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Of The Voynich Manuscript. The most mysterious book can be deciphered.

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Of The Voynich Manuscript.
The most mysterious book can be deciphered.
Anichkin N. M.

Modern humanity knows many different unsolved mysteries. They exist in
different spheres of human activity and are of different origin, including natural,
historical, geographical, man-made, etc. Among man-made mysteries a special
place is the so-called "Voynich Manuscript". Currently, it is considered to be the
most unsolved book. In General, the manuscript of Voynich is a collection of
drawings of plants, circular diagrams, unknown female rites and a significant text
part. On external signs it can be attributed to the encyclopedic reference book.
Over the past few decades, many attempts have been made to decipher
the manuscript Voynich. And this was done not only by fans of various fields of
knowledge, but also by professionals cryptologists, including such reputable
organizations as the CIA and the NSA. It should be noted that at one time they
managed to crack the most complex ciphers. Not remained aloof and specialists
of other branches of knowledge, and even experts of the occult theories. Modern
possibilities of computing facilities were used. The analysis of many languages for
their possible use in writing the manuscript. As a result of this painstaking work to
date, the only result - the manuscript of Voynich is a real document, which is a
semantic text written using an unknown language. Although there is another
opinion. So, more recently, the scientist of the University of Kiel of great Britain
Gordon ragg, who was engaged in decoding of RV since 2003, said that this is a
skillful forgery. It is easy to notice that too much labour had to invest in a joke.
And the parchment at that time was worth a lot. Chemical and radiocarbon
analyses showed that the manuscript was not written before 1438.
Leaving in this work the history of the origin and further "travel" of this
artifact it makes sense to dwell on the possibility of its translation and possible
The analysis of methods of approach of experts to decoding of MV showed
that all of them had one mistake. They all tried the marks, who wrote the
Voynich manuscript, see the letters of the alphabet of any language, and
European language. This approach has not produced positive results. Therefore,
it is necessary to change the approach to decoding. Namely, it is necessary to find
a language whose alphabet structure would correspond to the structure of the
system of signs used in writing PB. I.e. for a basis to take not a single sign, and the
whole system of signs in General.
Now it is necessary to find a system in a variety of signs with which
Voynich's manuscript is written. After analyzing the signs used in the
manuscript, it was possible to find such a system. Now the question arose to
find a language whose alphabet format would coincide with the format of the
signs of the manuscript. Conducted the search gave outcome. Found an ancient
language, the format (or structure) of the alphabet which coincided with the
format (or structure) of the characters used in the text. But then it did not go
smoothly. The structure of the complex characters and the alphabet of the
proposed language are identical, but the number of letters was slightly more. I
had to go back to the text. As a result, a numerical mark was found in the text
itself. Using this mark as a hint and securing a certain number of characters in
two letters, everything fell into place. Later in the translation of some short words
specified fixing characters for the letters was confirmed. This is the second level
of encryption of the Voynich manuscript. Further, after analyzing the text with
the already available data, it was found that in words that begin with vowels,
these vowels are omitted. Moreover, and within words vowels are used very
rarely. This can be considered the third level of encryption. These two
circumstances further exclude the possibility of using computer programs to
translate the text of the manuscript Voynich. "Manual" translation is also
difficult. For example, if a word in the text consists of 4 characters, then this
supposed word will correspond to 8 letters, 4 of which must be excluded. Thus,
without a perfect knowledge of the language of ancestors can not do. When I
translated short words, I used information obtained on the Internet, and they are
there, as you know, limited and only conventional use. And in this case we have
specific themes and ancient language.
Using the above in the so-called" Botanical " section succumbed to the
translation of the following short words (short in the text of the manuscript):
Sweet drink, nectar. Food, food. Pleasure, pleasure. Grain, bread. Six. Drink,
absorb. Maturation and so on. An example is the results of translating words
from the text in sheet 2. (Rice. 1).
It is easy to notice that the meaning of the translated words corresponds to
the picture. So the word, the translation of which corresponds to a "hemp, hemp,
wearing hemp," says that this plant was used to obtain the starting material in the
manufacture of yarn and in the subsequent material and clothing. In our time,
these plants are flax and hemp. From words "maturity, boiled food "in this case
apparently should use"maturity." In many texts of this section there is a word, the
translation of which means the word "six". The presence of this word can be
explained as follows. At the time of writing the manuscript Voynich acted
different chronology, according to which the week consisted of nine days.
Multiplying the number of days in a week by six we get: 9 x 6 = 54. That is, six
weeks corresponds to 54 days, which in modern terms corresponds to nearly two
months. And it is known that so much time is necessary for the maturation of
most plants.
The result gives grounds to draw the following conclusion. In the first
section of the manuscript Voynich (sheets 1-57) are plants that grow in the region
of its writing, the order of their cultivation and use in everyday life.

