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Mandela Effect, Changing the Bible, Magically by TS Caladan

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Mandela Effect,
Changing the Bible,
Magically by TS Caladan

Mandela Effect, Changing the Bible, Magically by TS Caladan  Bq-5c53b1a5927cd

Very few people would believe that physical things are changing around them due to what's been called the "Mandela Effect." Don't believe that a new [Matrix] reality has been pulled over our eyes, different from the world we remember? You mean you believe C3PO has always had a silver leg or Oz' Scarecrow certainly pulled out a gun in one scene? Or that there was never a Jiffy peanut butter and they were always called the "Berenstain Bears"? Really?
Remember Star Trek's negative, anti-matter, parallel universe that was visited in every series, which showed off actors' talents because they got to play their evil counterparts? Maybe they knew something the general public didn't? Plans to send our planet and everyone on it to the Dark Side without people even knowing it? Not possible for our solid universe to change or YOU, like we are virtual and holographic? Really? Open your eyes. "What if I told you, Neo..."
The world around you is now completely different and maybe the biggest proof of this is how (whatever is doing this) has changed the Holy Bible.
RIGHT NOW...GO GET THE KING JAMES BIBLE! If you don't have one, find one and open the Book! Do not be skeptical that famous lines in movies or song lyrics or cartoons or product labels or the Bible has CHANGED. Only a fool would choose to not see what is directly in front of their eyes.
Do you have the Bible in hand? Open it to the beginning. Remember there is and always has been a 2-page introduction, preface or foreword before Genesis.
"JAMES" was always its heading, in big/bold letters because of King James. I remember the intro spoke of the translators who transcribed either ancient Greek or Hebrew texts into the English language for the first time. This was done in the time of King James, long before the Victorian age and hundreds of years before Queen Elizabeth.
How the HELL could the "James" introduction mention Queen Elizabeth, today's living/breathing/standing Sovereign of Britain? It couldn't. But it does now! In fact, the 6 paragraphs do nothing but praise "Her Majesty" and "Her Highness" over and over again. More than Jesus or God, Queen Elizabeth is glorified!
This is impossible. But this is true. Open your eyes. God is called "he" and not capitalized, yet everything about Elizabeth is capitalized and praised over and over again.

I possess my mother's KJ Bible that is over 90 years old, a precious possession to me. You might be able to find a KJB that is over 100 years old. They wouldn't have different introductions. They would have the same altered and warped intro that specifically mentions Queen Liz. Praise only goes to her, not the transcribers, not Jesus or God. To repeat, this can't be, but the proof is right in your hands. [The Queen is 92, not hundreds of years old].
I'll bet you think you're holding the King James Bible? Guess again. There is no such thing as the "King James Bible." Where did billions of people down through the centuries ever get that idea? IT'S NOW PRINCE JAMES! Closely examine the new heading and 'extraordinary" first paragraph that is duplicated here and confirmed in your Book:

The translators of the Bible wish Grace, Mercy and Peace,
through JESUS CHRIST our Lord.

GREAT and manifold were the blessings, most dread Sovereign, which Almighty God, the Father of all mercies, bestowed upon us the people of England, when first he sent Your Majesty's Royal Person to rule and reign over us. For whereas it was the expectation of many who wished not well unto our Sion, that upon the setting of that bright Occidental Star, Queen Elizabeth of most happy memory, some thick and palpable clouds of darkness would so have overshadowed this Land, that men should have been in doubt which way they were to walk; and that it should hardly be known, who was to direct the unsettled State; the appearance of Your Majesty, as of the Sun in his strength, instantly dispelled those supposed and surmised mists, and gave unto all that were well affected exceeding cause of comfort; especially when we beheld the Government established in Your Highness, and Your hopeful Seed, by an undoubted title, and this also accompanied with peace and tranquility at home and abroad.

Before we look at the new words of other sections in the intro, let's analyze the first paragraph, which certainly contains the mention of the current Queen of England.
The first sentence informs us that a merciful God has given us a "most dread Sovereign," which is Queen Liz. 'Most dread' is not good. They are telling you, in plain sight, she's a beast, a monster (like many have revealed about the Monarchy in recent years). Sion is Zion, Zionism: not good. 'Occidental Star' means of European ancestry. 'State' and 'Government' couldn't have been in the original preface, but the modern words are there now. 'Your Majesty, as of the Sun in his strength.' Every time earth, moon and sun are written in the Bible, they are not capitalized. 'Sun' is here; does it mean pagan sun-worship? 'His strength'? The Sun or the (male) Queen? 'Seed' is royal bloodlines. Also strange that 'holy' Truth, 'holy' Scriptures are not capitalized, and yet, everything is capitalized and overstated when it comes to the Queen.
The second paragraph of the intro ends: "...to the time spent in this transitory world, but directeth and desposeth men unto that eternal happiness which is above in heaven." A world in transition or is it a world of trannies?
The third paragraph in the intro ends: "...by hearing the Word preached, by cherishing the Teachers thereof by caring for the Church, as a most tender and loving nursing father." Speaking of trannies, you'll find that the royalty are and have been trans-gendered. Now we have a royal abomination right at the very beginning of the Bible. Fathers do not nurse. But they do in the trans-gendered world of elites who are apparently rewriting the Book in their own dark image.
The fourth paragraph of the Bible's new preface or foreword ends with: "...there should be one more exact Translation of the holy Scriptures into the English Tongue; Your Majesty did never desist to urge to excite those to whom it was commended, that the work might be hastened, and that the business might be expedited in so decent a manner, as a matter of such importance might justly require." We need one more 'exact Translation'? 'Business'? They're telling you the truth: Church of England, like the Vatican, is money, a global business. It also says: there should be one more "Translation" into the "English Tongue." This is wrong because the efforts of King James' men were the first to translate the records into English.
The fifth paragraph ends: "...and sustained without by the powerful protection of Your Majesty's grace and favour, which, will ever give countenance to honest and christian endeavours against bitter censures and uncharitable imputations."
The start of the sixth and last paragraph in the Bible's introduction: "The Lord of heaven and earth bless Your Majesty with many and happy days, that, as his heavenly hand hath enriched Your Highness with many singular and extraordinary graces, so You may be the wonder of the world in this latter age..."
Wow. What a fucking crock of shit! God has blessed Queen Elizabeth with "extraordinary" superpowers? And we all may be 'the wonder of the world'?
These are extraordinary lies. It's "sick," which is not a compliment.
Wouldn't you think if the old Illuminati wanted to push a new, perverse Bible of Satan...it would've hired a staff of writers, controlled a Media firestorm and the Devil's Bible would be flying off the shelves in all major bookstores? No, that's not what happened. New Illuminati must have created Scientific Black Magic: Someone opened a portal to a world of evil or something because everything has negatively changed. A 'magical wand' was waved ("Order 66") and abracadabra...all the King James versions as well as some other modern Bibles have "supernaturally" changed, been rewritten and pushed to the Dark Side. Like almost everything else, negatively charged. Who'd have believed it?
Are you sure this is the same King James Bible that your parents and grandparents had? It's not.

Before we go through specific Bible verses and prove the unbelievable changes that have occurred, let's look at Michelangelo's sitting sculpture of Moses. Do you remember the famous statue of Moses with horns?

Mandela Effect, Changing the Bible, Magically by TS Caladan  Bq-5c53b1aba429b

Google any picture of it and Moses now has horns! Why? Michelangelo didn't demonize the writer of the Pentateuch, first 5 books of the Bible. He honored the man. The museum didn't deface the statue. They could have, matched the horn-addition to original, for some dark agenda. But that wouldn't explain other sculptures and paintings that now depict Moses with horns. Could be a conspiracy, but it could also be explained by the Mandela Effect "magically" changing things instantly/darkly by a means we don't understand.

