocably divided, out on a limb and isolated. Their pet plan to start World War III and mayhem in the Middle-East, prior to doubling global oil prices, is starting to look like a seriously maladroit chess move. The laughable lack of credibility of the Rothschild's two leading political puppets in the region, Binyamin Netanyahu (Israel) and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran) has undermined the whole operation.

The G5 media-manufactured conflict between "Israel" and "Iran" has been consigned to the dustbin of history. This was never a conflict between peoples; it was a pre-arranged, theatrical war-clash between two Sabbatean Satanist national leaders who are close colleagues in a Middle East based global subversion. Ahmadinejad (aka Sabourjian), let us not forget, is "Jewish".

The US Pentagon, now that the Rockefeller and Bush syndicates have split decisively from the Rothschilds, is said to be planning the closure of over forty four US military bases around Iran in order to speed up the collapse of the “attack Iran” Talmudic faction in Zionist Israel. This faction has turned Israel into the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. One of the US bases earmarked for closure is rumoured to be the headquarters of the US Navy's Fifth Fleet in Bahrain.

Russia, China and Turkey have seen to it that the Rothschild strategy to force régime change in Syria, followed by more of the same in Jordan and then Saudi Arabia, as a precursor to hiking oil prices and replenishing the Rothschild coffers, will not work. Even if the plan partially succeeds, the financial beneficiaries will not now be the Rothschild banking cartel. Turkey is the rising power in the region. She is beginning to call the shots. She has (benevolent) financial ambitions of her own.

The murderous end-time rivalry between the European-based Rothschilds and the US-based Nazi-continuum received wide coverage recently in Libya. The assassination of US “Ambassador”Christopher Stevens (52), on Tuesday 11th September 2012, at the non-existent US consulate in Benghazi, was the killing of a Bush agent by a Rothschild agent in a proxy battle over Libyan oil and Libyan gold.
Picture: US Ambassador Christopher Stevens assassination. Benghazi, Libya 2012. The picture of Christopher Stevens' abduction shown above was not allowed to be published in the Western mainstream media, nor were the exact circumstances of his death. Arabic language news outlets were not so coy. Over a period of eight hours, Stevens was raped, slowly tortured to death and raped again. His body was then returned to the remaining US CIA people in Benghazi.

There was never any US consulate in Benghazi. No such official facility was ever listed on the US State Department webpages for Libya. What there was in Benghazi was a clandestine Bush faction CIA "mission" which served as a base for US corporation subversion of Libya. And Christopher Stevens himself was mutton dressed up as lamb. He was not a career diplomat. Stevens was a Nazi-continuum rogue faction CIA fixer.

The Illuminati's Pentagram Five are also facing destructive end-time stresses in Rome. On Monday 24th September 2012, it was noted here that a high level Italian aristocratic source had reported that there were signs of serious strife and change at the Vatican in Rome. Josef Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) was claiming that he was helpless in trying to stop the deadly factional turf wars raging at the top of the Catholic power pyramid between Opus Dei and the Jesuits. The Pope had survived several attempts to poison him and was reduced to sneaking out of the Vatican in disguise in order to find out what was really going on in the fissiparous Church powerplays.

Enormous attempts were made by the Vatican to downplay the Pope's butler case. On Saturday 6th October 2012, Paolo Gabriele (the Pope's former butler) was sentenced to eighteen months in prison for stealing Pope Benedict XVI's private correspondence. It was a lightning-quick internal show trial conducted by the Vatican itself inside Vatican City.

Gabriele, a 46-year-old Italian layman and father of three, was found guilty of "aggravated theft". Sensitive letters to the Pope were leaked to the Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi and published in his bestselling book "Your Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI".

On some of the stolen letters, the Pope had written "To be destroyed". These particular documents were not included in Nuzzi's book and have yet to be published. Gabriele said he felt like an "agent of the Holy Spirit." He had leaked the letters to expose the power struggles and corruption which were raging around the Pope in the Vatican.

Further reportage and analysis on the Gabriele case can be foundhere (13.10.12), here (07.10.12), here (05.10.12), here(29.05.12) and here (25.05.12). And there is an instructive piece on Josef Ratzinger by the Catholic theologian Hans Küng here(05.10.12). Küng was a theological mentor of Ratzinger at the University of Tübingen (Germany) in the 1960s, and the pair worked closely together as theological advisers to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).
Picture: Second Vatican Council. Rome 1962-1965. Bas-relief.

Hans Küng's view is that the Catholic dogma of Papal Infallibility is theologically unsustainable and that priests and churchgoers should confront the Catholic hierarchy, which is corrupt, lacking credibility and apathetic to the real concerns of the church's members. Küng argues that the modern Roman Catholic Church is an authoritarian system exhibiting telling parallels with the dictatorship of Nazi Germany.

Another less prominent, but more powerful, Roman Catholic is pictured in the centre of the Satanic pentagram at the head of this article. He is Peter Hans Kolvenbach, born in 1928. Kolvenbach, said to be the senior Satanist at the top of Vatican Roman Catholicism, was the Jesuit Superior General (Black Pope) for a quarter of a century from 1983 to 2008.

Kolvenbach has struggled to hold the Pentagram Five alliances together and has now failed.
What is left is a maggot broth of seething evil. None of the principals ever believes what any of the others say, lies and deceit dominate their communications, assassinations, sabotage and thefts of each others' funds are attempted every day.

Back in the early 1990s, while still the Jesuit Superior General, Peter Hans Kolvenbach is said to have decisively interfered in British governance. The incident related to his covert control of Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England).

The Queen regards herself as a sworn guardian of the historical treasure of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar are now better known as the Jesuits. The treasure of the Templars is not a particular stash of gold or sequestered riches. The treasure of the Knights Templar is the total financial control of the planet.

