Just a bit of information should anyone be a believer. It does appear from all the scientific information, that it is not an IF, but WHEN!
Overview of U.S. states for Pole-Shift safety and After-Time suitability
Caveats: fault lines, mountain sides (landslides), river valleys (flooding), lands
owned by native cultures, open plains (visibility), poor soil (infertile), scarce surface
water (dammed lakes will break and drain), close to military or government
installations, East of volcanoes (west coast), shifting plains, karst areas/ sinkholes
and downwind or downstream of nuclear stations.
– Safe with exceptions. It is recommended to be east of Mt. Baker, Glacier Peak, Mt.
Rainier and Mt. Adams or any volcano by about 20 miles or more. Hungry and aggressive migrants
will be moving east in the After-Time, but less than other areas of the U.S
– Safe with exceptions. It is recommended to be east of Bend or any volcano by about 20
miles. The volcanoes: Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson, Three Sisters, Crator Lake and Newberry Crator will be
active during the Pole-Shift and the After-Time. Migrants will be moving east and from California, so
being hidden and well-fortified is recommended. Most likely a rush to these areas will occur in the last
few years before the Pole-Shift (2019 to 2021) Pole-Shift is estimated to be in 2023.
– Fatal with the possible exception of the northeast. The northeast being a semi-arid zone,
would requires special precautions against natural water supply and many aggressive survivor-migrants
from southern California. The fly-in-the-ointment for this area would be the Medicine lake volcano
reducing the safe area from a 20 mile perimeter of the volcanic area to the western state border. All
damns will break during the Pole-Shift and therefore the reservoirs will empty, leaving streams in their
place. An After-Time life may be possible along these streams if suitable soil can be found or trucked
– Generally Safe. The mountainous western portion is relatively safe. The one exception
would be the extreme southern area that is west of Yellowstone which could expect some limited
amount of ash-fall from the minor eruptions from Yellowstone. The plains eastward from Dodson or
Mosby are marginally safe, but expect land buckling during the Pole-Shift. The Missouri river farther
to the east could be a refuge for those prepared enough
– Generally safe. The best locations are from Castle Rocks / central mountainous area to the the
north. The southern area of the Snake river valley will flood massively and is not recommended.
– Unsafe. This is for two reasons: one is due to the volcanoes spotted around the state, and the
second is that Nevada will remain a desert and an inhospitable environment in the After-Time.
Evacuation is highly-recommended
– Mixed. Yellowstone will not erupt as touted by the U.S. Government, but no sense in
setting up nearby, the caldera may blow some ash. In Wyoming, do not set up anywhere west of YS.
The plains to the east (certainly) and (possibly) west of Bighorn mountains will compress, rumple.
West Central Wyoming seems best area. Give Cheyenne Mountain Air force Station a wide berth. The
Medicine Bow National forest seems to be the best area for settlement as it has natural lakes
Utah –
Geologically safe. A semi-arid with little or no fresh surface lake water. All dams will break
during the Pole-Shift (PS). An AT life could be eked-out along the Colorado River, or other fresh water
source, but without fertile soil, this would be very difficult. Utah has some social-religious concerns.
Arizona –
Geologically safe, with the exception of the southwest corner of the state due to ocean
inundation and Pole-Melt flooding. Few, to no natural fresh water lakes, forces life to be had along a
limited amount year-round flowing streams or rivers. Known characteristically by it’s desert, infertile
soil and rough range areas, makes this state an uneasy place for AT living. Possibly a migration to the
new Pacific ocean shores in the After-Time, to the southwest, could yield a successful life by the sea in
the AT.
Colorado –
Generally safe, with exceptions. The mountains to the west will be safe, but popular. The
area along the continental divide, such as where Denver lays, extending for about 50 miles on the
plains to the east, are geologically dangerous (landslides, heaving/moving ground) and the government
and military installations are to be avoided.
New Mexico –
Geologically safe, but not recommended. Similar to Arizona in it’s (lack of) water
resources and soil makes this state mostly uninhabitable for After-Time living
The Dakotas –
Relatively unsafe. These two states will massively flood and may experience
“override”: laterally-eastward-moving land during the Pole-Shift. This mix of rumpling land and back-
washing and rising rivers will transform the Dakotas into the land of the moving waters. Survival
camps out-in-the-open will be easy to see by mobile gangs and the U.S. Military. Expect a visit. Not-
Nebraska –
Generally unsafe. Similar to the Dakotas with big-time flooding from rising rivers and
moving land to it’s west. Not-recommended.
Kansas –
Generally unsafe. A state much like the Dakotas and Nebraska, essentially flat with the same
concerns: flooding. Pole-Shift surviving migrants from the east will be flowing westward as well
making Kansas a busy and socially dangerous place.
Oklahoma –
Mixed, safe and unsafe with exceptions. Oklahoma will be awash with flooding and a
throughway for migrants from Texas in the AT. The Ozarks would be the highest and safest land nearby
albeit popular with others seeking high ground. An alternative survival area would be in the
northeastern mountains of New Mexico along the (Vermejo) rivers
Texas –
Mixed, safe and unsafe with exceptions. East of Fort Worth and San Antonio will be under
water by 2025: the Pole-Melt (PM). During the PS, ocean water will rush up from the Gulf to the
Balcones escarpment destroying everything in it’s path. Any survivors will be migrating to west Texas
causing difficult, if not impossible, social conditions there to established home-fronts (looting, hold-ups
and other kinds of confrontations). A possible life in the After-Time could be had if strong settlements
wanted to migrate southward to the new Gulf shores after 2025.
Minnesota –
Safe with exceptions. Northeast Minnesota sits on the Canadian Shield Craton, so is
entirely stable ground. The Red river and it’s tributaries to the west will flood the western and the southern areas, the Minnesota plains. Similarly, the Mississippi will flood the southeast as well.
Minneapolis will be awash with a back-washed Mississippi
southern areas, the Minnesota plains. Similarly, the Mississippi will flood the southeast as well.
Minneapolis will be awash with a back-washed Mississippi.
Iowa –
Safe with exceptions. Essentially a plain with many rivers and little lakes, these will over flow
their banks and cause wide-spread flooding across the state. The slightly higher northern part of the
state may fair better than the southern due to flooding caused by the Missouri, Des Moines and the
Mississippi rivers. The good news is that in the AT, Iowa will become a sea port due to the ocean-
flooded Mississippi valley. Good soil also makes this state a good choice after it has dried-out however,
which could take several years. Not-so-good news is that could suffer big earth changes along the
Mississippi during the New Madrid (NM) in 2021 – 2022.
Missouri –
Mixed, both safe and unsafe. Unsafe for three reasons: the Pole-Melt will flood St. Louis
Missouri to Louisville Kentucky, the New Madrid (NM) fault-zone lies to the eastern border of
Missouri and the Pole-Shift waves are likely to reach this far inland. To the southwest lies the Ozarks
which will both be above the Pole-Melt and good rock for the Pole-Shift event.
Arkansas –
Similar to Missouri, both Safe and unsafe. The Ozarks lie to the northwest with the
Ouachita National Forest area just to the south will likely be above the Pole-Melt flooding. Ouachita
will be somewhat isolated but has less protection from the Pole-Shift waves, however.
Mississippi –
Unsafe. The state of Mississippi is entirely flooded-over in the AT plus it is on the New
Madrid fault line. Evacuation ahead of time (before 2021) is highly-recommended
Louisiana –
Unsafe. Similar to Mississippi, evacuation ahead of time (before 2021) is highly-
Wisconsin –
Safe with exceptions. The northern to the northeast is situated on the Canadian Shield
craton, so the ground is entirely stable. The western state boundary is on the St. Criox / Mississippi
rivers so those areas along the border are flood zones. The border zone from the city of Superior to
Markville will likely suffer pole-shift wash from Lake Superior and some flooding from the St. Louis
river. Western Michigan, the northern border of Wisconsin, will likely become common land between
those states, so will be available in the AT to both populations. This extension (south-side Lake
Superior) would be an excellent location both for the PS and the AT offering fishing and travel/trade
opportunities. Alert: Green Bay to through Oshkosh is a danger zone, it is likely to fracture, split
creating an extended Lake-bay all the way to Madison.
Illinois –
Unsafe. This state will be permanently under the waves by 2025 becoming the sea bottom of
the new Mississippi bay in the AT . Before that time, it’s land will be awash with massive flooding.
Evacuation before 2021 is recommended
southern areas, the Minnesota plains. Similarly, the Mississippi will flood the southeast as well.
Minneapolis will be awash with a back-washed Mississippi.
Iowa –
Safe with exceptions. Essentially a plain with many rivers and little lakes, these will over flow
their banks and cause wide-spread flooding across the state. The slightly higher northern part of the
state may fair better than the southern due to flooding caused by the Missouri, Des Moines and the
Mississippi rivers. The good news is that in the AT, Iowa will become a sea port due to the ocean-
flooded Mississippi valley. Good soil also makes this state a good choice after it has dried-out however,
which could take several years. Not-so-good news is that could suffer big earth changes along the
Mississippi during the New Madrid (NM) in 2021 – 2022.
Missouri –
Mixed, both safe and unsafe. Unsafe for three reasons: the Pole-Melt will flood St. Louis
Missouri to Louisville Kentucky, the New Madrid (NM) fault-zone lies to the eastern border of
Missouri and the Pole-Shift waves are likely to reach this far inland. To the southwest lies the Ozarks
which will both be above the Pole-Melt and good rock for the Pole-Shift event.
Arkansas –
Similar to Missouri, both Safe and unsafe. The Ozarks lie to the northwest with the
Ouachita National Forest area just to the south will likely be above the Pole-Melt flooding. Ouachita
will be somewhat isolated but has less protection from the Pole-Shift waves, however.
Mississippi –
Unsafe. The state of Mississippi is entirely flooded-over in the AT plus it is on the New
Madrid fault line. Evacuation ahead of time (before 2021) is highly-recommended.
Louisiana –
Unsafe. Similar to Mississippi, evacuation ahead of time (before 2021) is highly-
Wisconsin –
Safe with exceptions. The northern to the northeast is situated on the Canadian Shield
craton, so the ground is entirely stable. The western state boundary is on the St. Criox / Mississippi
rivers so those areas along the border are flood zones. The border zone from the city of Superior to
Markville will likely suffer pole-shift wash from Lake Superior and some flooding from the St. Louis
river. Western Michigan, the northern border of Wisconsin, will likely become common land between
those states, so will be available in the AT to both populations. This extension (south-side Lake
Superior) would be an excellent location both for the PS and the AT offering fishing and travel/trade
opportunities. Alert: Green Bay to through Oshkosh is a danger zone, it is likely to fracture, split
creating an extended Lake-bay all the way to Madison.
Illinois –
Unsafe. This state will be permanently under the waves by 2025 becoming the sea bottom of
the new Mississippi bay in the AT . Before that time, it’s land will be awash with massive flooding.
Evacuation before 2021 is recommended.
Michigan –
Generally Safe. This state is situated on very old rock and as such is geologically very
stable. Being surrounded by the Great Lakes, the danger during the PS is Lake-water sloshing. It is
suggested to be on rock (if close to the lake), 50 feet up in elevation and 10 miles from the Lake (zt).
The southern areas of Michigan are highly-populated and will generate a large mass of hungry migrants
just after the PS, this makes western Michigan (southern shores of Lake Superior) more desirable to
avoid the moving masses of migrants in the AT. Survival camps will need to be hidden. After a few
years into the AT, this area will be excellent for trade and commerce due to it’s proximity to the Lakes.
Indiana –
Unsafe with an exception. Western Indiana will be under the waves in the AT, after the Pole-
Melt (PM) and southern Indiana will be much the same. In the AT, a large degree of hungry migrants
will be moving to the slightly-higher and geologically-safe eastern portion of the state, but will make
that area dangerous and crowded. The New Madrid (NM) fault-line shock-zone is also close-by, so
tectonic, social and military-response repercussions are to be expected as well. Kokomo is also a back-
up U.S. carry-on government installation, which is to be avoided. Evacuation is recommended, unless a
secure and hidden location can be set up in the eastern territories of the state.
Ohio –
Generally unsafe with exceptions. Southern Ohio along the Ohio river will massively flood
during the PS, and in the AT, the PM will cause a permanent a state-wide wandering-bay where the
river used to flow. Much of Ohio’s central areas will flood during the PS as well, with perhaps a few
areas above the flowing flood waters, but high visibility will make the Ohio plains unsafe against gangs
and the military. The Appellation mountains to the east will be the Ohioans main refuge, but move there
early to avoid the rush. The New Madrid (NM) fault-line adjustment will wreck havoc with central
Ohio splitting the state in half isolating families, trade and travel right up to the PS and into the After-
Time (AT).
Kentucky –
Generally unsafe with exceptions. Between an expanding Ohio river to the north and a
permanently flooded Mississippi valley to the west, these conditions will drive Kentuckians into the
Appellations. The NM fault-line adjustment will underline the need to move well ahead of time for the
PS. The advantage will be the high ground to the east, but the draw-backs will be isolation from the
western U.S. many months before the PS and a very busy survival-zone with hungry migrants from the
southernmost states.
Tennessee -
Generally safe with a severe exception. The western 1/3 of this state will be permanently
lost to the sea in the AT and will host the NM fault-line adjustment isolating the remaining state
inhabitants hunkered-down to the west in the Appellations from continental U.S. Besides the high land
to the west with good soil, the other good thing about Tennessee, is access to the sea on both coasts for
the AT. The one main caution with Tennessee, however, is the high degree of population of survivalists
and the arriving migrants from the Southern states, making this area dangerous and complicated to
survive long term. If you must go here for the PS and AT, be absolutely hidden with much food stocked
and hidden away
Indiana –
Unsafe with an exception. Western Indiana will be under the waves in the AT, after the Pole-
Melt (PM) and southern Indiana will be much the same. In the AT, a large degree of hungry migrants
will be moving to the slightly-higher and geologically-safe eastern portion of the state, but will make
that area dangerous and crowded. The New Madrid (NM) fault-line shock-zone is also close-by, so
tectonic, social and military-response repercussions are to be expected as well. Kokomo is also a back-
up U.S. carry-on government installation, which is to be avoided. Evacuation is recommended, unless a
secure and hidden location can be set up in the eastern territories of the state.
Ohio –
Generally unsafe with exceptions. Southern Ohio along the Ohio river will massively flood
during the PS, and in the AT, the PM will cause a permanent a state-wide wandering-bay where the
river used to flow. Much of Ohio’s central areas will flood during the PS as well, with perhaps a few
areas above the flowing flood waters, but high visibility will make the Ohio plains unsafe against gangs
and the military. The Appellation mountains to the east will be the Ohioans main refuge, but move there
early to avoid the rush. The New Madrid (NM) fault-line adjustment will wreck havoc with central
Ohio splitting the state in half isolating families, trade and travel right up to the PS and into the After-
Time (AT).
Kentucky –
Generally unsafe with exceptions. Between an expanding Ohio river to the north and a
permanently flooded Mississippi valley to the west, these conditions will drive Kentuckians into the
Appellations. The NM fault-line adjustment will underline the need to move well ahead of time for the
PS. The advantage will be the high ground to the east, but the draw-backs will be isolation from the
western U.S. many months before the PS and a very busy survival-zone with hungry migrants from the
southernmost states.
Tennessee -
Generally safe with a severe exception. The western 1/3 of this state will be permanently
lost to the sea in the AT and will host the NM fault-line adjustment isolating the remaining state
inhabitants hunkered-down to the west in the Appellations from continental U.S. Besides the high land
to the west with good soil, the other good thing about Tennessee, is access to the sea on both coasts for
the AT. The one main caution with Tennessee, however, is the high degree of population of survivalists
and the arriving migrants from the Southern states, making this area dangerous and complicated to
survive long term. If you must go here for the PS and AT, be absolutely hidden with much food stocked
and hidden away.