This is followed by a small section on sheets 57/2 – 58. Page 57/2 shows a
figure representing a pie chart (Fig.2.). The diagram consists of 4 sectors. In each
sector the silhouette of a man on which it is impossible to determine its sex (this
observation further play a role). Therefore, the information in this figure applies
to all regardless of gender. There are many short words in this diagram that have
been translated. These are the usual words, namely: sour milk. Dairy product.
Cooked food. Mealtime. Sometimes. Some. Contribute. Eat, eat. There is no
doubt that in this case we are talking about the organization of proper, healthy
Of The Voynich Manuscript. The most mysterious book can be deciphered. Rg55nSW5nOaqPny15kVCEhX72e7RQbm3Q4cyzVtC4zMpMCrNUprmuuOrcbuzYldcOwt3zU1EkvgBQBsSCaomwvLIcWEWFcEdcstjKtlxFEsSJWZG2CraKGbrX4SREa1FWGj43WVk5QoT8gmI
Rice.1. Plant used for cooking, and for the manufacture of clothing.

Now, why four sectors. Turning to the Vedas, we find that the food of our
ancestors in the summer was four times. Further. In each part we find the same
group of words, which are translated as follows: someone. Say. Praise. Situated.
Turning to the Vedas, we find that before each meal one of those present at the
table should say praise to God. Thus, it should be concluded that in this figure we
are talking not only about a rational diet, but also about the ritual of eating. On
the next two pages there are words: "bread, desire, food, food, drink, clean the
intestines." This suggests that the next two text pages are devoted to healthy
human nutrition.
Of The Voynich Manuscript. The most mysterious book can be deciphered. UuFmd7iBE9TElduWRRLWVoB6QZmgy7hYsrMjCY7KD0L-RXbJJnP3jZs-4mtz_mAWx48hNZCTmsthKUE5rK-2q1EMlEP2m1YzAvOAP5E
Rice.2. The procedure of eating.

The next small section, consisting of four pages (sheets 65-66), three of
which contain three plants and one text page. The fact that these plants are
allocated from the General section of plants can speak about their special
As for the third, the text page that it was possible not only to translate a
few words, but also to make two semantic sentences. And the meaning of the
proposals is a single theme (Fig.3). Perhaps these three separately depicted
plants have certain specific medicinal properties.
Of The Voynich Manuscript. The most mysterious book can be deciphered. Tj8AORsaYm_bzqk5dzyLguTERPdRmPBBQLzDQB-wTNh-pkBaWOKV_tAipajyZcG5wZvs81rooeIdn7H0x0Koie0i-gLaCxO2coxBg2g
Rice.3. Description of the medicinal properties of water.

This is followed by a section on sheets 67-69. No words could be translated
in this section. However, turning to the Vedas, we learn that our ancestors used
the annual calculation not only by the Sun, but also by the moon. If the solar
calculation in the year was nine months, the lunar months was twelve. And every
month had its own name. On page 67 there are two diagrams, each of which
consists of twelve sectors. Each sector of the first chart contains one word and a
certain number of asterisks. This gives reason to believe that this diagram shows
the months of the lunar calendar with their name, and the number of stars
corresponds to the number of stars in the zodiac sign corresponding to the
The next page (67/2) also contains two diagrams. Following the previous
logic, we can assume that the first of them clearly visible designation of the main
phases of the moon (at the time it was called "Month"): new moon (bottom left,
the moon is not visible), the first quarter, full moon (visible to the whole moon),
the third quarter.
Next, there is a need to focus on the two diagrams on page 68. The first
of them shows 29 stars and each of them has a word. Returning to the Vedas, we
find that the lunar month corresponded to 29.5 days of Sunny days, rounded 29.
There is a need to dwell on one fact. Often the drawings depict a face similar to a
woman's. And in some cases it is depicted in the frame of the flames. Bearing in
mind that in the manuscript of Voynich there is nothing accidental and everything
makes sense, we can assume that in this case the face framed by the flames
denotes the Sun, and without them the moon (Month).
In the diagrams, the Moon is indicated twice, at the bottom and at the
top, and at the bottom it is indicated in a black frame. It should be understood
that so marked the new moon, i.e. dark, the moon is not visible. Respectively at
the top marked the full moon light.
Now you should notice the following. Since the lunar month in the calendar
consists of 29 days, over time there is a difference in the number of days in the
lunar calendar and the number of days in the real year, which increases over time.
In order to compensate for this difference, according to the Vedas there was a so-
called" Holy month " with a large number of days, which compensated for this
difference. Now back to the second diagram. It is similar to the first one with
some differences. Thus, the framing of the moon is more colorful and the Central
part of the picture is surrounded by asterisks, which are made more carefully. In
the Central part there are 36 stars. There is reason to believe that this is the "Holy
month". The text portion at the top, probably, describes it and defines the order
of occurrence and conduct.
On page 68 there are three diagrams. There is reason to stop at the third.
It is divided into a circle of 16 sectors, which are placed stars and a few words.
According to the Vedas in ancient times, the day consisted of 16 hours (the