* In Isaiah 11:6, what lays with the Lamb, the Lion or the Wolf?
It used to be the Lion who laid with the Lamb, now it’s the Wolf. It’s an expression and also has been the subject of numerous paintings that represented peace. The exact new quote is: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb…” Wolf is a royal symbol and one of fascism. An anti-Christ?
* In the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:10, is it “...on earth as it is in heaven.”? Or is it “...in earth as it is in heaven.”?
The "correct" reference in the Lord's Prayer, or the way it was, was:
On earth as it is in heaven.” Something’s changed the Bible and the physical world because the well-known phrase now reads: “In earth as it is in heaven.” What does ‘in earth' mean? We live on Earth. Does it mean a shift to where those in future must live underground? Are they making Bunkers like heaven?
* One of the Ten Commandments is: "Honour thy mother and thy father." Was it the Fourth Commandment, or was it the Fifth?
We will dig deeply into this important question: Have the Commandments changed in the King James Bible? Here is another I found all on my own and not from any Mandela researcher. I wondered, "These first Laws of Moses that we all should know well, had they altered like other verses in the Bible and things everywhere?" I went online, Google, and kept scanning every reference out there of the Ten Commandments. Such as:
'Short Summary of the 10 Commandments':
1. Do not have any other God before God.
2. Do not make yourself an idol.
3. Do not take the Lord's name in vain.
4. Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy.
5. Honor your mother and father.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not bare false witness against your neighbor.
10. Do not covet.

On 'The Ten Commandments' monument in Goshon, Ohio, carved into stone are almost the same words written on the 'Summary.' Small differences are: "...no other gods before me" and "...not worship any graven image."
Notice that in these online examples and (apparently) every example or reference to them these days, THE ORDER IS DIFFERENT than what they used to be. I was curious if a word was different; I didn't expect an alteration in the Commandments chronological order! Maybe you haven't spotted the change? Certainly, older, Bible scholars would have seen it in two seconds. Hang on.
The following are exact quotes from the King James:
Exodus 20/1: And God spoke all these words, saying,
2: I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of bondage.
3: Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
5: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6: And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
7: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
8: Remember the sabbath, to keep it holy.

The next three verses make little sense and seem like a recent alteration. In fact, all of the Commandments listed here, and in Deuteronomy, appear (to me) completely different. I remember a listing or listings, clearly written out in numerical order. But in Exodus and in Deuteronomy, where the Commandments are known to be printed, we have to pick the 10 out from the verses. Verse numbers are not the Commandment numbers. The three verses repeat Genesis, of a cruel/ruthless "jealous" God, demanding obedience and servitude [to me, shows a tyrannical, megalomaniac God and therefore not the Supreme Being of goodness, love and mercy]. Sins of the father should never be visited upon the children, but this "God" thinks descendants should be punished for 3 or 4 generations. In these strange verses, people are reminded what the sabbath is, to not work on that day; that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh. I have no recollection of these repetitive 'speeches' by "God" within the list of Commandments, twice.
But consider the new order of Commandments that can be ascertained in the verses. Basically, 1: no other gods. 2: no idols. 3: don't cuss. And #4 is now: Remember Sunday, keep it holy. THAT'S NOT THE 4TH COMMANDMENT! Today, (about) all the references say it is and the Bible also says it is.
No it's not, folks.
If you were a Baby-Boomer, came from a family that took you to Church as a kid and you misbehaved, parents might throw in your face: “What’s the fourth Commandment say? Honor your mother and father!” This scolding is clearly etched in my mind because of how often it was repeated and I’m sure in the minds of plenty of others who remember the old days. I am 100% sure it was always, always the 4th…but now, black magically, everyone in the world and the Bible itself will tell you…it’s the fifth. I also think it was "mother and father," but now changed to "father and mother."
Verse 12: Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land, which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
13: Thou shalt not kill…
The rest of them are much as I remember. From my POV, it is like the fourth and fifth Commandments have switched places. Could there be a dark or demonic meaning in this Mandela Effect as well? The destruction or dissolution of the family, reinforced by almost every TV show, commercial and movie: bad parents, bad role models, bad children. No love and respect. Possibly the Dark Universe that appears to be physically changing things, has demoted the Parent-Commandment from 4 to 5 because it wants to end good families? It’s just not important anymore (to obey parents) in a crazy, chaotic, 'do-as-thou-wilt' society. Is that the reason for the change?
Examine Exodus 20, verse 6, above. SHEWING? The word “showing” is misspelled; look at the context of the phrase. Other verses have “shew” or “shewn” when the words are clearly “show” and “shown.” Many other words are misspelled as well as there now exists terrible grammatical errors that were never in the Bible, previously. Since when did the Bible start sentences without a capital letter? It does now. What is going on? This is "Bad Bible" and not close to the one I remember. "Shalt" in the Commandments"? I thought it was: "Thou shall not..."?
You'll find that Moses didn't have the Commandments on 'tablets.' Instead, the changed Bible has them on "tables."

* What did baby Moses float down the Nile river in, a papyrus basket or an ark of bulrushes?
Let's take the answer directly from my mother's 90 year-old Bible, the one that's now been changed (like all others). Let's follow Moses' birth and the events right after his birth:
Exodus 2/1: "And there went a man of the house of Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi.
2: And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months.
3: When she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink."
The above verses in Exodus are very different than most everyone's recollection. The answer today is: Moses floated down the Nile in an "ark of bulrushes," but that surely is in no one's memory. We know of Moses' later association with the Ark of the Covenant. Another "ark" attached to him besides the Covenant? The Covenant, Noah's Ark and now a third "ark" in Bible? No way. We remember a "basket" of "papyrus" that was water-sealed with tar and pitch, not slime and pitch. Slime? There is a lot of residual evidence for "basket." "Bulrushes" "is a biblical term" that means papyrus, but that is not what we remember. "Papyrus" was in many places in the King James. But, in the Bible of this new universe, it is nowhere to be found.
"Took to wife" is a new reference in Moses' birth. "Bore" a son, but it is now "bare"? "Goodly child"? I thought it was "beautiful child"? "Flags" seem to represent "reeds" along the Nile shore. "River's brink" sounds wrong and probably was originally: "along the bank of the Nile river." "When she could not longer hide him." What incorrect English! Who was the idiot that translated this bizarre Bible? Some of the changed words are similar (brink/bank, flags/reeds). Is it merely a matter of different translations? Maybe we're now seeing into or intersecting with that other world where the transcribers didn't really care that much about what they were doing?

* Were Adam and Eve married?
Here is the new line in Genesis 2/25: "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."
There wouldn't have been one Bible scholar in the world that could've pointed to proof of a marriage between Adam and Eve, previously. Now, Bible scholars must because: there it is in Genesis. Who performed the ceremony?

* Was Jesus born outside, in a manger? Or, was he born in a house when the 3 wise men arrived?
Matthew 2/10: "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
11: And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh." House? Not outside, not in a manger. The wise men presented their gifts inside a HOUSE, as the Bible now clearly states. I thought there was "no room in the inn."?

