FIREGEDDON: An Open Letter to the Great People of California…
Posted on November 14, 2018 by Doreen Agostino…and especially to our good friends in Hollywood and Silicon Valley
Surely you folks get it by now.Your once Golden State is being charred black by one ‘wildfire’ season after another.
Each successive year brings firestorms that are worse than the previous.
Have you folks even taken time to look at the evidence?
Have you even once questioned the official narrative or considered the true causes of these engineered fire calamities?
If not, please, PLEASE, check out the photographs in this photo-documentary.
Photos of Catastrophic Damage Caused by the California Wildfires
If those pics resonate in any way, we highly recommend you take some time to read the article featured below.
A Special Report on the California Firestorms
While this particular perspective on your statewide predicament may appear to be a little conspiratorial, in light of the photos you just saw, how can there not be an extremely serious back story?
Let’s be very real for the rest of this open letter.
The state of California is literally under attack. It has been for several years now, at least as long as Jerry Brown has been governor.
Some say these attacks are carried out with Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs). Other say that fire-starting drones are used while others assert satellite-based lasers. There’s no question that arsonists are often involved, but not the kind that you might think.
One thing is certain about the annual wildfire seasons (there are 2 now): they are not at all natural events; they are manmade.
Which begs the question: Who is making these firestorms more and more deadly and destructive?
This is an inquiry that every Californian ought to be asking themselves as well as each other.
Your state is being systematically destroyed. Residents are being dislocated by the hundreds of thousands. Thousands of homes are being burnt to the ground. Hundreds of businesses are being leveled. Vehicles are being torched and gutted. And many more residents are being killed on the spot than the government is saying.
These cataclysms are now occurring regularly twice, not once, every year.
We implore you to take a close look at the reams of evidence now available on the Internet.
It’s all there so that the next necessary step can be taken. Those who are behind these devastating attacks on people and property, homes and businesses must be identified and apprehended.
Not to follow the evidence wherever it leads will only seal the fate of California. And eventually doom the other 49 states.
For those who want to know more about the secret plan for your state, please read the following exposé: CALIFORNIA FIRESTORMS: Who’s geoengineering the statewide conflagration and why?
That article was posted right after the last spate of firestorms in July of 2018. Now here’s one that was recently published after the November conflagrations. CALIFORNIA FIRESTORMS GEOENGINEERED: Here’s why and who’s doing it
Look it, we’re writing this letter out of grave concern. READ MORE AT
Please share this message and suggest people be prepared. If you have valuables, gold, silver, legal documents, keep them together in case of emergency. Thank you.
Doreen Ann Agostino [c]
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Thanks to Doreen at: