Judy Note: There was no new intel that I could find on Sun. April 15. According to Saturday’s intel, as of Fri. night Midnight April 12 2008-09 Zimbabwe bank notes turned into official gold-backed Historic Bond Notes and had to be redeemed immediately, plus our funding was in place and the new currency rates were locked into bank screens. By Sat. April 13 CMKX and Prosperity Packages were being delivered and the banks were pinging each other (a sign they were about to begin exchanges).
The bottom line: Notification for appointments could come at any moment and in a shotgun approach. Keep your phones and computers on, charged and glued to your email, texts (for Zim holders) and websites that said they would advertise the 800#s, such as Dinar Chronicles.
WARNING: Dave Schmidt was known for asking people to give him their currencies and Zim, saying he would exchange/redeem for them. This was a very questionable practice to say the least. Now he has a video out (I did not publish the link as I refuse to promote disinformation) where he said at the 8-9 min. mark that if you have not yet turned in your currencies and Zim to a broker, you would not be able to exchange, plus you had to be in touch with a buyer in order to profit from the Global Currency Reset.
In my opinion this is a scam to obtain your currencies and Zim. If Schmidt or anyone else exchanged for you, then by necessity they would have to put the monies into their own personal account and sign the NDA. They would be under no obligation to pay you anything from the exchange. Mr. Schmidt should be investigated for possible fraud.
It was strongly advised that you DO NOT give your currencies or Zim to anyone, that you redeem/exchange them yourself and if you don’t keep your currencies and Zim securely under your own control, you would be at risk of losing your monies.
If you have given your Zim or currencies to anyone to exchange for you, you might want to demand that they return such to you immediately. If they don’t return what is yours you could take your receipts that prove you bought the currency or Zim and charge the person in court with stealing your monies. This should be done ASAP since we have a limited time to exchange in the higher rates.
You have the power to redeem/exchange your own Zim and currencies. You can ask for the higher Back Screen and Contract rates. You can determine how much you want for your humanitarian program and ask at your appointment for a rate that would give you the needed monies. You DO NOT need a con artist to do it for you.
Judy Note: There was no new intel that I could find on Sun. April 15. According to Saturday’s intel, as of Fri. night Midnight April 12 2008-09 Zimbabwe bank notes turned into official gold-backed Historic Bond Notes and had to be redeemed immediately, plus our funding was in place and the new currency rates were locked into bank screens. By Sat. April 13 CMKX and Prosperity Packages were being delivered and the banks were pinging each other (a sign they were about to begin exchanges).
The bottom line: Notification for appointments could come at any moment and in a shotgun approach. Keep your phones and computers on, charged and glued to your email, texts (for Zim holders) and websites that said they would advertise the 800#s, such as Dinar Chronicles.
WARNING: Dave Schmidt was known for asking people to give him their currencies and Zim, saying he would exchange/redeem for them. This was a very questionable practice to say the least. Now he has a video out (I did not publish the link as I refuse to promote disinformation) where he said at the 8-9 min. mark that if you have not yet turned in your currencies and Zim to a broker, you would not be able to exchange, plus you had to be in touch with a buyer in order to profit from the Global Currency Reset.
In my opinion this is a scam to obtain your currencies and Zim. If Schmidt or anyone else exchanged for you, then by necessity they would have to put the monies into their own personal account and sign the NDA. They would be under no obligation to pay you anything from the exchange. Mr. Schmidt should be investigated for possible fraud.
It was strongly advised that you DO NOT give your currencies or Zim to anyone, that you redeem/exchange them yourself and if you don’t keep your currencies and Zim securely under your own control, you would be at risk of losing your monies.
If you have given your Zim or currencies to anyone to exchange for you, you might want to demand that they return such to you immediately. If they don’t return what is yours you could take your receipts that prove you bought the currency or Zim and charge the person in court with stealing your monies. This should be done ASAP since we have a limited time to exchange in the higher rates.
You have the power to redeem/exchange your own Zim and currencies. You can ask for the higher Back Screen and Contract rates. You can determine how much you want for your humanitarian program and ask at your appointment for a rate that would give you the needed monies. You DO NOT need a con artist to do it for you.