* Was there ever a biblical record of Christ being blindfolded and struck in the face?
This was never known to have happened before. Nowhere in memory or in film dramas did we ever view a blindfolded Christ that was struck in the face. But today we have the verse Luke 22/64: "And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophecy, who is it that smote thee?" He was called Prophecy?
Go to Google and look up the 'blindfolded Jesus' and you'll discover countless frescos and other paintings from the Renaissance period. Why don't we remember or ever had imprinted in our minds the 'Birdbox' image of Christ hit in the face? Because we've never had that reference, that historical timeline before; it has only appeared now.
In Acts 5/30 and 10/39, we find out that Jesus didn't die on the cross. No. He was "hanged on a tree." Believe it or not, in Psalms 22/6 and in Job 25/6, Jesus, 'son of man,' was called a "WORM."
Remember the well-known, biblical quote that is Matthew 7/1: "Judge not, lest ye be judged."? We all know it. Some bikers have it tattooed on their arms. They wouldn't have gotten it wrong. Now look and presto-chango! The quote in the Bible is: "Judge not, that ye be not judged."
Or the Golden Rule from Matthew 7/12: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them..." That's not the very important Golden Rule! It sounds like 'Eye for an eye,' which is wrong. Jesus corrected Old Testament by turning the other cheek. Best I can remember is: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Another well-known verse is John 8/32: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." It's semantics; we're splitting hairs; some changes are about the same, but the words have definitely changed: It was always "set you free." {The point is: There should not be any magical changes at all!}.
The following exact words are now in the Prince James Bible and they were never there before! Look at these new words. How they apply to royalty, military and more modern times than when they were written. To many, they should not be within the ancient text of this world:
Couch, good soldier, dragons, unicorn, dwarf, castle, duke, magnifical, traffick, royal, palace, princess, princesses, duke, damsel, king's court, butler, menservant, sarjeant, killedst, glittering spear, witch, witchcraft, wizard, necromancer, Dodo, goodlier, goodliest, cockatrice, ferry boat, highways, bulrushes, lionlike men, Seed of David, experiment, operation, Cozbi, planets, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, matrix, gravity, science, space, shuttle, vessel, station, suits, aliens...
For example, Hebrews 11/34: "...waxed valiant in fight; turned to flight the armies of the aliens." 'Flight' seems like a misspelled 'fight.' Examine the pages carefully. There are many errors in grammar as well as these new, modern words in today's Bibles and in very old Bibles.
Then, other familiar words that we all know WERE in the Bible, are oddly missing. 'Messiah' is not found, anywhere. There are a few references to the plural: "Messias." Also, the real killers of Christ was the Church, the PRIESTHOOD. Insider Jordan Maxwell told me one truth, for sure: "Above every king, is a priesthood." The Sanhedrin is strangely gone, omitted from the Bible. Maybe the ruling "council" is there, but the word 'Sanhedrin' and guilty party in the murder of Jesus has been removed.
Such shockers in the upside-down version of Scriptures recently forced upon us all: Paul is now a thief, according to 2 Corinthians 11/8. In Numbers 26/33 and 36/11, we discover that there is a female Noah, who is the daughter of Zelophehad. That's something new to anyone familiar of how the Book used to be.
Whole titles or headings of Bible Books appear to have changed: "The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to TIMOTHY." "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the ROMANS." And wasn't the last Book in the Bible called: 'The Book of Revelations'? It is now called in the singular: 'Revelation.' Look at the title page and it reads: "THE REVELATION of Saint John the Divine." No one remembers this as the header for the last Book in the Bible.
Child trafficking or the slavery of children is suggested in Genesis 17/13. Incredible amounts of things that were never in the Bible before are now within the pages, such as acceptance of homosexuality and trans-gendered people.
There are even more new perversions in this tainted Bible that you would not believe. It is closer to modern-day witchcraft and very evil "spirit-cooking" than anything good and righteous. In John 6/53-55, we have holy communion, but this is sick/demonic and nothing like the acceptance of Christ...
6/53: "...except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you."
54: "Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life..."
55: "For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed..."
The words and act of Communion were symbolic, not to be taken literally. We ate the wafer and drank the wine in a symbolic ceremony. But the sick/twisted Bible, now in everyone's hands, presents us with a ritual of cannibalism and blood-drinking. "Eat" and "flesh" were never mentioned, previously. It was partake of the "body" and the "cup." It was never eat flesh and drink blood.
Who's behind the devilish changes to the King James? It has to be Her Highness, the Queen, lizard-puppet, robotoid or whatever the dark creature is that sits on the throne of England! Are we really going to ignore all the signs? Her, the Vatican, her masters, PRINT MONEY and can finance what seems impossible. They can make magical things real in this super-tech world that only they have while we wallow in the primitive, violent world they've created for us. It's how they control us.
I personally believe they've broken through to a mirror-universe, that parallels our world in every way, but is very much darker. The more they manifest it into being [CERN collider] or explore it, unknown to the public, the more we change and slowly become our negative counterparts. We have to fight these changes, the new realities that are way out of our control, by not giving into fear, hate, violence and war.
Don't believe their lies. Remember old ways, which are slowly disappearing and are being replaced. Don't be body-snatched. BE STRONG.

One more change for you, some have noticed on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel: the hand of Michelangelo's God, the Creator, is no longer higher than Adam's hand. It used to be higher and pointed slightly down. In today's reality of transcended-man and a demoted Almighty, Adam's hand is now higher and God's hand is no longer angled down~

Mandela Effect, Changing the Bible, Magically by TS Caladan  Bq-5c53b1b00c12b

Your comments are very welcome.
Contact Tray at dugx@sbcglobal.net



[FEB. 4] To defend my position that there was no single God in the Bible, but there were “gods,” + & – angels (humans) with technology that you’ve simplified & misinterpreted, let me explain…
This has nothing to do with Mandela. The following is a lesson on how the Bible should be viewed, not in English, which always was a simplified version for simple people of the times, 100s of years ago. Genesis still begins:
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” You think (mostly) that this means the 1 Creator made heaven & earth? You are wrong! The true, original text is the Hebrew text, not the translated/transcribed, watered-down English version. In Hebrew, it really says the “Elohim” created the…
El” is Hebrew for “God” and the “Elohim” is plural: gods. “El” is used in ‘Israel,’ ‘Kal-El,’ ‘Ra-El’ and in ‘electricity’ and ‘electronics.’ Plural gods, not God, is used throughout the Bible and edited-out Book of Enoch. Every plural was edited out and also other things by savage men down thru centuries. Some plurals remain, like cloning of Eve: these were probably doctors or geneticists; the biblical quote is plural: “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness.” Truth is, KJ Bible is a lot in line with sacred books of India, which could only be nukes and violent air-warfare / same with the Bible.
My point is: It’s always been plural in the original text. When you’re reading “God” in an English Bible, you’re really reading Gods, as in ‘Chariots of the…’ These are not pagan gods; it’s more like sci-fi you won’t believe. Elohim in “flying chariots” or ships were remnants of much earlier days when everyone used wireless power, anti-gravity and flew in disks – post Flood, few humans (angels were always described as humans) flew and maintained shreds of old tech. I am probably preaching to people who refuse to see and will probably never change their old/dusty traditions, no matter what they’re shown. I’m a scientist; I don’t presume to know the answers; I am looking for them. Religious fundamentalists and skeptics aren’t looking for answers; they have all the answers they need and always keep blinders on to new ideas. Changing and learning are difficult. Hope they could understand that the high-tech view explains so very much.

[FEB. 3]
Here is a link to my “High-Technology in the Bible” article, for those interested in another POV on the Bible. How "miracles” might have actually happened in the real world? No sin to believe in science, math.
And to clarify, the reason JC is not my personal savior is: he would tell you to be against idolatry. So why would you make him the ultimate superstar idol of all time? Maybe you should not side with the Church, the killers of Christ and many others? CHURCH ONLY WANTS YOUR MONEY! They have conned you; you think giving money to Church somehow gets you closer to heaven? That’s INDULGENCES, that broke/fractured Catholic Church! Started all protestant movements.
We need no savior if we are born without Original Sin. Pretend next sentence was written 100 times because you’ll never get it thru thick, programmed skulls: WE HAVE NO ORIGINAL SIN! Church has lied to you and only wants your money. Children aren’t born with sin! They are beautiful, show no prejudice and only learn bad behaviors when they’re older. In 4th Century (the 4th!) Church officials, most evil men on Earth, during Council of Nicea, hatched the Plan and proclaimed JC as God! Wrong, evil! How can today’s fundamentalists not have matured and seen the light of what these masonic men had in mind? To have a Pope, ultimate idol and evil walking around? Wow! Maybe 4th Century people would accept the Authority of Evil dressed as the holy Church, MUST YOU TODAY? Maybe, maybe, Jesus is more relatable and reachable as a human man and good father to a child, than some nebulous deity you’ve been forced to think he is?
You know, you CAN get to heaven by doing good works ALONE. It’s called Karma. What the hell is wrong with doing good things? You just might make it better for yourself in the next life?
Wait, so someone can kill and be the worse person in the world, but as long as he claims Christ as Savior on deathbed, he’s saved? Grow up! It doesn’t work like that…
Now go ahead and throw stones.

Are there any women here at the stoning? [from ‘Life of Brian’].

[FEB. 2]
I can’t over emphasize how important this is. How impossible it is to have ‘Queen Elizabeth’ mentioned and praised again and again in print in the introduction of the King James Bible, which is now called “Prince” James! KJ died in 1625! There are now 1000s of Mandela vids on YT. Many speculate on the cause of the real changes and they repeat ‘D-Wave” as if they know what they’re talking about. Bible-thumpers never understood what the Bible was BEFORE these changes: spaceships in Ezekiel and Enoch (edited out), things like Arc of Covenant as a high-powered device [Tesla understood], Uzzah electrocuted by it, cloning of Eve from Adam; they took cell from Adam’s rib area, Red Sea split by forcefields from spaceships above! These so-called ‘Christians’ who don’t believe in reincarnation when Christ did…(“Who do men think I am?”) ‘Born again’ doesn’t mean I found Christ and accept him – it means to literally be born again, born again, born again, and only then can you be brilliant/clean enough to enter Kingdom of Heaven, whatever that is. None of the simple-minded, fundamental, overly-righteous people will EVER enter the afterlife; they’ll keep coming back and back until they get it right, which is a long time from now.
I am FAR from an atheist. Stop thinking in black and white or it’s wrong if different from beliefs “you know are right.” I have an eastern view. I’ve studied the Bible for decades, SCIENTIFICALLY, looking for clues to understand what was really there behind the simple words used as description. Sodom and Gomorrah were NUKED, btw [fire/brimstone, “land went up like smoke of a furnace”]. There are plenty of Bible scholars that know scripture, can recite passages much better than I ever could, but do they know what really happened 1000s of years ago? What really inspired the Holy Record? No. Because few understand that high technologies existed back then and our human ancestors were incredible super-beings:
PROOF are ancient Cro-Magnon skulls, one group of our ancestors WITH LARGER BRAINS than today’s humans! They weren’t primitive in any way. They were the cloners [+ & -] who could, yes, play God, and genetically make the lesser forms with smaller brains for various reasons. Other proof are the ancient pyramids, fantastic monoliths & structures we cannot build today. Aliens didn’t build the pyramids and impossible Egyptian/Incan structures…THEY did, our technically advanced ancestors – WE did, essentially. But you can’t tell a Bible-thumper any of this, because they’ll condemn you, elevating humans to gods. They don’t understand that an age of nuclear devastation occurred 8000 years ago creating our deserts as nuked battle scars in a high-tech war between good and evil. They don’t know this was the reason for worldwide ‘dolmen’ stone structures and Inca architecture being built, that were perfect Bomb Shelters. They don’t know that God didn’t create the Great Flood [animals’ DNA reduced to crystal chips in stasis and restored when floodwaters receded/this makes the story REAL]. Good, high-tech forces created the Flood to wipe out cloners and monsters (mythological creatures) they created, to end the madness. Same happened in earlier ages when world electrical-power grids were destroyed many times and rebuilt again.
EDEN = ATLANTIS. We came from paradise, utopia, that’s what we are! Or we have that potential~ Paradise Lost.
The very old, high-tech war of good and evil explains why this God of yours said terrible, terrible things over and over in the first books; it’s why this God of yours stated LONG BEFORE MANDELA CHANGES: “I will make your rivers run with your blood” & again & again demanded: “Then you will know that I am your Lord, your God!” Demanding it! Over and over. This was not God, Creator of all the universes where Earth is an insignificant dust speck? This is why you fear God. You don’t fear God; what’s wrong with you simple people? God is LOVE. You embrace Love you don't run in fear from it. But the killer-things that came down from the sky and landed, yes, landed in ships and terrorized simple people (survivors in caves) and acted more like Klingons or pirates from space that had the power to play God. What else would the masses, de-evolved barbarians who knew nothing of their long high-tech history, think of evil aliens? That you’ve misinterpreted? They’d presume this was God or the Devil and do anything it commanded. ‘Gods or demons’ would be their only view in a War they could not understand. We should not have the same basic, childlike understanding as people 1000s of years ago, but millions of well-meaning and ignorant “Christians” do and have it totally wrong. I should say: a Fred Flintstone view of everything when they should evolve and have a George Jetson view of everything.
