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* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!!

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Carl Spackler

* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!!

Holy fu%k! Is Dave retarded? I sent sent him an email from an OBVIOUSLY SPOOFED fake gmail account as a dig - AND HE THINKS ITS THAT ASS LICKER JERZY BABKOWSKI!! Read for yourselves ( oh and note his empty threats and my ( Abe Fromans's ) REPLY!!

Jerzy Babkowski 

Fri, 28 Dec 2018, 16:27 (4 days ago)
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot

to thesedonaconnection
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot

Man - this time you went too far! BTW Robert is in BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG trouble!!! Holy Fudge! The lies, laws broken...........................u scammer!



Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Grand Torino - Best Scene

* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Mqdefault

* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Icon_2_youtube_x16

Grand Torino - Best Scene

Dave Schmidt

Fri, 28 Dec 2018, 16:48 (4 days ago)
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot

to me
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot


Sorry, this time you went to far.  Meta 1 Coin is duly registered with all appropriate government agencies and has followed the laws under U.S. Code 28 as fully required.

You forget, I am a former lawmaker, a Senator, and understand the due process of law.

Lots of talk, but no statement of facts based on what laws have been violated you are claim we have violated.  Bringing such attack without the facts opens the doors for Meta 1 to file multiple charges against you and OOM.

Robert has filed notices with the SEC seven times and it is all recorded in public records in the counties of jurisdiction.

You will soon hear form us for a Cease and Desist Order that if you do not comply you will be served for criminal charges of defamation and other charges.  And yes, those at OOM will be served as well.

Robert knows the legal process very well and has been here before with angry and hatred attackers like you Jerzy.

If you persist he knows how to have you completely shut down over any internet postings and yo may lose your whole complete operation of doing business as Zap.

I really thought you were above this type of deep anger and hatred.

As you know, karma is a bitch and we attract to ourselves what we attack on others.  Hmmm....I wonder who may have the jail time for breaking the law.

So much for your love and compassion with a strong spiritual character.  I didn't think there was such deep hatred an anger with you Jerzy, I really thought you were better than that.

Dave Schmidt

From: Jerzy Babkowski
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 2:27 PM
To: thesedonaconnection@msn.com
Subject: game over

Jerzy Babkowski 

13:10 (56 minutes ago)
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot

to Dave
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot

Dave, you are a disgraced former Senator. The SEC has NO RECORD OF ANY FILING! None. Please please please bring us to court! We beg you! The discovery process will be fun! Your game is up! All the claims made are laughable. Will Barney is going to bang you up the ass ( sans lube) for this scam! You are done! Game over! Bend over and bark like a dog! The FBI, SEC and Treasury have over 15 online reports of this coin scam! 

Dave...its over....ya went too far. tell all your meta1 scammers Abe Froman says hello. I warned ya and all kidding aside I wanted you to leave the scamming world. But you couldnt. Every so often in life we Fudge with someone we should not have fucked with. Well thats me - and you did. You lie, cheat, steal, etc and I gave you a chance to stop. You WERE warned. All your Meta 1 new age nut job scammers will fall with you. Tell Robert, Nicole, et all game is up. The next 30- 90 days will suck for you but ya - KARMA IS A BITCH my friend! Karma never sleeps or forgets. Prison will find all of you. May God have mercy as we wont -you deserve none for a decade plus of scamming.

Abe Froman

Carl Spackler

Will Barney is going to bang you up the ass ( sans lube) for this scam! You are done! Game over! Bend over and bark like a dog! 

Carl Spackler

Jerzy Babkowski 

14:17 (0 minutes ago)
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot

to Dave
* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Cleardot

Dave...its over....ya went too far. tell all your meta1 scammers Abe Froman says hello. I warned ya and all kidding aside I wanted you to leave the scamming world. But you couldnt. Every so often in life we Fudge with someone we should not have fucked with. Well thats me - and you did. You lie, cheat, steal, etc and I gave you a chance to stop. You WERE warned. All your Meta 1 new age nut job scammers will fall with you. Tell Robert, Nicole, et all game is up. The next 30- 90 days will suck for you but ya - KARMA IS A BITCH my friend! Karma never sleeps or forgets. Prison will find all of you. May God have mercy as we wont -you deserve none for a decade plus of scamming.

Abe Froman



* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Raw

* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! Giphy

* MUST READ!* - Dave Schmidt response to my fake Jerzy Babkowski!! I1D_r8no



Dave, when this all gets reported back to you will you really consider legal action a good thing?

You just might be better off not poking the legal dog who bites both ways.

You say you are a former Senator and lawmaker, well Dave I cannot imagine what reaction that would get from your fellow Americans. I can tell you what someone claiming to be a former MP and lawmaker in London might get as a reaction.

Corrupt, Liar, war criminal, face of the hidden hand and thats just one of them

Should you be unwise enough to start issuing threats again, particularly to "OOM Lady" then you might find opting for legal action will shine a nice bright upon you and your affairs. That would be a very unwise thing to do don't you think?

PS...I have a couple of billion ZIM if you are in the market to buy, make me an offer

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