content of the hour was also different). Moreover, every hour had its own name.
Therefore, we can assume that this diagram shows the hourly description of the
Further, pages 69/2-74/2 contain the following section. This section
consists of pie charts. All diagrams are similar to each other. A distinctive feature
of the diagrams is that their center is the zodiac sign. But we find only 10 of the
12 characters available. This is explained as follows. According to the curator of
the manuscript Voynich it is known that part of the sheets of MV was not found.
In this section we see that the sheet with number 73 is followed by the sheet with
number 75, i.e. there is no 1 sheet on which 2 more diagrams should be placed.
Of The Voynich Manuscript. The most mysterious book can be deciphered. TfF9dVeJEmVCL6if0adl1BbBAPHHFddGiPAp1P3oMo6WC5-YVcFiq0z8z-MRSZYAu8l0PrW0_w0h0zdpgtKMqa2aDZGy1ckPlwbNkW6NAThQC27amqCB142dyKYB4Sb_LVULag2NT0H_-bj_
Rice.4. The process of the cycle of pregnancy under the sign
zodiac Fish.

Consider the diagram on page 70 (Fig. 4.). In the center of the diagram is
most likely a sign of the zodiac Pisces. Around in concentric circles placed a total
of 30 female figures with marks. In the following two diagrams, the author
depicted the same zodiac signs, but in each figure of fifteen female figures.
Nevertheless, this sign of the zodiac corresponds to thirty figures of women. The
situation is similar in the other figures. As a result, we have the following:
- the figures in the charts purely female;
- all signs of the zodiac corresponds to a specific number of female figures,
namely thirty;
- in most cases, the marks next to the female figures, located in the same places,
are different.
It is logical to assume that between the signs of the zodiac, silhouettes of
women and the number "30" should be a likely relationship. Take into account
the fact that according to the Vedas in the week was nine days. Multiplying nine
days by thirty we get two hundred and seventy days. Well, this period is familiar
to all, or at least women. This is the full period of pregnancy of women. Now it is
clear why the diagrams show only the figures of women and their thirty.
Based on the above, it should be concluded: these diagrams show the
features of pregnancy periods in women at conception under different signs of
the zodiac. As proof of this, one of the diagrams managed to translate two
words: "Perhaps. Born.» There are similar words in other diagrams.
Of The Voynich Manuscript. The most mysterious book can be deciphered. F84r-voynich-nymphs
Rice. 5. Reception of medicinal bathing women.

Then on page 75 – 85 should be the next specific section that shows
women who take certain procedures. On page 84 it was possible to translate
some words (Fig. 5), the meaning of which gives reason to believe that this
treatment. The text portion is likely to contain the methodology of preparation
and conduction of procedures.
There is a need to return to the Vedas. According to them, in ancient
times, a lot of attention was paid to the birth of healthy offspring. Constantly
there were various wars, and daily work required good health. Naturally, the birth
of healthy offspring depended on the woman. This fact gives reason to believe
that this and the previous sections are devoted to the maintenance or restoration
of women's health for the purpose of giving birth to healthy offspring.
You should pay attention to the last section of RV (pp. 103 – 116, no
листы109 and 110). Section text, its peculiarity is that each paragraph is marked
with an asterisk, and the asterisks alternate – with the painted center and without
shading. This fact gives grounds to believe, that this conversation: question – the
answer. These can be vital commandments.
From all the above it follows that the mysterious manuscript Voynich is a
kind of encyclopedia of vital knowledge accumulated by our ancestors. It seems,
unfortunately, that this knowledge has been lost and the importance of its
restoration cannot be overestimated.
1. In the manuscript of Voynich there is information that is fully consistent
the encyclopedia Britannica, 1771 edition.
2.Among other things, the manuscript has information about its possible
Origin. But that's a separate topic for the following

Thank you to Nikolai for sharing his work here.

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