Maybe we are a total embarrassment, today’s religious level of a basic understanding to WHATEVER, angelic/advanced beings are out there and maybe always been there? “Watchers” and "Sons of Heaven" they were called in the Bible; who knows if the terms are still there with this new reality, new time-line and new, dark Bible?
If we can decipher Bible words and see the modern tech, then the stories become REAL, it becomes a Science, true history. We then know that miracles were not Magical, they can easily be reproduced by technology. That’s what’s missing in the view of fundamentalists and Bible scholars, what really was on those special pages in the first place…
I proudly say that Jesus is not my personal savior…and he would agree, sorry to say words the fundamentalists would despise, then of course, I am not sorry for my true feelings/conclusions, which have only come after decades of studying many sources, such as eastern Vedas, Mahabarata, etc that speak of “vimanas” (flying crafts) of India and a nuclear age, described simply (like the Bible). Where do you think Jesus was during his “Lost Years," before he was 30? In India, amazing the Brahmin priests in their temples and known as young St. Essa. Maybe you well-meaning, but misguided “Christians” should study and understand a # of sources instead of just one?
Maybe parts of the Da Vinci Code were true? Mary Magdalene was no prostitute, she was his wife! Maybe, at least, I am open to the idea. Church twisted this. He supposedly had a child, a girl and began a lineage that lasted to French kings and his last name was “Merovingian.” That’s why French character in Matrix 2 was called the Merovingian. Maybe.
BUT OLD BIBLE IS GONE and may never come back. We now are left, today, with a perverse, Devil’s Bible of Prince James! Everything is different, darker, sick and twisted from the way it was. There were not misspellings and sentences that started without capital letters ever before. The KJ condemned homosexuality and Moses text/laws clearly stated men shouldn’t wear women’s clothes and the reverse. But now! Incredible, new, royal, modern words are suddenly there when they were never there before. What Witchcraft is this? It is the witchcraft of a living/breathing demonic enemy that sits on the fucking throne of England and has the power to wave a magical wand and turn everything good into evil. Forget the tech and old, lost history I spoke of…
What’s relevant now are these unbelievable changes to the Bible and our world. Who could be manifesting this evil and building a new universe in their dark image as the positive world we once knew becomes negative? Who could do this? We know exactly: The House of Windsor with ancient bloodlines that go back to Vlad the Impaler. You didn’t know that the Queen and twisted-sister aristocrats were related to Dracula? Now you do.
I also have to credit the Bible-thumpers like Eya and others; they’ve told me something and have discovered many of the KJ changes. I thank them for that. I look at every source for knowledge and truth. Every source speaks lies and truth. You have to decide what % is right and what % is wrong. Even the Devil speaks a lot of Truth, within the lies and deception; that’s how he hooks you. How about that? Something basic people would never believe: You can even learn from the Devil when he’s telling the Truth.
Btw: You’ll never believe what the Devil did to all of the Churches? HE BUILT THEM, yes, all are different and they fight and kill each other like the Crusades or in Middle-East. Maybe these misconceptions and ignorant simplicity are exactly what he wants? Future, believe it or not, is bright and there will be much better days ahead. The problem is that time is 100 or 200 years from now; it will get darker before it gets better. But PARADISE will return because it’s in our blood as utopians, to live peacefully, morally, compassionately, without fear and hatred. It’s all going to eventually return, the good/positive things. My wish is you’d believe me.

Your comments are very welcome.
Contact Tray at dugx@sbcglobal.net

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