November 21, 2018
Giant Cross Alien Base Found On Moon, NASA Removes Links To Stop You From Seeing It! Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: Nov 2018, but I found it in 2015
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source photo:
Source two:
I found a large X or cross structure on the moon. The area is broken up into sections, but clearly each section makes up a part of the cross. Not far away I found many other structures of odd shapes and sizes. I found that this old photo from which this came was taken long before photoshop existed, therefore it remained unedited.
If you click on the non official source (1st link) it works fine, but if you click on the official NASA link below it, you will find a NASA page with old lunar photos...of which all the links have been destroyed. NASA took the information from my site in 2015 and used it again, yes I said again, to edit their photo index. At the moment is says, "Service unavailable." It always says that. They are keeping vital information about aliens from reaching the public and from reaching the governments of other countries.
Scott C. Waring
Thanks to Scott at: