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November 27, 2018 / Visionkeeper

Touch Stones… Balance-clouds-fantasy-house-favim-com-1999237
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To many, the world seems as if it has fallen apart, turned itself inside out and upside down. How we once were is no longer how we are now, we are morphing into the unknown. So how can we regain our balance and strengthen our foundations in these very troubled times? We need to be grounding and finding ways to come together as a whole at long last.
Humanity desperately needs to rediscover its touch stones that feed our human desire to live a life of deeper meaning. The era of opulence and materialism we recently danced through was often captivating and exciting, yet we still continued to hunger for more, our lives were not replete. As we continued to stumble along in search of that life of ‘More’, we took a detour out of materialism into the era of Technology. We still find ourselves immersed in it ,held captive by it, because so much of the modern-day world depends upon Technology to function.
Technology has become a soul snatcher in so many ways.It has forced serious addictions upon innocent people, in many cases it has taken over thinking for us as our brains begin to wither from inactivity. Our entire reality is being dictated by what we are told or led to believe through the media rather than knowing and sensing through our guts. We no longer seem to require one on one, face to face interactions with others for they are but a few taps away on social media. We have been sucked into a slow and subtle disconnection from life, we have been lured into the center of the spider web and captured.
It often feels like we are living on hyper autopilot, our feet no longer touch the ground. We are suspended between two paradigms searching for a safe place to land. Given today’s climate, that is not an easy thing to find. Sometimes I wonder if we are even truly aware that we are alive anymore. So much of our existence is taken for granted thus allowing us to disconnect and sleepwalk our way through daily life. The major trouble with disconnection is that eventually it breeds discontent within. Before all of this upset with our lives erupted, we just hungered for ‘More’ so we kept on going and searching for answers, now we’ve abandoned the search, cast aside our morals and have taken on an almost robotic way of living, not seeming to care where we are headed or why. Who are we becoming? Is this good for us?
In many of my past posts I have talked about how in order to get back on track and reconnect with ourselves we must go within. So what does that really mean and how do we do that? First and foremost we must face our own issues and put them to bed and exclude them from our lives going forward. What good are? How have they improved anything? Why continue to drag around baggage that slows us down and hampers our ability to become who we really want to be? Technology has allowed us the perfect escape from ourselves and our problems for a while, but over time our baggage accumulates like heaps of garbage that we cannot ignore forever because the smell of rotten decay becomes so strong.
Take time to look within, deeply, not just at the surface. Find your issues and name them so you can claim them then begin to sweep away each issue one small step at a time to prevent overwhelm. Be kind to yourself as you undertake this task, praise yourself as you succeed and move forward, for the courage and effort you have made to listen to what your soul truly wants and needs and for recreating your life accordingly. As with everything in life, whatever we take away and eliminate we must fill the void left behind or else the old issues will return and slip back into place. This is why touch stones are so important , they guide us and define our lives so we feel secure and safe. These stones make up our foundations and give us strength and direction. If we follow them we are able to successfully float down stream rather than having to struggle to swim upstream against the currents. So what are touch stones?  Here are a few to consider.
Touch Stones for reconnection to self:
Let go of needing to be in control
Let go of self-doubt
Stop seeing productivity as self-worth!
Let go of scarcity and fear
Stop comparing yourself. You are unique!
Let go of needing to be right
Stop numbing out feeling
Have trust and faith in the universe
Put down the cell phone and pay attention to what is around you!
Touchstones for how to be in the world:
Always be truthful
Offer your assistance where it is needed
Respect all others
Never be judgmental
Be inspiring to yourself and to others
Be loving with your actions and your words
Be kind and gentle to others
Stand up for what you believe
Realize we all just want to be loved and accepted
Much love to all,

Thanks to VK at: https://oneworldmetamorphosis.wordpress.com

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