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Russia, China, And Those Ionospheric Heaters And Other Stuff: Part One

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Russia, China, And Those Ionospheric Heaters And Other Stuff: Part One

December 25, 2018

Russia, China, And Those Ionospheric Heaters And Other Stuff: Part One Mjndjfghfgfg-696x522
Well, now it’s official, more or less. We’ve always known that Russia and China (as well as Europe and a couple of other places, Japan… you get the idea) have their own versions of HAARP (High Altitude Auroral Research Project). And we’ve always known that they have been just as active in heating up regions of the atmosphere along with the USA with its HAARP, and Europe(i.e., Germany) with its EISCAT. This story was spotted by several regular readers and contributors of stories, and the article, in effect, makes it “official”: Russia and China are coordinating and cooperating in their own experiments using the Russian SURA facility. The real question for our high octane speculation of the day, is why admit it now?
When I read the article that everyone was sending me, I think I know why they sent it. We’ll get back to that. First, here’s the story as reported by The South China Post:
China and Russia band together on controversial heating experiments to modify the atmosphere
I don’t know about you, but I suspect there are “messages” contained in the story(and in one of its links: we’ll get back to that too):
China and Russia have modified an important layer of the atmosphere above Europe to test a controversial technology for possible military application, according to Chinese scientists involved in the project.
A total of five experiments were carried out in June. One, on June 7, caused physical disturbance over an area as large as 126,000 sq km (49,000 square miles), or about half the size of Britain.
The modified zone, looming more than 500km (310 miles) high over Vasilsursk, a small Russian town in eastern Europe, experienced an electric spike with 10 times more negatively charged subatomic particles than surrounding regions.
In another experiment on June 12, the temperature of thin, ionised gas in high altitude increased more than 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) because of the particle flux.
OK… so much for global warming. If the USA is heating up the ionosphere here, Europe there, Russia and China yet over there, and who knows where Japan, India, Brazil, Israel and anyone else said to possess these heaters are “heating things up,” then I suspect it’s going to total up to some overall environmental effect.

Which brings us to today’s high octane speculation. Some of the capabilities of these heaters have been outlined ever since Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning published their book Angels Don’t Play this HAARP back in the 1990s, which made the technology a focus of attention, at least, within the alternative research field. One of the possibilities for the technology that they outlined was the use of the technology to stimulate waves under the surface the earth. This led to some speculation (mostly coming from Brazil!) that such technologies might be used to stimulate, create, or alternatively, amplify or damp, earthquakes. There’s a hint of this in the article:
High-energy microwaves can pluck the electromagnetic field in ionosphere like fingers playing a harp. This can produce very low-frequency radio signals that can penetrate the ground or water – sometimes to depths of more than 100 metres (328 feet) in the ocean, which made it a possible communication method for submarines.
(Of course, note one of the signs of such an earthquake: its shallow nature.)
Changing the ionosphere over enemy territory can also disrupt or cut off their communication with satellites.

China is now building an even larger and more advanced facility in Sanya, Hainan, with capability to manipulate the ionosphere over the entire South China Sea, according to an earlier report by the South China Morning Post.
There have been concerns that such facilities could be used to modify weather and even create natural disasters, including hurricanes, cyclones and earthquakes.
The ultra-low frequency waves generated by these powerful facilities could even affect the operation of human brains, some critics have said.
Notably, the possibility is not denied. The speculation is merely mentioned without comment one way or another. But, oh, by the way, we’re building an even bigger heater to manipulate the ionosphere over the geopolitical hotspot of the South China Sea.
Now if you’re like me, and I suspect many of you are, you’re reading this and thinking that “they’re sending messages.” But what’s the message? Well, in a day and age when the scientismists are courting disaster (openly now) by talking about spraying to “dim the Sun”, I can’t help but think that spraying heavy metal particles is all about increasing the conductivity of the atmosphere(global warming or climate change being the convenient cover story), which, when used in conjunction with these heaters, might be used to create all sorts of mischief, like starting fires that burn homes and not trees, creating earthquakes, modifying the atmospheric electrical properties enough to create hurricanes and tornadoes, perhaps even using the technology to ignite nanothermite in tall buildings via resonance, or to create regional “mind manipulation” effects. Who knows?
So if there’s a message, perhaps it’s “don’t try to burn us out of our homes or create earthquakes here, because we have the same stuff.”
But there may have been another message in this article, or rather, in a link to another article found in the article.
For that, however, we’ll have to wait until tomorrow…