Alabama –
Fatal with an unsafe exception. Most of this state will be under the sea in the AT and
severely washed-over during the PS. The only safe land is, of course, to the north in the Appellations.
Like Tennessee, the problems for Alabamians will be the massive arrival of hungry migrants from
Florida and Georgia, making this area very difficult to be hidden and to survive. Evacuation beforehand
is recommended.
Georgia –
Fatal. This state is a mirror-image of the fate of Alabama. Evacuation before the NM is
Florida -
Fatal. It’s the end-of-the-line for the state of Florida. The state is even sinking as you are
reading this. Evacuation before the NM hits (about 2021- 2022) is highly-recommended
Maine –
Safe with a minor exception. This state has good rock under it and is the northern-most state
in the New England area making this state a possible haven from the migrants of the highly-populated
cities along the Atlantic coast. Being hidden with your survival camp is still recommended, however.
About 1/3 of Maine, the coastal area, is lost to the sea in the At, but there are safe locations on some of
the islands with high land, however. Northern and northwestern Maine will be permanently above the
waves in the AT. The NM will isolate the state, get your survival food and equipment before the NM
event hits sometime around 2021-2022 or sooner!
New Hampshire –
Safe. This state does lose about 25 kms of its coast to the new Atlantic, but most
of the state remains well above the sea in the AT. With good old rock under the state it will weather the
PS very well. With lots of high land to escape the PS waves and no doubt good soil, makes this state
desirable for a safe location. The only bug-in-the-ointment will be the migrants from the highly-
populated Atlantic coast (Boston, NYC, etc.). Those not wanting to interface with aggressive and
hungry migrant-survivors after the PS will have to set-up camp in hidden from view areas. Of course
the NM fault-line break will isolate the New Hampshirites from Continental N.A. making preparations
for the PS and the AT suggested a year earlier than the rest of the U.S. of A.
Vermont –
Safe. A state that will gain access to the sea on it’s eastern boarder, the “Albany valley” I
call it, will benefit from this intrusion of the St. Lawrence as a sea channel that will flow over West
Point Academy to the city of New York, down the old Hudson River. You will be able tell your
grandchildren that you knew the sea channel as a fresh water river. The Pole-Shift will have other
impacts, but the state is high on old rock, so will fair well in that regard. As with New Hampshire,
being hidden with your survival camp is highly-recommended, as many migrants will be headed your
Massachusetts –
Generally safe. This state will experience a combination of events similar to
Vermont and New Hampshire. Cape Cod will be reclaimed by the Atlantic including all of Warwick.
This state will also be split by the sea all the up the Connecticut River valley creating a wide channel
between the two halves. The valley that runs up to Lake Champlain will become a new sea channel all
the way up through the St. Lawrence river. The sea will flow through that channel with a very
aggressive current. The NM fault-line break will isolate Massachusettians from continental N.A., so
readiness for the PS a year earlier is highly-recommended. As in most other New England states,
aggressive migrants will be a problem, chose a spot for your survival camp that is well-hidden
Connecticut –
Generally safe. Massachusetts and Connecticut have almost the same fate and good
luck with the exception of being so close to very high population of the cities of the Atlantic coast:
hungry, aggressive and angry migrants, many of them. My advice if determined to stick in this state, or
the others: MA., VT. & N.H., is to have your survival area on a hill but back from the crest so can’t be
seen from the valley-bottom. The migrants will be travelling along valley-bottoms and are loath to
climb if they don’t have to, don’t give them a reason, stay hidden.
