February 15, 2019
Cube UFO Shaped Object Exits Earths Sun. February 9, 2019
Date of sighting: February 9, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: NASA
Now another cube was caught exiting our sun last week. I say exit, because as you see from the photo gif below...there is a big ejection of solar material shooting out the the sun that is tightly focused on the other end. Look carefully and you will see a cube inside the material coming out of the sun. The cube is not on top of the material, but rather...inside of it. You can only see about 80% of the cube and the other 20% is under the solar material. That is evidence that this UFO cube is a 3D object and not a glitch in the photo. This UFO has been seen entering and exiting our sun, sometimes 100% visible and other times its 3D and blended into the solar surface of the sun as it entered or exited. Its not a rare occurrence either. It happens several times a week or more. Its hard to believe NASA has managed to hide such information about giant alien ships using our sun...and yet, they pull it off. At a size of several times bigger than earth, the only reason its managed to stay a secret so long is that its just so far away from Earth.
Scott C. Waring
Thanks to Scott at: https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com