In the 1950s, as a young women, and recently enthroned as Queen, Elizabeth Windsor was compelled by her mother,Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, to take the Jesuit Blood Oath. This was an extremely unusual step for a woman - even for one of such notable aristocratic lineage. The oath the Queen took is sometimes referred to as the Jesuit Extreme Oath and Induction. The text of this Satanic rite was placed on the US Congressional record on the 15th February 1913. The page was torn out by a Jesuit agent at a later date. The full text of the Jesuit Blood Oath can be read here.:http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/jesuit_extreme_oath_of_induction.htm

Elizabeth Windsor took the Jesuit Blood Oath in secret, one August, at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. A related curio, perhaps relevant to that remote location in Aberdeenshire, is that the Jesuits wrote the first 25 degrees of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry in 1754. More background about this can be found here. And Benjamin Fulford has commented on the Satanic goings-on which are conducted under the radar at Balmoral here (23.02.09). Fulford is talking about The Illuminati's Committee of 300 of which Elizabeth Windsor is the Chairman.

On Sunday 1st February 2009, it was interesting to see Adolfo Nicolás Pachón, the current Jesuit Superior General, confronted on camera with a copy of the Jesuit Blood Oath. He denied ever having seen it before, despite having taken the secret oath himself and having officiated at the black rite countless times previously in his own career. He was on a visit to the Church of the Blessed Sacrament in Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA. Members of We Are Change Los Angeles challenged the Black Pope about the Jesuit Blood Oath document. Their YouTube video of the encounter can be found here (10 mins).

Elizabeth Windsor, as the English Monarch, is officially the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. This is a spectacular blind. In the Roman Catholic and Jesuit worldview, the English Reformation Church is an heretical construct. To have a sworn Jesuit in charge of the Church of England for the purposes of covert subversion is very Illuminati and very Jesuitical.

The Illuminati modus operandi has always been to say one thing in public and to prosecute the exact opposite in private.Ignatius Loyola, the founder and first Superior General of the Jesuits, in the Thirteenth Rule (365) in his Spiritual Exercises says: "To be right in everything, we ought always to hold that the white which I see, is black, if the Hierarchical Church so decides it ...."

In the early 1990s, for genuine spiritual reasons connected with the influence of one of her (Anglican) chaplains, Elizabeth Windsor began to have qualms of conscience about her Jesuit connection. Foolishly, she confided her concerns to her mother. Shortly afterwards, on the orders of Peter Hans Kolvenbach, she was terminated and cloned. The details of this unremarked regicide may shortly emerge. More about the use of human clones in élite political management can be found here. And there is more about the English House of Windsor Nazi continuum bloodline here.

Another example of Kolvenbach's clandestine machinations came to light more recently in connection with the Japanese Tsunami on Friday 11th March 2011, and the subsequent false flag attack on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Kolvenbach, Jay Rockefeller and Binyamin Netanyahu are reported to have been centrally involved in the organisation of this terrorist operation. A telephone intercept of Kolvenbach discussing the atrocity, and laughing and boasting about it, has been circulating among intelligence agencies worldwide for over a year.

The March 2011 Japanese Tsunami was not a natural event. It was caused by micronukes being drilled into the seabed at a geologically significant point and then being exploded in coordination. The deep sea drilling vessel used was the Chikyu Maru. Fourteen of the fifteen Japanese technicians involved on the vessel have since been assassinated. At the time, they were told by the contractors that they were involved in conducting an earthquake survey.

The subsequent meltdown of nuclear reactors at Fukushima was not caused by the tsunami. It was caused by independent sabotage designed to raise the local radioactive pollution to decoy level in order to mask the radioactivity generated by the seabed nuke explosions. In an attempt to increase the local radioactivity since, rogue faction US & Japanese military planes have been seen dumping radioactive Caesium waste over the Fukushima mountains. More here (09.04.12) and here (13.02.12).

The Illuminati's covert control matrix, now visibly crumbling, is not about power; it is about money. Money is all that matters. Without money there is no executive power. Money. Money. Money. The matrix is also about manipulating perceptions of what money actually is. And this is how the corrupt, Satanic, G5 house of cards is about to be brought down.

In the rest of the world, reliable money is no longer seen as debt. It is no longer seen as QE fiat paper such as the Euro, the US Dollar or the Pound. Reliable money is seen, once more, to be precious metals.

Increasingly, members of the 150-nation Monaco Colloquium Group, including the BRICS, are demanding payment in physical gold for their oil, goods and services. They are no longer accepting the G5's fraudulent IOU's for gold; they are demanding deliverable and delivered physical gold. Clinton-era gold-covered tungsten bars will not do.

This is why Dark Pool Gold in Asia and elsewhere is so important. And this is why the G5 NATO war machine had to smash Libya from the inside. Muammar Gaddafi was beginning to demand payment in gold for Libyan oil and, with several other African countries, he was on the point of introducing a gold-backed Dinar for all future trading with everyone, including the West.

It is because the imminent Monaco Accords international currency reset will introduce new precious metals-backed currencies that the Pentagram Five banks, such as JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, are doing everything they possibly can to rig the international gold and silver markets and keep the prices of gold and silver artificially low.

The G5 banksters face conquest by erosion. Day by day, and week by week, it is getting harder and harder for them to pay for anything bought from outside the G5 banking cartel with anything other than delivered gold or silver. The rest of the world sees Euros, Dollars and Pounds as yesterday's rip-offs.

But there is a much older and more esoteric perspective on the collapse of the Pentagram Five's QE fiat casino: The Earth is an abundant planet. Without money we'd all be rich. Money is the mechanism which makes us poor.


Herb Lady

Herb Lady

Thanks YM!

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