Russia, China, And Those Ionospheric Heaters And Other Stuff: Part Two

Yesterday I blogged about a story that seemed to have caught a lot of this website’s readers’ attention, namely, that Russia and China have been conducting joint experiments in ionospheric heating using the large Russian heater called SURA. My question and speculation yesterday was that they were sending messages, especially since the article reporting the story in The South China Morning Post also mentioned – without comment one way or another – that ionospheric heaters have long been thought by some in the alternative research field to be adaptable to modify the weather, create and/or steer tornadoes and hurricanes, be used for mind manipulation on a regional scale, or in other creative ways in conjunction with chemtrail spraying, like igniting nanothermite, creating weird and anomalous fires, and so on. Indeed, if my high octane speculation yesterday is true and Russia and China are “sending messages”, why send them now? As I implied, but perhaps did not explicitly state yesterday, perhaps the timing, coming after the latest round of anomalous fires in California, is not accidental: “We know what you’re doing, don’t try it here, because we have the technology too.”
OK, I grant you: that’s crawling way out to the end of the twig of speculation without so much of a whiff of evidence to support it (other than the article’s odd mention-without-comment of some of the suspected capabilities of ionosphere heaters).
In that story, however, there was a link to another story, from a few days earlier, but by the same author(Stephen Chen), and like the first, there were a few statements in it that “raised my eyebrows”:
Operation Z machine: China’s next big weapon in the nuclear ‘arms race’ could create clean fuel – or deadly bombs
As the story notes, the “Z machine” is the USA’s high energy facility to simulate nuclear explosions in order to design more efficient nuclear bombs. Now this is where it gets really interesting:
The machine is being built for the military by the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics at China’s nuclear weapons development base in the city of Mianyang and is expected to be up and running in a few years, according to a Beijing-based nuclear physicist.
It is designed to produce about 60 million joules of energy in an instant – roughly 22 times the 2.7 million joules generated at the Sandia facility.
It does this by firing powerful electrical pulses at a target about the size of a spool of thread consisting of hundreds of tungsten wires, each thinner than a human hair.
When the pulses pass through the wires, the tungsten explodes, evaporates and creates a plasma with a magnetic field so strong that the exploded particles are forced inward.
The particles collide, producing intense radiation – mostly X-rays – and creating conditions that more accurately reflect a real nuclear explosion.
Now why is that interesting? Well, in the wake of the Oklahoma City Bombing, Michael Riconosciuto maintained that the bomb was a very special bomb. Riconosciuto is a man that hovers quite uncomfortably on the edges of a lot of shenanigans covered by the alternative research field, things like the Inslaw-PROMIS scandal, Danny Casolaro’s murder-as-suicide with all the attendant connections to what Casolaro called “the Octopus”, and so on. Casolaro, who had contacted Riconosciuto, called the latter “Danger man”. Riconosciuto is indeed an odd duck, being highly intelligent, and definitely connected to black projects. To make a long labyrinthine story short, in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City Bombing, Riconosciuto maintained to one interviewer that the OKC bomb was a special type of “thermobaric” bomb that had been developed as an offshoot of the nuclear program. In his version, particulate heavy metal and combustible particles are dispersed in the atmosphere, electrically activated to create a “chain molecule” and then again electrically detonated to create a pressure wave equivalent to a tactical nuclear weapon, literally crushing and pulverizing anything in its blast field. If effect, it was a kind of “electro-molecular” bomb, using the atmosphere’s oxygen as the oxident.
And the “Z machine” was probably intimately involved in the creation of such technologies.
And China wants to build a much bigger one.
As if that’s not enough, the article makes mention – again without comment – of another possibility:
Z machines have been used in the development of nuclear weapons, from conventional warheads to the pure fusion bomb – a hydrogen bomb that can in theory be made in any size, cost a fraction of today’s nuclear stockpile and burn “cleanly” without producing radioactive fallout.
What comment does come in the article about this possibility comes near the end of the story, isolated from the above statement:
Lei said there had been costly failures in developing the technology in the US and Chinese scientists faced equal if not greater uncertainties because of their much more ambitious goals.
For instance, fusion could produce a large number of fast flying neutrons that will weaken or damage critical components. While the equipment was durable, researchers had not yet been able to solve the neutron problem, Lei said.
He warned the development of a pure fusion bomb would meant international nuclear weapons treaties would have to be rewritten.
“But I don’t think we need to worry about this, not until we see a real new bomb. The technology is so difficult, it remains more fantasy than real threat.”
Now in case it’s not clear what’s really being said here, what’s really being said is that the bomb-makers are on a quest for a “clean” hydrogen bomb, that’s the one with a much bigger bang than an atomic bomb. The “blast yields” of the latter are measured in kilotons, i.e., in thousands of tons of TNT. The blast yields of the former are measured in megatons, i.e., a million tons of TNT. The “bad” news is that in standard publicly-known hydrogen-bomb “how to do its”, an atomic bomb is needed as the fuse to create the intense heat and pressure to get hydrogen atoms to fuse. No a-bomb, no h-bomb. And it’s the a-bomb that produces all that nasty radioactive fallout.
So in other words, “they” have been chasing the idea of a “clean” thermonuclear bomb, i.e., a “hydrogen” bomb that does not need an a-bomb as its fuse. What’s extremely disturbing, and odd about this story, is not just the acknowledgement that this has been a secret goal of covert thermonuclear bomb projects. It’s the tense in which it is stated in the article:
Z machines have been used in the development of nuclear weapons, from conventional warheads to the pure fusion bomb – a hydrogen bomb that can in theory be made in any size, cost a fraction of today’s nuclear stockpile and burn “cleanly” without producing radioactive fallout. (emphasis added)
In other words, while the article ends with a disclaimer that such a fusion bomb is all just “theory”, it initiates the topic by stating it’s already been done. And that Z machines and, for want of a better term, “electro-nuclear” ignition was the key. That they are working on such stuff we can be certain. DARPA (The Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency) at one time during the Reagan era was seriously pursuing the idea of an isomer bomb. Then there was the Red Mercury story of the 1990s, a magical mystical substance that was supposed to be a dark maroon-purplish goo, very heavy, that could initiate fusion explosions without the need for an a-bomb as the fuse. (See REALLY!?!? … RED MERCURY, AGAIN!? PART TWO)
Whatever one makes of all this, I have the uneasy feeling that China “knows something” and that it’s sending clear messages. After all, this is the same country that not only wants to build a bigger better Z machine, but a bigger better version of CERN’s large hadron collider…
See you on the flip side…

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Russia, China, And Those Ionospheric Heaters And Other Stuff: Part One 1388699704-bpfull

About Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.
Source: https://gizadeathstar.com
Wake The Sheeple!

Thanks to zIKY at: https://awakeandaware.ca

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