Rhode Island –
Fatal. The state of RI will be washed-over and bare just after the Pole-Shift. Once the
Pole-Melt has completed (about 2025), it will be just a sliver of land with the eastward portion being
reclaimed by the Atlantic
New York –
Safe. There is a lot happening in the state of New York for both the New Madrid (NM)
fault-line adjustment, the Pole-Shift and the After-Time. This state has good rock and even hosts a
portion of the Canadian Shield craton under it’s northern half beyond the Iroquois river. The northern most stretch of land along the St. Lawrence river will be close the NM event, so therefore dangerous
during that event. The Iroquois river will likely become a sea channel cutting-off easy access to the
northern craton area from the south. The valley of the Hudson river will also become a sea channel,
with very aggressive tidal action, again isolating the northern NY Craton from Vermont. The Pole-Melt
(PM) will consume up to 50 Kms of it’s northern border area with Canada. An excellent safe-area, but
will be inundated in many areas with hungry migrants moving inland from the highly-populated coastal
cities, so survival camps need to be high and hidden from view from the valley-bottoms.
Pennsylvania –
Generally safe with exceptions. This state has good rock, except for the southeast
zone which has karst (caves, sinkholes). Expected to bend during the Pole-Shift, Pennsylvania is near
the axis-point of the Hudson river valley for the “bouncing up” of the state land up to Maine and the
Gaspe Peninsula, so breaking gas lines are of a particular concern. Minimal issues with the Pole-Shift
waves and the land is high against lake Erie. Wandering migrants will be a large concern for
Pennsylvanians, so if survival camps/home-groups are going to be newly setup, find a hidden area, hard
to reach on a hill top and stay quiet for 3 years
New Jersey –
Fatal. Most of the state of New Jersey will be under the waves by 2024 and washed-
over thoroughly by the Pole-Shift in 2023. Only a small sliver of land near Stroudsburg will be barely
dry, which will be beach-front for the new Atlantic sea shore. Evacuation is recommended.
Maryland –
Mostly Unsafe. From the town of Big Pool west, it is above the pole-melt, therefore, all
of Maryland to the Atlantic sea shore will be under the waves in the After-Time. Land to the west is
high enough, but is riddled with karst areas. Consult the state geological surveys to identify the rock
under your land. If water soluble rock such as limestone, dolomite, or gypsum it is unsafe. The western
portion of Maryland is safe from the Pole-Shift ocean-wash however.
Delaware –
Fatal. All of Delaware will be the new Atlantic sea-bottom in the AT and will be severely
washed-over during the Pole-Shift. Evacuation before the New Madrid is recommended.
West Virginia –
Safe with exceptions. This state, located in the Appellation Mountains, is above the
Pole-Shift waves and beyond the advancing Atlantic seashore of the Pole-Melt as well. Two exceptions:
first is the extensive karst rock which could cause sinkholes and unexpected flooding during the PS,
and second, migration from homeless Ohians, Virginians and North Carolinians in the early After-
Virginia –
Generally safe with major exceptions. From Charlottesville, Lynchburg and Martinsville
westward into the Appellations, the state is above the Pole-Melt and the Pole-Shift ocean-wash. Hungry
migrants from the southern states will be abundant in the early After-Time, and for those who have not
moved from the little remote towns or into the hidden lands of the western mountains, will have to deal
with their requests.
North Carolina –
Generally safe with exceptions. Much like Virginia, but from Greensboro and
Charlotte westward into the Appellations, the state will be above the Pole-Melt and the Pole-Shift
ocean-wash. It is said that there are/will be strongholds of the wealthy in this state with ex-military
guards, stay away from these fortifications. Migrants will be plentiful,
South Carolina –
Fatal with a minor exception. The town of Greenville and nearby will be the only
dry land in the After-Time. The Pole-Melt will rob the land slowly until most of the state is under the
waves of the New Atlantic.
Alaska –
Generally safe with severe exceptions. Draw a line from Kotzebue Sound through
Fairbanks, north of this line is safe from the ash-fall of the many volcanoes that will be blowing ash in
the After-Time making life miserable for those south of the line. This line is defined by the direction of
the prevailing winds and the locations of the many volcanoes of the Aleutian Islands. I’m sure all
Alaskans are well-aware of the Kodiak bears, but for those migrating there to escape the troubles of
massive migration of the Continental U.S., these bears are a huge threat to a survival encampment
unprepared to deal with them
Hawaii –
Safe. The islands of Hawaii are much more safe from the Pole-Shift waves than one would
think, still, it’s advised to be well-away from the ocean for your survival location